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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


zlatko said:
I haven't been worrying about my k/d in the beta, but if Metro launches in this poor state, there is no fucking way you will ever find me willingly playing as attacker on that map. It's just a giant donation to the defenders.
I think if they give back the apc that was in the alpha to the attackers its balanced again. that thing can turn the tide for the attackers


Killer said:

I'll bite.

Dude complains about running around the map and getting picked off and then calls it a CoD clone. Yeah.....

Although I will say, DICE did themselves a huge disservice by not releasing a map with vehicles in it. Its what makes Battlefield unique. Instead, we have people running around with their heads chopped off and then complaining that this is a CoD clone when they can't accomplish shit.

Yeah, you feel me mother fucker? This is sexy bit-bit, signing out of this shizzle.


Finally got the holo sight for the M249, wtf, 30 fps really, really make a difference when playing. And I thought it was that weird crossfire studdering everyone was talking about. I´d really like to know why CF was off D:

Does the holo zoom in? I played a bit with the PP2000 and liked the holo on it, but I played a very, very short bit with it on the 249 and couldn´t kill anything. I´m tired and don´t want to play anymore, though, so maybe it´s not the sight.


Grokbu said:
Oh, so I'm not the only one getting better performance with one card? I would think that it would run at least as good as with crossfire enabled.

Funny thing. I tried running fullscreen with crossfire on just now and it worked.

I have got the latest driver, yeah. I wouldn't have anything against getting a new card either, but I'm sharing the PC I'm on, so I'd have to ask the others before getting a new one. :<

yeah, I've experienced this type of behavior in the past. Its typically been associated with just bad crossfire drivers/application profile for our card. Its usually fixed the next update/preview but annoying. That is one main reason why I went ahead and picked up the 5850; got it for a great price and at this point, I'm just tired of dealing with multiple gpu set ups....


is now taking requests
Sethos said:
Exactly, the attackers are just lamb for the slaughter - Playing as a defender is relaxing and it'll net you a fair amount of kills in 80% of the matches, unless the attackers are really good. That's basically when the game takes a big ass nose dive towards the bottom; when you play attacker, god it sucks. Especially now that everyone realizes what a shitty disadvantage attackers are at from the get-go, people tend to push attackers all the way back to their spawn and keep them there for the duration of the round.

IF attackers by some miracle manage to push the game to the metro, the defenders job gets even easier, this is where most games are decided. The 10% of the times where games continue past this point it's because the attackers are somewhat decent and the last two areas are a breeze.

Defenders shouldn't start with excellent high ground, lots of solid cover and easy access to advantageous positions. DICE completely lost the plot. Attackers just got a bunch of shitty bushes you can't see shit through and the second you reveal and inch of your body, you got 5 guys firing hot lead at you.

I stopped giving a shit when I hit level 10 - Now I got for the kills, usually lands me in the top 5 and I'm now at a 2.1+ K/D ratio.

Weird, because the attackers nearly always win in the games i've played on the PS3. Managing to get the attackers tickets down to 0 feels like much more of an accomplishment compared to winning the game as an attacker.
A lot of problems with the first part of Metro would be resolved if we had fucking smoke "unlocked" from the onset. It should be a standard piece of equipment.

Laser gun UMP is honestly still killing my enjoyment of the beta. I actually don't mind the IRNV so much, but the combo of it and the UMP is ridiculous.


How do you guys have these obscenely high scores per minute? I know that 300 is a "good" score/min, and I'm around 370, and I'm constantly on the Ace of the game, throwing out health every 3 seconds, reviving everyone I can, and having a good KDR. And yet some of you have 400, 500 score/mins. What the hell?
Mr. Snrub said:
A lot of problems with the first part of Metro would be resolved if we had fucking smoke "unlocked" from the onset. It should be a standard piece of equipment.

Laser gun UMP is honestly still killing my enjoyment of the beta. I actually don't mind the IRNV so much, but the combo of it and the UMP is ridiculous.

