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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Oh they removed the LAV from Metro? Sweet, that thing was annoying.

Still unsure how that balances in favour for the attacking team, it was shit-hard enough is it was to break through, I barely ever saw the third area and only saw the fourth area 1 time. Only saw the metro area in 30-40% of the games.
nismogrendel said:
ColonialRaptor, what is your vid card? I want to run 2560x1600 and have 60fps minimum maxed out. I have 2x 6950 right now and I don't think that will do it.

You need a third one...

I'm running a 6990 and a 6950 unlocked @ 880/1375, in the outside section at the start I think the lowest frames I'm hitting is about 56 when there is smoke from the fires and lots of stuff going on.

Crossfire could be tuned up a bit as well, there is some flickering at the moment, but that will be sorted out by launch I imagine.


ColonialRaptor said:
75fps minimum everywhere in the game, no matter where I am, mostly it's 100fps at 2560x1440 with all settings absolutely maxed... I am STOKED.

Here is some loving guys.





What's your rig ??

I want my key Dice, come at me !!
ColonialRaptor said:
You need a third one...

I'm running a 6990 and a 6950 unlocked @ 880/1375, in the outside section at the start I think the lowest frames I'm hitting is about 56 when there is smoke from the fires and lots of stuff going on.

Crossfire could be tuned up a bit as well, there is some flickering at the moment, but that will be sorted out by launch I imagine.

Yikes, hoping my single 6950 2 gig is good enough to get 60 fps :(


MrOogieBoogie said:
Preview? Is that somehow different from the final version?
It is a preview driver of 11.10 but it's optimized for BF3, I think 11.9 comes out this week so it's going to be a while until the final 11.10 comes out.
2pm sweden time only an hour to go till they stop sending keys.

I definately wont be able to make use of early access now, thanks DICE/EA, thats the last time i buy a game just to support the beta.


TheLegendOfMart said:
2pm sweden time only an hour to go till they stop sending keys.

I definately wont be able to make use of early access now, thanks DICE/EA, thats the last time i buy a game just to support the beta.

Wait, weren't you the guy telling ME to chill? To hell with this I paid my MONEY, whats going on, EA? Why is it I see a bunch of people running the game, but I pay my money, and I have nothing?


Backfoggen said:
It looks ten times better in motion though.

It really does, I remember from the Alpha.
The engine is all about the lighting and post processing.

But damn, look at his screenshot in the subway. Dude doesn't even have a fucking texture on the wall to the left. I'd be quite mad about the money I spent now ^^


Really, I have no idea whose bright idea was to wait to the early morning of the beta to send out the codes. It's just fucking stupid, and there is so much potential for it to go wrong.


Heysoos said:
Really, I have no idea whose bright idea was to wait to the early morning of the beta to send out the codes. It's just fucking stupid, and there is so much potential for it to go wrong.

You are aware that it isn't the same time in every spot on the globe?
xemumanic said:
Wait, weren't you the guy telling ME to chill? To hell with this I paid my MONEY, whats going on, EA? Why is it I see a bunch of people running the game, but I pay my money, and I have nothing?
Im whining because i paid £35 for a game that isnt battlefield just to get into the beta which EA eventually make open beta then slap me in the face by saying £35 is only worth 2 days early access which i now cant use because they didnt have the brains to release the keys before the event.

You are whining because you got free early access with your purchase of BF3 and you dont have your key yet, im guessing you will be able to download the 3gb client quickly and still be able to play today/tomorrow before open beta starts.

I wont.


TheLegendOfMart said:
Im whining because i paid £35 for a game that isnt battlefield just to get into the beta which EA eventually make open beta then slap me in the face by saying £35 is only worth 2 days early access which i now cant use because they didnt have the brains to release the keys before the event.

You are whining because you got free early access with your purchase of BF3 and you dont have your key yet, im guessing you will be able to download the 3gb client quickly and still be able to play today/tomorrow before open beta starts.

I wont.

What kind of BS is this? I paid my money just as you did. I don't care if you bought that POS MOH or not, I was promised early access for pre ordering BF3, but I have nothing. Meanwhile, a bunch of people who didn't pay a red cent are already playing.


Little is the new Big
luffeN said:
Should the PC Origin pre-orders get it by mail or does it magically appear on Origin?

Should get an email but here I am, waiting like a fool and I feel it'll never comes. I guess pre-ordering on Origin was a bad idea if that's how they treat their customers.


I'm continued to be amazed by the lack of integration in Origin. What's the point of this service if they can't get the one benefit of it down?

Order on Origin, game automatically unlocked on Origin. Doesn't seem like it's a terribly complex solution to integrate.


lol, don't even try to use live chat on ea.com.

You are currently number 721 in the queue. You should be connected to an advisor in about 32 minutes. The average amount of time a customer has to wait is 32 minutes.
xemumanic said:
What kind of BS is this? I paid my money just as you did. I don't care if you bought that POS MOH or not, I was promised early access for pre ordering BF3, but I have nothing. Meanwhile, a bunch of people who didn't pay a red cent are already playing.
No i paid £35 for MOH:LE and £33 for BF3.

No one here who hasn't paid is playing, the only keys they are releasing are early access for those that bought MOH:LE and BF3.
Woo-Fu said:
You are aware that it isn't the same time in every spot on the globe?

I don't think the point was that it's in the morning, but rather that they didn't need to send out the codes on the same day that they are to be redeemed.


Glad I'm at work and it doesn't really matter when I get the key during the day. I will however agree with people, the way they're doing it right now ... Massive joke. They need to send that shit in advance.
Woo-Fu said:
You are aware that it isn't the same time in every spot on the globe?

He's referring to the plan of sending the keys merely a few hours before early access starts. That's an incredible stupid idea for all time zones. :p

And, of course, it did not work out at all. While I should have been playing for roughly 20 minutes, I am still waiting for my key and still had no chance to download the client from any official source. 48 hours early access my ass. Good job EA and DICE.

I am not even that mad, because I can keep me busy for the next few hours. I just find their whole plan to be hilariously stupid.


Sethos said:
Glad I'm at work and it doesn't really matter when I get the key during the day. I will however agree with people, the way they're doing it right now ... Massive joke. They need to send that shit in advance.

They promised me 48 hours somehow I don't think it will be 48 hours.


1 hour and 27 minutes until it is the 28th in Australia.

Bought stupid MOH for bf3 beta access, preordered bf3 ages ago... And in return they promised only lies :(

If I wanted to pay someone to screw me over I'd see a hooker or a used car salesmen. I guess EA make the list now also.

lol technically I should have 2 beta keys 1 for moh and one for bf3 preorder....But no, I get 0 :(
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