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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Corky said:
Anyone tried the game on a 5650 or something similar?

i5 m460 @2.53
4gb ram
win 7 64

Medium @ 1280x720, what say you gaf?
I think a friend has that laptop, says he can play at low/med 20-30 fps @ 1400x900 or whatever the res is.


Foliorum Viridum said:
I think it's awesome.

They're using the full potential of the map.

Isn't this what BF players want? They always ridicule the lack of openness in COD etc.
Oh but I love it, it's lame to play against but it's awesome to have it in the game if that makes any sense. It makes you think of ways to stop them from going up there, warning team mates etc.
The game feels like BF2 to me and that's good.

Hellcrow said:
Oh god, I know it is beta, but some of the bullshit that kills me in this game is frustrating. Especially on Caspian where I walk gazillion miles.
You can just hop on a friendly jeep you know.
What is up with server just kicking you out randomly / game crashing making you lose all stats for that round. Also, says 23 ping but feels like I'm playing on a 28.8k modem.


Wazzim said:
Oh but I love it, it's lame to play against but it's awesome to have it in the game if that makes any sense. It makes you think of ways to stop them from going up there, warning team mates etc.
The game feels like BF2 to me and that's good.

You can just hop on a friendly jeep you know.

Not if I spawn C to attack E.

However, spawning in base and driving over is much better way to attack E. The snipers won't one-shot you.
Lazy Jones said:
What is up with server just kicking you out randomly / game crashing making you lose all stats for that round. Also, says 23 ping but feels like I'm playing on a 28.8k modem.

they say EA has trouble with the master server
I can't do shit in jets, but I feel like I'm getting better in the helicopters (using 360 pad).

Problem is, I get shot down so quickly. I feel like a sitting duck up there.
Nostalgia~4ever said:
so why does it only have 720P on youtube? Thats why I asked.

Not everyone plays at 1080p+ on the PC.

Woo-Fu said:
Cry me a river, get in a helicopter and see what real hell is.

You know what's worst? Getting 1 hit killed by a stinger while the Jet remains intact... Like the stinger hits you in the face or something... second time it has happened to me.


Is there any way that you can avoid stingers in a chopper without flares? I can drive the things quite well I just get shot down pretty fast because of the stingers.
Black_Stride said:
Config file edit

- Config File Location C:\Users\Username\Documents\Battlefield 3 Open Beta\settings

Flight inversion:

Scheme1FlipY 1
Scheme1FlipCameraY 1


This also works for choppers?

Oh and mines should be instakill if a car runs over them. Even when the crew bails out.
leng jai said:
My mind is envisaging an almost glitch free Caspian Border and jizzing incessantly.

The forest...its so beautiful.

Definitely one of the best looking realistic forest environments I've ever seen in a game. The areas where it's really dense in the gullies or around C I have to almost remind myself I'm playing a multiplayer level.


Haha, unlocked the heatseekers on the jet!

Man, i can't wait for the release. Gonna go be good to unlock the laser guided missiles and fly the A-10 to support ground troops.


Roche178 said:
Is there any way that you can avoid stingers in a chopper without flares? I can drive the things quite well I just get shot down pretty fast because of the stingers.

You can't avoid them even with flares. Your flares would have to be infinite and have instant recycle to deal with the amount of engineers on the typical Caspian Border team. We're talking 30 second reload time on the flare dispenser.

Meanwhile your flying pig has nowhere to hide and lacks the speed/maneuverability to avoid the next lock-on.

On top of the pile of bad ideas that went into the current game balance Caspian Border itself appears to be purposely designed specfically to get people to stop playing helicopters.

More jets than copters? check.
Tunguska mobile AA? check.
Map designed like a bowl so that a helicopter can be seen and shot at by a majority of the enemy team? check.

I've been shot down frequently by tanks of all things, lol.

I think there is a silver lining to all of this though: With helicopters so clearly gimped it shouldn't take long for DICE to realize things need to change.


Lazy Jones said:
What is up with server just kicking you out randomly / game crashing making you lose all stats for that round. Also, says 23 ping but feels like I'm playing on a 28.8k modem.

Ah, good, I thought I was the only one. Hopefully it's fixed soon.

Woo-Fu said:
Cry me a river, get in a helicopter and see what real hell is.