Well but how else are you going to artificially stretch the games content?
Bit-Bit said:
I'll bite.

Dude complains about running around the map and getting picked off and then calls it a CoD clone. Yeah.....

Although I will say, DICE did themselves a huge disservice by not releasing a map with vehicles in it. Its what makes Battlefield unique. Instead, we have people running around with their heads chopped off and then complaining that this is a CoD clone when they can't accomplish shit.

Yeah, you feel me mother fucker? This is sexy bit-bit, signing out of this shizzle.

Battlefieldo pretty much is spot on. If you got to play Caspian Border, you'll be excited for the final game and understand it's a true sequel to BF2.

Unfortunately, most everyone is playing Operation Metro, which is only a decent (not even great) Rush map and really doesn't show off much that makes Battlefield 3 great (engineer role is underutilized, 32 player count, no vehicles, Rush, small map, and not visually impressive).

boris feinbrand said:
Well but how else are you going to artificially stretch the games content?

I'm also a bit worried/disappointed by this. They made it sound like there'd be SO MUCH to unlock/it would take a long time to progress. There are beta players who already have some classes maxed out/high level, so you KNOW the unlock rates are going to be longer in the full game.

On the other hand, we also haven't had a chance to use the MAV, the SOFLAM, the mortars, etc., to see how they affect the balance of the game.


This beta was a terrible move as far as marketing is concerned. I'm glad they're testing shit now as opposed to fixing it after launch, but holy shit is it bad. Now everyone, specifically all the CoD fans who wanted to see what the BF hype was about, see this shit and assume its the final game.
Mr. Snrub said:
I'm also a bit worried/disappointed by this. They made it sound like there'd be SO MUCH to unlock/it would take a long time to progress. There are beta players who already have some classes maxed out/high level, so you KNOW the unlock rates are going to be longer in the full game.

On the other hand, we also haven't had a chance to use the MAV, the SOFLAM, the mortars, etc., to see how they affect the balance of the game.

Well that's why to me this isn't a beta. It's a poorly slapped together demo, to save expenses and manpower. There is no way to judge balancing at this point, for the obvious bugs and glitches, but also because there is no way to try out these new toys.

And given how poorly DICE has done balancing so far in Battlefield I foresee tons and tons of bitching upon release date.

It's been that way with every single BF game. Dice wows players with the prospect of a more open shooter design with more options and on release we get a poorly tested, poorly balanced turd that is still somehow fun to play for some time.

I'm just not willing to endure another DICE game at launch. Hell if at all. Given how poor Op Metro is designed I kind of doubt that the other maps are any better.


aka andydumi
Mr. Snrub said:
I'm also a bit worried/disappointed by this. They made it sound like there'd be SO MUCH to unlock/it would take a long time to progress. There are beta players who already have some classes maxed out/high level, so you KNOW the unlock rates are going to be longer in the full game.

On the other hand, we also haven't had a chance to use the MAV, the SOFLAM, the mortars, etc., to see how they affect the balance of the game.

This. I want them to speed up leveling to about 10-15, then slow it down. But I also don't want to play for a year and still not have anything maxed out.

They need to balance unlocks for hardcore players who will play for a week straight when it releases with regular players who will play a few hours here and few hours there and take a month or two to play the same amount. If top unlocks are so overpowering, it discourages the lower level players.


Will Eat Your Children
derFeef said:
Then you signed up three times to the newsletter. Or have several accounts with different emails. OR several accounts with the same email but different games... and so on ;)
Not at all :p It was all for Bf3, all the exact same email


AndyD said:
This. I want them to speed up leveling to about 10-15, then slow it down. But I also don't want to play for a year and still not have anything maxed out.

