A moron's guide to how to play Rush D
General tips:
How to C4-mcoms/The Art of C4-ing mcoms
The most common problem with C4-mcom defense is that people either don't know where the place the C4, or they blow it prematurely.
To address the issue of placing the C4:
- You should never place the C4 on the screen. It's an obvious trap to anyone who sees it. I don't know why people do this.
- You should try not to place the c4 on the front or bottom. This will reduce the chance of it setting off from random fires/ grenade on the ground.
- If possible always place c4s, behind the m-com, where the attacker is unlikely to see it.
- If the mcom is placed against a wall, It's better to place the c4 on the wall itself instead the m-com. Do this especially if the wall is destructible (see next point).
- On certain sets, the environment will change after you C4ed the m-com a couple of times.
- The beam behind on metro second set, mcom A, will start to have a crack in the middle after awhile. If placed well enough, you can put a c4 into the wall, and it'll be shielded from most grenade and fire.
- The wall behind Demavend peak, second set (forgot A or b) will come down if you c4 it from the mcom side. Once the wall come down you can place c4s on the back, which are oblivious to any attacker coming in (they can't jump over.)
- Don't just c4 the m-com. If you have extra c4 to spear, also place a c4 at areas that they'll likely to camp the m-com once armed.
- Always use 2 c4s on a m-com, but no more than that.
To address the issue when to detonate the C4:
- If you want to take on the job of c4ing the mcom- you have to know that it'll be completely pointless if 1) the m-com is away from your sight/mini-map. 2) You get killed. So, if you're going to play this role, you have to stay back and out of sight. Don't bother if you see yourself far far far away from the objective.
- It's best if you can get a recon to put down motion sensors in the area for you. Otherwise, spot your enemies
- Don't just blow the c-4 the moment you see someone running near the m-com. Spot them and take cover first. Give the enemy about 1 second to remain still on the mini-map and then trigger the c4.
Where to place Spawn Beacons
- The obvious rule that people seem to ignore is 1. Don't ever place your beacon outdoors (unless rule 2 apply.)
- Rule 2: Always place your beacon outdoors for maps with no air vehicles.
- Rule 3, never place your beacon at a choke point or somewhere obviously visible. You're asking to be beacon-camped.
- Rule 4: places to put beacons:
- Inside those yellow trash bins, crates (ex: the one right outside of dpeak set 1's A B m-com.
- Low visibility areas, within trash piles, dark tunnels, submerged section of the boat on seinen.
- Indestructible environments (bushes).
- Behind enemy lines
- Behind garage doors
How to optimally use your motion sensors
- Same as beacons, you should never leave motion sensors in clear visible areas. You're just asking for it to be destroyed immediately. Take advantage of BS indestructible terrains or corners.
- A really obvious one is to take advantage of the terrain difference, such as a separate floor or up in the air..
- For better tactics, place it at spots where no one can even see it:
- You know those m-coms that are housed inside of those elevated crates?(Kharg, wake) - You can play a T-ugs under the crate and it would be totally invisible.
- Same goes for building wreckage. A favorite spot is under the staircase of the building behind Highway mcom A. The motion sensor will stay up even when that building is torn down.
- Those freaking indestructible bushes on metro.
- Unreachable building tops (seinen, Karkland rush)
- On top of the create right inside of dpeak 3rd set
Destructible walls, use them to your advantage
- All the walls blocking dpeak second set (always destroy these walls anyway, I usually get 2-3 kills just from getting the people who camp behind it.)
- Those white monoliths blocking norshar canal final set.
- Any t-highway wall with those flowery patterns (good for added visibility for the RU side.)
Minimum requirement for your squad: 1 of each class.
1. The recon in the squad needs to volunteer and watch B with the suppression perk + automatic weapon. Motion sensor should be placed along the wall (not on the f-ing ground) and then a spawn beacon should be placed on one of the high cushions (preferably next to the m-com, you can reach it by jumping onto the m-com.) After doing all the setup work, the recon needs to start positioning itself on one of the high cushions (again, not floor) looking over one of the doors.
2. The support needs to place c4 m-coms around the door ways. He may then camp inside the room with the recon or hang out at the doorways, but not too far off.
3. The engineer can guard A while watching over the door way of B. At times necessary, the squad may need the engineer to rocket into B.
4. The assault can go ahead be the run and gun aggressive front line pusher. At emergencies, the assault need to spawn back in B to dish out revives and med packs.
Optimal: 2 squads with the same setup.
Minimum requirement for squad: 1 recon, 1 support.
1. The recon and support need to immediately run to B.
2. The recon need to place the spawn beacon inside of B's garage and a motion sensor outside, either on the crate or near the door way.
3.The support, preferably with shotgun should stick around the two back doors with explosives. C4-mcom is recommended if possible.
3. Any other class can do whatever they want, but it is advised that at least one person prone on top of the crate inside B.