Really liking this game for the most part. Some random thoughts/bunch of text:
- Still don't like what they did to Rush. Don't know exactly how to describe it, but the placement of the M-Coms feels like you're being artificially funneled into skirmishes over the crates as opposed to them happening organically. Or something. Can't put my finger on it, but it just doesn't feel quite right to me yet. But who knows.
- Love the choppers. You have to be much more...present and aware of what you're doing, yet they're still easy to handle and fun to fly.
- I can't hit anything with the fucking jet. Can fly around and do manuevers and shit, but I only managed to unlock the flares by lurking around the enemy airstrip on Caspian. Really cool moment last night though as I was (unsuccesfully) chasing another jet and finally started getting a few hitmarkers only for my squadmate (who was somehow beasting in this thing) to come up from underneath and take the guy out. That wasn't the cool part though (you totally thought that was going to be the cool part). Right after the enemy plane blew up, we both pulled the exact same move and it was like some Blue Angels shit for a few seconds. Fuck yeah!
- The Stinger and whatever the other anti-air launcher is called are so cool to fire and watch. One of those things in games that just feels right and you want to keep doing it over and over.
- Tanks are beastly. Another one of those things that just feels right is that weird hitmarker/scrolling of the "enemy down" thing at the bottom of the screen when you kill someone. Just feels good. Went 20-3 in a quick game on the nighttime highway map (don't know the names yet) last night and I'm not exactly the world's greatest tank...operator.
- One thing that does bother me about the vehicles is how they switched third-person view to R3. Not so bad in the tank, but in the air vehicles sometimes (at least in my experience) you have to make some moves and end up switching views. Not a huge deal, but what was wrong with using the d-pad? Or do you use the d-pad for other stuff? Maybe I should read the instructions.
- Muting people doesn't seem to work on the 360. In general the randoms I've been matched up with have been suprisingly cool and helpful, but there's always that one dude with his mic on 11 giving you feedback and what not and you can't mute his ass. Only way to do it outside of taking the time to start a party is to just turn the mics off altogether in the options. Sucks.
- Some of these unlockable camos, while maybe cool in theory look a bit ridiculous. Was killed last night by someone wearing what appeared to be a purple Al Shapton track suit from the 80's.
- This game is turning out to be the exact opposite of BC2 for me. In that game I preferred playing Rush to Conquest and using all the different classes when the situation called for it. In BF3 so far it's just Conquest/Engineer all day. Except for Metro I guess. Hopefully I'll grow to like Rush more and switch things up.
Anyway, good shit so far.