Oiy...I made it about 5 meters off the ground.


Get into server, spawn in to tank, kill a couple of guys, tank gets destroyed, bail out, get rpg´d.

Spawn on sniper, walk to nearest base: ZOMG HELI! Get into heli, take off for the first time. BAM, round ends.

Feels bad, man.
demolitio said:
The skyboxes are some of the best out there. Love it!
The skyboxes are pathetic. No movement at all, and I hate that.

Halo Reach is the only game I've played that has had really good skyboxes.


Woo-Fu said:
You can't avoid them even with flares. Your flares would have to be infinite and have instant recycle to deal with the amount of engineers on the typical Caspian Border team. We're talking 30 second reload time on the flare dispenser.

Meanwhile your flying pig has nowhere to hide and lacks the speed/maneuverability to avoid the next lock-on.

On top of the pile of bad ideas that went into the current game balance Caspian Border itself appears to be purposely designed specfically to get people to stop playing helicopters.

More jets than copters? check.
Tunguska mobile AA? check.
Map designed like a bowl so that a helicopter can be seen and shot at by a majority of the enemy team? check.

I've been shot down frequently by tanks of all things, lol.

I think there is a silver lining to all of this though: With helicopters so clearly gimped it shouldn't take long for DICE to realize things need to change.

Damn that's a shame, I actually find flying helicopters to be really fun. That is when I manage to avoid getting shot down for longer than 10 seconds heh.

The Tungska AA stuff is fine by me but stingers are just too damn effective. Oh well I'm going to keep flying choppers even if they are just big targets in the sky.


So in case anyone cares, I've concluded that multi-GPU setups are very well implemented in BF3. At 1080p, all settings on Ultra, max AA, etc. my GTX 590 keeps the game running most of the time at 70+ FPS, even on Caspian. The lowest I've seen it drop is to 55 FPS, usually when I'm in a vehicle hauling ass.

I know 590s are tough to find, but if you've got the cash (~$700k) and can find one, you can go single card/multi-GPU, rather than two 580s (~$1000k).

I don't know why NVIDIA doesn't produce more of these. After they fixed the initial driver issues, this really is a great card and you probably won't have to upgrade your PSU to get it working.
Inverted config does work for jets but it also inverts mouse aiming with my tank. Which is something I don't want. Any solution?

What do the scheme0, 2 and 3 commands stand for?

To re-iterate. I use the Xbox 360 controller for aircraft and the mouse for tanks.


aka andydumi
I would like to see a mountain map. By that I mean like a reverse Caspian.

With objectives at the top in the center (peak of the mountain) and a down slope all around. They could make a European castle map. Castle at the top of a hill/mountain, one or two accessible vehicle roads, gorges and inclines and small narrow foot paths around coming down. Should be nice for planes/helis to be able to circle a main target area from both above, even and slightly below.

Like this:

One of the 1943 maps was that way with a mountain/hill on one end.


Getting the vehicle disabled ribbon feels bad man, too. I´m not a kill/death whore, but come on, I get only a few points for making people abandon their aircraft in mid-air, but no kills and not even a vehicle destroyed when they let it crash? Sucks.


Binabik15 said:
Getting the vehicle disabled ribbon feels bad man, too. I´m not a kill/death whore, but come on, I get only a few points for making people abandon their aircraft in mid-air, but no kills and not even a vehicle destroyed when they let it crash? Sucks.

But you are eliminating air threats for your team!

OH WAIT, jets are no threat to anyone but helos and other jets.
Not much has unlocked the laser guided missiles

But Helos are fucked anyway by Stingers...



AndyD said:
One of the 1943 maps was that way with a mountain/hill on one end.

Iwo Jima in Battlefield 1942 I believe. Iwo Jima, Guadacanal, Market Garden... how I miss thee.

At least we get a modern Wake Island.


Just had a round where I didn't get booted, so I guess that's fixed. Some lag started to creep in at times, but it wasn't too bad.

I was in a squad with 3 snipers who weren't doing anything. Ugh.

I also didn't know until just now that you can actually spawn in (or near?) a jet. This is a nice feature, but it leads me to wonder how many people just sit there on the deployment screen, waiting for it to pop back up.
Binabik15 said:
Getting the vehicle disabled ribbon feels bad man, too. I´m not a kill/death whore, but come on, I get only a few points for making people abandon their aircraft in mid-air, but no kills and not even a vehicle destroyed when they let it crash? Sucks.

