Rebel Leader
I want 1943 version!!!!!!!!!Wake Island is Assault on like every version of Battlefield except 1943, where it's Head On.
oh, and yes, you can mix modes.
I want 1943 version!!!!!!!!!Wake Island is Assault on like every version of Battlefield except 1943, where it's Head On.
oh, and yes, you can mix modes.
So I join gl0w in a game. He's playing on the PSK public server with a bunch of clan mates and only a few randoms.
Metro Conquest, no big deal.
I storm in, take 2 guys out and die. Repawn, rush in to take over point B, take out 2 guys with my 870 and slugs, one camper that's peeking around a far-away corner with a rocket between the eyes.
Make my way towards the flag, start capping, look behind the wall kill another one.
Two guys spot me, I retreat since I'm out of ammo and await them with my M9.
*DISCONNECT* *You were kicked by a server admin*
What a crock of shit.
I want 1943 version!!!!!!!!!
I want 1943 version in bf3
After everyone left, I stayed with that dude for at least 15 minutes more. Just the two of us. I killed him a lot, sometimes he would arm, but I always managed to disarm before it went out. He never abandoned the game! What a trooper! I sent him a compliment.
The only way to balance it for people complaining is removing the rounds from the game. I said that a long time ago. Faceless already mentioned that they're still good, just not uber powerful. People will keep using then.
Wonder if EA is going to spend another $40K for another patch on 360 to remove the damn MAV riding. And hearing some say the audio still glitches out is very disappointing.
Do you control your server solely through BF3 itself, or do you do it via a web browser? Also what controls do you have over people who can play on it?finnay i was able to rent a server, and i can say that the tweaks and options available are pretty extensive. I'm surprised.
From the couple of hours I played last night, squad joining seems to fixed.
Every time I joined someones game, I ended up in their squad, unless they already had 4 people in it.
maybe they mean "joining a game from the menu as a party of 4 and having all 4 people ending up in the same game, on the same team, in the same squad.", which... i don't know if it's fixed, haven't tried yet, but i doubt it.
It only works on idiots (most people) and it helps to move in random directions. Also, I do not do it on maps that provide zero cover. It works well on places like D at Caspian Border, A at Karg, C at Op Firestorm, etc. Otherwise, yeah no, bad idea. Sure, I get shot down, but nobody can say I was not helping the team.
I finally unlocked Below Radar, and then it doesn't appear in the menus...
The hell, Dice?
got one kill on glow's psk server, got kicked by an admin straight after.
Only the weak practiceMaybe they are praticing? They kicked off
Meppi too.
There's a thing called... passwordsSo I unwillingly join the Metro shitclan server again as I follow dreamgazer into a game.
Haven't even fired one shot. Start capping a flag. Kicked again. WTF.
If those retard admins of PSK don't want pubbies to enter their server then they should make it private. Oh and perhaps not call the server "public" in the title either. FFS
My friend uses ECM jammer prior to the the second phase of a lock on and than flies below radar level. Than I use my flares if they fire off something guided until his ECM jammer regenerates.Edit: I honestly don't know how to properly use the EMC jammer.![]()
There's a thing called... passwords
Only the weak practice
OKCould you please forward this info to happy hardcore clan.![]()
Sure, but I'm just extra anal about it.
Nothing rages me more when we lose a huge lead/game because people got "comfortable" and decided to hop on air vehicles for the rest of the game.
Especially when this happens with fellow gaffers.
If only air vehicles (especially jets) were more useful against ground units. It would also help if enemy air vehicles didn't respawn like 10 seconds after they're destroyed. As it is right now you have stay focused on enemies in the air all the time which makes it hard to support ground troops.Sure, but I'm just extra anal about it.
Nothing rages me more when we lose a huge lead/game because people got "comfortable" and decided to hop on air vehicles for the rest of the game.
Especially when this happens with fellow gaffers.
If only air vehicles (especially jets) were more useful against ground units. It would also help if enemy air vehicles didn't respawn like 10 seconds after they're destroyed. As it is right now you have stay focused on enemies in the air all the time which makes it hard to support ground troops.
Helicopters have taken a huge hit post patch. Stingers, RPGs, tank shells can now can OHK helicopters, and jets can destroy choppers in one run. You can lock onto them faster now and their rockets do less damage to tanks. Jets is where it's at now. Give me one dominating jet pilot and you will rule air space.Air superiority can't win a game by itself. But with two equally skilled teams (on the ground) the one with air superiority will almost always win. It has happened before in GAF games. We were even superior on the ground, but in the end we were defeated as we almost could not use our armor as it would get utterly destroyed by air vehicles, and the other team had no such problem. I remember a Rush game some time ago on Firestorm that Blue was owning all our tanks on a jet while the other team marched with their tanks on our base.
Thankfully we're getting more and more good pilots now as new people are joining. On BC2 we were sorely lacking aggressive pilots besides Abu and Evolved. We had other people that could fly, but not on the level of those two if I remember well.
Air superiority can't win a game by itself. But with two equally skilled teams (on the ground) the one with air superiority will almost always win. It has happened before in GAF games. We were even superior on the ground, but in the end we were defeated as we almost could not use our armor as it would get utterly destroyed by air vehicles, and the other team had no such problem. I remember a Rush game some time ago on Firestorm that Blue was owning all our tanks on a jet while the other team marched with their tanks on our base.
