oh cool...thanks for the heads up on the AA. Still seems odd to be that big, but oh well. I'm more annoyed that it somehow erased my B2K maps.
FWIW I downloaded all 2 gigs of stuff and played with AA off and still feel the input lag.
oh cool...thanks for the heads up on the AA. Still seems odd to be that big, but oh well. I'm more annoyed that it somehow erased my B2K maps.
Dude that was awesome how you disarmed it and killed like 4 guys!!
Has this happened to anyone else...? Suddenly I was playing in third person
froze on the win screen.
having tackled Modern Warfare, DICE has decided to move on and take on UNCHARTED with a STUNNING NEW 3rd Person Mode. End Game.
Sorry guys about that all pistol game, didn't realize it was just pistols until my 2nd death.
oh cool...thanks for the heads up on the AA. Still seems odd to be that big, but oh well. I'm more annoyed that it somehow erased my B2K maps.
F*** game crashed at 14 vs. 20...
I hope we won...
No, we lost by 3 I think.
FWIW I downloaded all 2 gigs of stuff and played with AA off and still feel the input lag.
How the fuck did the game crash for ALL of us? How is that possible? Fuck you piece of shit frostbite engine
That was bullshit. Our whole squad crashed.
Still so much better than engineer-most-the-time conquest.
Last 2 round I froze right at the end![]()
If it wasn't for that we would have won for sure.
I'm getting a to of freezes and lock ups, but at least I managed to play better those last games...
It was annoying getting owned so much.
You were amazing on that Seine game on the tank Boa! You were the biggest responsible for our victory! That game was great!
Not gonna argue about the engineer, but tell me those Conquest games weren't exciting? It's great playing against strong teams!
360 GAF
I'll be renting a server for a week (may extend if I feel its worth having) whenever this patch rolls around and wanted to get some feedback on the settings
Mode: Normal
Friendly Fire: Off
Kick Idle player after: 300 seconds
Team Balance: Yes
# of TK's before kick: 3
Ban player after number of kicks: 2
Vehicles: Yes
Regenerative health: No
Squad Leader only spawn: Yes
Show Minimap: Yes
Show HUD: Haven't decided, but leaning towards no
Use Minimap spotting: Yes
Use 3D Spotting: No
Killcam: Off
Game mode and rotation will be identical to "Epic Battles", but with 5 flag Wake replacing 3 flag Wake. Normal ticket count.
After the first day or two I'll start mixing it up for the modes/maps rotation.
That was bullshit. Our whole squad crashed.
Any love for me? -_o
Finally was able to rent a server. Using it to just practice flying around. If anyone wants to also practice flying shoot me a pm and I will get you the info as the server is private.
FWIW I downloaded all 2 gigs of stuff and played with AA off and still feel the input lag.
On a island at the momentHey. PS3-Gaf, why aren't you playing on the servers?
I would join if I knew how to find the server easily lol.
Any regular gaffer wanna add me so I can join/favorite it? PSN is Malpractice.
No, lol. I guess I need to find that.ever tried using the search feature? =3
No, lol. I guess I need to find that.
Find? You must be blindNo, lol. I guess I need to find that.
How do you get a prefix?
Your opponents will just quit and leave you with an empty server
EDIT: Because you own them?
Yeah, I froze too, but check Battlelog it still counted as a win!
Sorry for raging so hard on that Karkand game Ejas, I had the guy disarming the last mcomm on my sights, I started shooting him and some bastard knifed me from the side...
But to add a prefix, you access your profile through battlelog. I'm not sure if you need platoon affiliation (i.e. be a member of a platoon) to add its prefix.
Are you playing with AA off? What gun and attachments are you using? Because I know they messed up foregrip. Are you being suppressed while firing? How suppression works. I recall you having really good accuracy.The game has been very frustrating for me since the patch came out. Aiming seems to be worse for me. I've been playing in 480p since day 1 to deal with the input lag and it was working fine. Hasn't been the same since the patch. Also, on most of the private servers, I seem to have horrible hit detection. I get tons of hit markers but the guy turns around and shoots me with 100% health. And then there are the crashes. I love this game, but man it gets frustrating to play.
You can see who owns them in the server infoI didn't know GAF had like 3 or 4 servers up, who owns them? Anyways, Wake Island 5 flag Conquest is really fun and it should have been this way from the beginning. No more running for 30 minutes to get from one flag to the other.
So they increased recoil in the patch?
Yo catpee! Great piloting man!!! ;-)