They need to balance unlocks for hardcore players who will play for a week straight when it releases with regular players who will play a few hours here and few hours there and take a month or two to play the same amount. If top unlocks are so overpowering, it discourages the lower level players.
Im sure the 100 hours means everything for every gun and vehichle. If there are certain ones you dont use who cares about its unlock time
dunno if old, but apparently these are the multiplayer maps:

MP_FOREST (Caspian Border)
MP_SUBWAY (Operation Metro)


Mr. Snrub said:
A lot of problems with the first part of Metro would be resolved if we had fucking smoke "unlocked" from the onset. It should be a standard piece of equipment

When does Smoke unlock? Your right though that first part of Metro is utter nonsense Smoke would force some of defenders to move forward a bit to fight. And help those attackers who actually want to attempt to arm the M-Com some well deserved cover.


Dabanton said:
When does Smoke unlock? Your right though that first part of Metro is utter nonsense Smoke would force some of defenders to move forward a bit to fight. And help those attackers who actually want to attempt to arm the M-Com some well deserved cover.

Don't know but I saw one being used last night and I was like woooooo smoke and then I was dead. :eek:
I played the ps3 beta yesterday and the game looked terrible, what the hell was I watching with all those BF3 videos where the graphics looked incredible?

I'm not trying to troll, I was just shocked at what I was playing


So I tried out the 360 and PS3 versions and thought the PS3 actually had better imug quality, but it could be all in my head.

Anyhow. I'm still going to buy. I find Metro to be a fun map. Felt good working with a team the other day and winning a few rounds.


aka andydumi
Nostalgia~4ever said:
dunno if old, but apparently these are the multiplayer maps:

MP_FOREST (Caspian Border)
MP_SUBWAY (Operation Metro)

And Karkand DLC on top of these right?
A27 Tawpgun said:
This beta was a terrible move as far as marketing is concerned. I'm glad they're testing shit now as opposed to fixing it after launch, but holy shit is it bad. Now everyone, specifically all the CoD fans who wanted to see what the BF hype was about, see this shit and assume its the final game.

Good, I hope they don't get it, then maybe I can get some decent teammates that know how to play BF.


Dabanton said:
When does Smoke unlock? Your right though that first part of Metro is utter nonsense Smoke would force some of defenders to move forward a bit to fight. And help those attackers who actually want to attempt to arm the M-Com some well deserved cover.

Smoke is in the assault tree. You get the grenade launcher and then you have to rank it up with kills to unlock smoke. I've been playing assault on the side and have the launcher but haven't killed enough to get smoke. It is pretty fun to use. :)
Anyone else have the problem "Account not allowed" or something when they try to play the beta? Been trying for days, even made 2 new accounts none work.


Nostalgia~4ever said:
dunno if old, but apparently these are the multiplayer maps:

MP_FOREST (Caspian Border)
MP_SUBWAY (Operation Metro)


What? Yay if thats true im soo happy!
But it looks like no NY map .:S
Nostalgia~4ever said:
dunno if old, but apparently these are the multiplayer maps:

MP_FOREST (Caspian Border)
MP_SUBWAY (Operation Metro)

That's 11 maps, 10 minus the tutorial. They only said 9 would be in release. Wonder which is the odd man out.


Nostalgia~4ever said:
dunno if old, but apparently these are the multiplayer maps:

MP_FOREST (Caspian Border)
MP_SUBWAY (Operation Metro)
2 France maps then? Operation Metro could be MP_Paris no?


Was able to DL the beta on the 360. Surprised how good it looked with all of the doom and gloom posts throughout this thread and others. Its def beta, I get some flickering etc going on here.

Looks to have some AA on here, looks like a nice step up over BC2 on the 360. better animation, sounds, and the graphics are a def step up over BC2.

Color me surprised and happy the 360 version isnt gimped like what I was expecting it to be :)


Nostalgia~4ever said:
dunno if old, but apparently these are the multiplayer maps:

MP_FOREST (Caspian Border)
MP_SUBWAY (Operation Metro)

Source? Hmm. Paris is not Metro?


