Dream, dude, seriously: WTF?
I swim a marathon and stealth insert at the BACK of the first set base for Operation Metro. Literally skimming the out of bounds and stealth takedown a sniper and another dude. Go sit near the rock.
"Surely Dream will spawn as recon and spawn beacon this point to let the cavalry come in and sweep across the base to A."
Support, support, support, support, support.
I'm like "WTF, dude!? You generally spawn recon when I want you to be something else and now all of a sudden you're doing something else when I want you to be a recon!?" *mind boggles*
Also that team was really good, I have to give them props for holding that first set and making us work across the map on their turn to attack but man it was frustrating. I'm sitting there being mown from every direction while trying to set up a defense to where I pretty much had to resort to rocket spam to get them out of places.
B last set is in the open. If people remove most of the cover or cover most of the points there it's really hard for them to get to. It's just a matter of once they get there and arming, we're fucked. :/