Same with mines. Most of the time jeeps get disabled or even destroyed without killing the passengers.


Shadybiz said:
This is a nice feature, but it leads me to wonder how many people just sit there on the deployment screen, waiting for it to pop back up.

Yup, you spawn right into the jet. And yes, i do that all the time if i'm in the mood to fly. :p


Gold Member
Some really basic xbox 360 questions...

- how do I get to the same side with my friend? We always end on different sides
- mobile spawnpoints, how do I do one?
- how does spotting work?


Sethos said:

At least in Twitter... you know how that goes...

@Demize99 Any changes to the UMP's massive score potential in retail?

@CrBravoMa Yes. PDWs have been adjusted."

I think the problem with the UMP is its range. It seems to do the same damage at range than in CQC. I don't have a problem with it being powerful in CQC, but a UMP should not one-shot you at 50 yards away.


PjotrStroganov said:
Inverted config does work for jets but it also inverts mouse aiming with my tank. Which is something I don't want. Any solution?

What do the scheme0, 2 and 3 commands stand for?

To re-iterate. I use the Xbox 360 controller for aircraft and the mouse for tanks.

If you go to the aircraft control settings you can manually set your right stick to push up or down to nose up or nose down. Works for me and I get no inverted mouse.
Chittagong said:
Some really basic xbox 360 questions...

- how do I get to the same side with my friend? We always end on different sides
- mobile spawnpoints, how do I do one?
- how does spotting work?
You can only switch teams if the other team has less players than the team you're currently in. There is a "Switch team" option in the menu somewhere. I don't remember where exactly.

You spot people with the Back button. You can't spam the button though, or it will overheat and make a beeping noise.


Ysiadmihi said:
If you go to the aircraft control settings you can manually set your right stick to push up or down to nose up or nose down. Works for me and I get no inverted mouse.

Nope, it doesn't work for me and i also use the PS3 pad as emulated 360 pad.

Although the controls are normal for me. Right stick pull - pitch up and stick push - pitch down.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
MNC said:
I think a friend has that laptop, says he can play at low/med 20-30 fps @ 1400x900 or whatever the res is.

Yeah I tried the beta and that's pretty much what I got, had everything set to low ( and for once LOW settings in a game doesn't make it look like a smudgy vomit stain ) and 1280x720 resolution. Averaged around 30fps on caspian, not bad for a laptop that's not even made for gaming.


playing on a phenom XII 955 with a gtx 560 ti at 1600 resolution on high with no blur.
Plays just fine. Not sure what fps i'm getting but definitely feels higher then 30, more like 45-60. Fine by me.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I love how they've not bothered to fix all the crashes and disconnects, saying it's fixed for retail doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.
Ikuu said:
I love how they've not bothered to fix all the crashes and disconnects, saying it's fixed for retail doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.

im with ya. whether they like it or not this beta was also a demo to all the gamers out there (especially those that have not experienced an actual beta), most of which will be using it to judge whether or not they purchase the game. at this point and in the state that the game is I can only keep my fingers crossed and hope they have some sort of miracle version that we will see on release.


Ugh, I´m really not good at Conquest. Run for miles! Lay down next to a flag! Get the flag, yay! Stand up and get shot in the back by some sniper retard with thousands of points!

And fuck the UMP.


Every Punkbuster-enabled server kicks me within seconds.


Is there anything I can do about this?

Edit: Right now this means the only servers I can play with decent pings are 32-slots :(
I'm not feeling the beta at all. Caspian Border is just enormous. You don't feel like you're doing anything... like you're just another fly on the wall. Also too much running around, too little action, but the main gripe I have is the enormity of it all.

This is surprising because I really enjoyed Bad Company 2 and thought for sure BF3 would be THE online shooter for me, but I'm just not having fun. I've had more fun with effing Space Marine multi-player. Going to skip this. Too many other great games coming out in the coming months.


Metro has actually grown on me a lot, especially the second area. Blasting around with shotgun is something I never felt I could do in Bad Company 2. My biggest issue the the final area, not because it's hard to get to (it should be) but because it can be too easy to control.
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