I really should make a control guide similar to the Ninja Gaiden 2 controller map thingy in the NG2 OT.
You see that "ask for ammo/health" "ask if anyone needs healing/ammo" thing that pops up? See that button? Thats the SQUAD CHATTER/SPOT button!
and what does it take to unlock missles on planes and helis? seems silly that war machines wouldn't have these things by default but hey, i'm not a game designer.
The same way you unlock guns: PEW PEW PEW.
dream said:
a) you're only covering one m-com.
And given that it has a pathetically short range (despite the awesome bleed)
it will only cover one crate in general. You can put it "between" the two but what good is that if they go around that spot (which is possible on the more open maps) you might as well put it near the crate or slightly near the crate to catch them.
ETA: And even better: If you put it near the
hardest to take crate of that set you can generally hold that crate forever. Depending on the team effort and blah blah blah anyway.
Why would I want to spawn back at the choke point instead of somewhere close to the m-com?
Because you're a moron that put the spawn beacon there? Uh, dude. I'm not saying put your kit items there. I'm saying
one kit item there. And that's the spot beacons. Put them there, your team can see. Put your spawn beacon in the back of the base near the crates, someone comes in? Spawn on the beacon and take them out. Simple.
1) You can place C4s on mcoms and still place c4s on vehicles. If you feel a vehicle is the priority target, then take the chance and blow it. It's not like I place c4s on mcoms and then never use my c4s otherwise. You take your chances.
Sure, but I have to reload those (IMO) wasted C4's that are near the crate to boom the tanks. Might as well just shoot the people near the crate and use the C4 on the tanks themselves instead of just wasting them. And like you, I find it a cheap tactic and generally I can catch people as they're arming since I'm the
only fliping person at times noticing them coming in to where I have to rush back to catch them.
The only time I wish for a "gee, I should've C4'd that" moment is when someone arms, their squad spawns on them before I can catch them and they prone clip through the walls near the crate. That's more DICE's fault than theirs for making themselves hard to clear out/shoot to disarm, but what can you do? (In before: LOLOLOL SET C4!!11 You know what I meant.)
Have you ever played a game of seinen defense without faceless, nostyle, olimpia, ejas and I?
Uh, every flipping day I'm on given that people want to play babby mode over pro mode?
You'll notice no one else ever bothers to put down beacons/motion sensors in B.
Same thing with randoms. Tough shit, put the beacon down and hold that one spot. It's why
I have gotten into the habit of putting the beacons near the crate with a small bleed area so I can see them without them seeing my beacon (unless I'm in a rush to reset it). It's how I've won some Rush public games by myself before.
I seriously don't even want to count how many times I've whined to gaffers "oh, hey guys - help? they just killed me at B, oh look everyone leaving the base. Oh, B is armed now, told you. What you're just running back now from 100 miles away? *sighhhhhhhhhh*". The fact of the matter is, I honestly don't trust some people do to the job (other than killing) anymore.
And I don't blame you. I've had Faceless stack squad specalizations despite him dying more than me and me having to resort to changing mine by purposely dying. Shit's fucking annoying, but what can you really do besides bitch?
Protip: You see that third box on spawn? You see those grenades and icons for the squad specelizations? Uh... yeah... those
are your squads picks you can even see in the hard to see blue fog what someone is choosing. PICK DIFFERENT ONES FOR FUCKS SAKE.