-Players should no longer take fall damage from short falls. YESSS
-Tweaked the damage levels of Buck and Flechette rounds to balance them with other weapons.Increased or decreased?
-Unguided tank rounds and RPGs will now instantly destroy Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters. Fuck yes! If this was the norm already we would have utterly raped those annoying chopper whores on yesterday game! I hate the engineer fixing/little bird/transport chopper combo!
-Increased the damage the MBT’s primary weapon does to the front and side armor of other main battle tanks. Primarily this means 1 less shot to the front, and very good hits to the side can result in a 1 hit to disable. I think this is going to be good, tank on tank fights take too long as they are now.
-Slightly reduced the repair speed of the repair tool. I play mostly as an engineer, and this is good. That thing was ridiculous.
-Slightly reduced the locking time of all weapons vs Laser Designated targets. I think this is good also, love the guided shell!
-Reduced the damage AA missiles do to jets to 45%.I'm not a jet player, so I don't really know how they work or are balanced, but this seems bullshit for me. Jets are already too powerful with a average to good pilot. If your team doesn't have a jet pilot to counter attack, you're going to get screwed.
-The T90′s crosshair now more accurately represents the trajectory of the main gun.What? Never knew there was an issue with the crosshairs. Love that tank.
-SCAR-H: Increased damage at maximum range and increased max range. The SCAR-H fires a heavier round than all other carbines, giving it better stopping power at range at the cost of a low fire rate that penalizes it in CQB.I don't understand this. The scar already has almost the same damage rate as a assault rifle, higher than any other carbine.
-The Aimed Accuracy bonus provided by the Heavy Barrel has been increased. This will increase the effectiveness of the Heavy Barrel for small bursts, as originally intended.I think I will experiment with it now