Fun games tonight guys.
Good to see some old faces that aren't on as much these days: dan, dream, ejas!
We need an epic battles server that has some freakin rush maps! When are they gonna let me rent a server!?
Now on BF3 Faceless has revealed himself a really good pilot (I don't remember you being so good on attack choppers on BC2 man!) and even Olimpia, a really great infantry and ground vehicle player started piloting quite well too!
No love for the jets?![]()
My server will be open to gaf at all times, unless some gaffers request a private match-type-thing...
I'm thinking I will even post the password in the thread, so gaf lurkers can join.
If needed I will remove the password to try and get full games.
The idea is that... I know I like stuff the rest of gaf probably doesn't. This gives me a way to set up playlists that I'm interested in experimenting with (friendly fire!!!!!) w/o affecting the regular gaf server. It's a supplement to gaf proper, open to all!
I appreciate our good jet pilots. Because I can't fly them for shit.... and they (good enemy pilots) make my life miserable in the helicopters and sometimes in the tanks. Very powerful tool. I don't really like having jets in the game, but since they're there, and because they're very OP vs nearly everything, we need our own aces to keep enemy jets off our asses.
So... cheers to our aces.
I'll be using an empty server to get myself sorted out, and maybe will earn some wings of my own (for those times it's necessary)![]()
This idea sounds lovely to me. A place I can always meet gaffers I don't have on my psn list and play.
Yet there are games where GAF gets defeated by obviously inferior groups with no pilots at all (where we score higher in the kill and score Territory)
Air superiority will always win over armor, that's true, but it's no good when enemies are all infantries getting around capturing flags.
This is why I said I hate it when people get " too comfortable". When there's no air or ground resistance, some players get too relaxed and just stay in their vehicles. Then the lead starts to shrink, then disappear, then lose etc. Then by the time the team has lost the lead and down to 30 tickets, then we start "getting dirty" to squeeze out a "close game"/"difficult win" (or humiliating loss) when it shouldn't even get to that point.
"oh shit when did they get all flags?"
I wish I was got a nickel every time someone says that.
No love for the jets?![]()
Fun games tonight guys.
Good to see some old faces that aren't on as much these days: dan, dream, ejas!
We need an epic battles server that has some freakin rush maps! When are they gonna let me rent a server!?
I can't remember games we lost dramatically either (besides when we first stated playing canal.)When the game came out I remember a rush game on Metro with a lot o gaffers (at least 6) were we couldn't get past even the first base against a team of randoms, but frankly after that one I really don't remember we being owned as hard. People were still new to the game, learning the ropes.
Usually when we lose it's against a fairly good team with some clan players throw in the middle. It's been awhile since I remember losing to a clearly inferior team. But shit happens, one squad of 4 really good players paired with a shitty team won't hold back a whole team of average players (well maybe they will on metro).
I have played games like that a lot, but I'm not bitter or salty when we lose those. I've played some full games were it felt like it was almost 4 against 12, despite our team having 8 more players.
And a whole team of infantry soldiers will have a hard, hard time against an equally skilled team (as I said) with air and ground armor support. Can they win? Sure, but I wouldn't bet on then as far as my conquest experience goes.
Just look at Canals where a good team can get owned by a fairly average one if they're not careful just because the other team spawns as the russians with 2 tanks. Both of then can keep the 2 little birds locked at the carrier with guided shells, and then it's a matter of americans being infantry only since it's really easy taking out the LAV and Amtrac at distance. The russians just run left and right with their tanks killing people and bringing down choppers while the rest of the team hold the flags.
I know you probably don't remember, but there was a game in D-peak that we lost a couple month back.
Bunch of gaffers were at B repairing the tank, holding the flag, fighting like it's world war II.
While we were doing all that, you, I and Olimpia were the only ones who tried to go off and capture A and C alone.
No one came to help, Olimpia raged left and two of us to swallow our defeat.
Man, I'd be perfect playing with you guys. I'm so fucking aggressive in this game. If my team ever holds B(in an ABC map) and we lose A(or C, whatever is closest to our base) I always fight til the death until we get it back unless I'm out-manned 5 to 1 for like 3 deaths...then I'll go for the other one and if that doesn't work I'll rage quit because by then the game is probably out of reach and I can't stand playing with morons yet again on the next map.
You game on the PS3? Just add people man. 2 or 3 gaffers on your friend list and you will eventually meet everyone!
"Hey Olimpia"
"Hey Olimpia"
"Hey Olimpia, How do you get on the global leaderboard?"
Damn you olimpia!!! Your team was way better than ours and than you switched and made even better. Ejas, blue and I were the only ones on our team that could hold or take a flag. Than JJD came and we were fucked. God I hate playing with randoms because you never know what your gonna get. I almost quit Teheran because of the dumbasses using our armor. But I had fun and I'll just use those loses as a learning experience. GGs guys.Sorry guys, had to switch teams. It was too unbalanced so I joined dream and it turned out that the randoms in our team were OK.
Do you control your server solely through BF3 itself, or do you do it via a web browser? Also what controls do you have over people who can play on it?
If you could grab some screenshots I'd be indebted to you.
I'm playing like shit after the patch... :-(