Awesome. Add me... we will get it set up for when the 3 of us are online.
Also... much of gaf isn't even playing these days, so more BF3 players are good to have! And since my games lately are starting to be mostly with randoms, that bloated w/l % is beginning to wane. haha.
I'm trying to be less frustrated by randoms and losses. I just do my best, whatever is in my power, and if it leads to a loss... well... did my best. One guy, or two guys, cannot beat a team alone. I've always taken losses personally, but I'm trying not to. Since most of my wins are thanks to gaf. And my losses are most often the result of bad teammates.
Battlefield really is a team game. So, I'm not shouldering losses or wins myself.
I used to think w/l was the most important stat... but really... most stats are pretty pointless. Because so much of it is based on one's teammates. Dream has a good idea of checking people's heals, revives, repairs, and such. I often look at the flag attacker medals... but it's all pretty hit or miss.
Play smart and try to win. That's all you can really do.