We did though:
Although that's probably just karma for them playing with a bunch of Smokies
Yeah man, you guys got us on that game...
Then on the very next game we were winning by a landslide and you and Dawn abandoned Kuri and the rest of your teammates...
Just to join us on the winning team some minutes later! ;-)
We were separated again on the next game, but since you guys spawned as the Russians on Canals, and had a player advantage from the start (we were playing with 6 guys most of the game, the last 3 joined when we were already losing badly) you guys didn't join us or abandon Kuri! Lol!
Please don't take this in the wrong way, I'm just salty because I got laggy as hell, or just plain disconnected from every single win we had yesterday, bar one, and of course when we were losing or I was getting raped the game performed perfectly...just my luck...