Dr_Biscuit said:
No, I check my game files and operation metro is MP_SUBWAY.
2 France maps it is then.
Non working options in squad menu fixed: "Private" flag and "Switch Teams".
Well at least we know we'll have private squads ingame.
About the "Switch Teams" thing anyone else encounter it? My button works fine actually but my friend has his always greyed out. How did that work out?


Neo Member
MP_KHARG = kharg island? mmmm

All the map stuff was found by some guy digging in the files, was posted a few pages back.

HotHamWater said:
Supposedly there's stuff in the beta that mentions weapons that'll be included in the Back to Karkand DLC.

It's all BF2 weapons of course, the FAMAS, MP5, PP19 (the SMG Chinese Anti-Tank used to have), QBZ95B (the assault rifle the Chinese had), L85A2, QBB95, MG36, Jackhammer, Type 88 and the L96.

There's leaked multiplayer map names too.

MP_FOREST - Caspian

SP maps are (spoilered for sensitive people, there's no major surprises though.:

SP_EARTHQUAKE - aka Fault Line
SP_FINALE (2 Part)
SP_JET (2 Part)
SP_NEW_YORK (2 Part)
SP_TANK (2 Part) - aka Thunder Run
SP_VALLEY - aka Operation Guillotine

And co-op (again spoilered) -


Source is some guy digging around in the files.
Mr. Snrub said:
A lot of problems with the first part of Metro would be resolved if we had fucking smoke "unlocked" from the onset. It should be a standard piece of equipment.

Laser gun UMP is honestly still killing my enjoyment of the beta. I actually don't mind the IRNV so much, but the combo of it and the UMP is ridiculous.

This is a bad problem on 360 as well. Smoke would make this map more fun.

Played against a dude who went 85 and 20 with this UMP setup. Its enraging.

Is it just me or does the hit detection take a shit after you put a sight attachment on your gun. It seems like I'm more accurate with ironsights and my accuracy actually gets worse when I have another sight attached.


Did they ever mention whether or not the Back to Karkand content would be rolled into the main game, or is it going to be a segregated map pack/playlist kind of thing like Vietnam?
butts said:
Did they ever mention whether or not the Back to Karkand content would be rolled into the main game, or is it going to be a segregated map pack/playlist kind of thing like Vietnam?

I imagine it will be post launch, probably around Christmas, if I was a betting man.


HotHamWater said:
I imagine it will be post launch, probably around Christmas, if I was a betting man.

What I meant is, will the maps and weapons be in standard server rotation, or will a server have to choose either base maps or Karkand maps?
butts said:
What I meant is, will the maps and weapons be in standard server rotation, or will a server have to choose either base maps or Karkand maps?

Oh right, completely misread your post. I don't believe they've said.


I just started it about half an hour ago and holy shit is the graphics good. I'm playing it on a HD Radeon 6950 with everything set to high with the exception of texture quality set to ultra. I didn't notice any slowdown at all. I'm going to play around with the settings a bit to see how many settings I can set to ultra before I notice stuttering/ framerate tearing.


HotHamWater said:
Oh right, completely misread your post. I don't believe they've said.
AFAIK, Back to Karkand is "Themed Expansion pack", similar to BFBC2 Vietnam. I could be wrong of course, please correct ASAP if i am.


I was using SV98 without scope and i swear it is didn't have the same damage as with scope. One chest shot didn't kill people but with scope it does. Or is the hit detection being ass without scope?
Oh and how do you like SKS? I unlocked it but haven't had time to test it yet.


Considering that there is a "Game: Battlefield 3" field in the Battlelog's filters I assume that they did that to leave room for Karkand.
Woorloog said:
I was using SV98 without scope and i swear it is didn't have the same damage as with scope. One chest shot didn't kill people but with scope it does. Or is the hit detection being ass without scope?
Oh and how do you like SKS? I unlocked it but haven't had time to test it yet.

I've encountered this phenomenon as well on 360. My accuracy is better with iron sights then with a red dot, holo, or ACOG. There seems to be an issue with hit detection when using sight attachments.
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