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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I definitely feel your pain.
I fired point blank rounds at you and kuri a couple times and I just see the grenade drop to the ground, roll away and then take 5 seconds to explode. It was a ridiculous and horrible feeling running around with that launcher. I mean...if you're going to have such a long delay on its blast- at least allow me to fire multiple rounds in quick succession or make it an OHK at point blank like smoke grenades.

The most memorable part of the game though....
was this one instance where I had the launcher and you had the horrible bolt action. I couldn't land a hit and you couldn't get a kill. The two of of us were just running in circles for a reload contest for 2-3 round.

The whole time I'm just like "really dice? this all intensive 1 on 1 moment dwindles down to who can reload the slow and useless weapon faster and hopefully get a kill?" Kuri ended up killing me from the side, but really......

Omg that was you!? Haha... that was so ridiculous. You should of heard the shit I was saying into my mic during that... I feel bad for Kuri haiving to listen. Meanwhile your partner has some fucking LMG.... rolls eyes. I hit a bunch of times with the bolt action, but it wouldn't OHK. So for like 7-8 mins I had that thing and couldn't advance because it's such a piece of shit and you don't have time to land two shots on a level like that. People get away.
edit: if anyone is wondering why I'm so salty about this expansion... I could go on and on and on with these kind of issues. My head was full of them after just a couple hours of playing. Too much man, made me mad. I'm still mad about yesterday. lol

Dude, you were nowhere as mad as I was about the Capsin lost yesterday:


F*** people who waste time on them doing non-important shit or having insignificant air dogfights.
F*** engineers who waste time trying to kill a useless jet.
For every 1 flag people cap in a chopper, I can cap 3.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Dude, you were nowhere as mad as I was about the Capsin lost yesterday:


F*** people who waste time on them doing non-important shit or having insignificant air dogfights.
F*** engineers who waste time trying to kill a useless jet.
For every 1 flag people cap in a chopper, I can cap 3.

That is basically the bad part of BF in a nutshell. The four or us were just disgusting that round. I mean, look at the stats. We were running over them. But one squad cannot win in CQ against a team that is actively pursuing objectives. If you look at the smurfs from that game, they lost if for us. I tried really hard to win, but... how do you win in that situation? We took every flag being contested, but our teammates would give away every flag we won.

So the great thing about BF is that it's a team game, but it's also the worst thing because useless teammates can ruin the experience. They don't care about winning. They just want to fly a plane or gain rank, or whatever the fuck else they do that isn't objective-based.

And probably the worst thing is... the bar isn't even that high. We didn't need that much help. Just the tiniest bit of help and they couldn't manage it. I was kinda getting mad that you were getting mad, at us, because I felt like we were doing everything we could.

edit: I said "worst thing" like ten times haha


AC-130 flies on a path
you can spawn in it if your team captures the base that controls it
2 different guns, a 25mm and a 120mm
even if both gunner seats are occupied, you can still spawn on the AC-130 in a parachute
the enemy can shoot it down
both gunners have flares available
it respawns eventually like other vehicles do

the map they've shown is called Bandar Desert
it's "the biggest map in battlefield history"
the other 3 maps in Armored Kill are smaller

mobile artillery and tank killer tanks are new vehicles
tank killer tanks are powerful but weak
mobile artillery is really weak but has long range
And probably the worst thing is... the bar isn't even that high. We didn't need that much help. Just the tiniest bit of help and they couldn't manage it. I was kinda getting mad that you were getting mad, at us, because I felt like we were doing everything we could.

I was mad at "us" because of a couple of things (and feel free to express your point of view).

1) Crowding together: We were already down on ticket counts and having all 4 of us at one flag wasn't going to help. There were many times that I was almost done capturing a flag, and I'm telling you guys to just move on to another. Instead people moved in so they can get that quick cap flag point. It was a waste of time. At one point you JM and I just gone done capping A and fersis was running to join us, and I'm like "MOVE TO C DAMN IT"

2) No companion: Knowing what happened in 1)If I see you guys moving in to where I was, I immediately just move on to another flag. I was hoping at least one person would follow. So you guys were B and I was lone capping at C...almost done.......bam, 2 guys come up and i lost it.

3) Not reading map. So following 2) I spawned on Fersis who later arrived, and immediately spotted a guy right near him. "look at the map" I cried. Nope, instead he got killed, never knowing what hit him.

4) Vehicle obsession: So at one point we arrived at D and found a tank parked there. Following my avoid hot zone rules, I immediately retreated and went to cap B (which you later spawned on me, thank you.) However, others stayed to waste their time taking out the tank (and we still didn't get D after that.) I mean, if you really cared about D that much, your time is better spent to just ignore the tank, see it drive away and cap it. Tanks are not that deadly of a force on Capsin.

5) Vehicle obsession part 2: Very early on in the game I already told you that the tank can't move as fast as infantries. Now, don't get me wrong, you can drive a tank and all....but when I see all 3 of my squad mates in a tank moving slowly across the field. I'm just like wtfbbq. 1 is great, 2 if fine, 3 was excessive. Person in the CITV should have came out and ran with me.

6)Vehicle obsession part 3: Now, this just might be because I'm biased.
I honestly believe no one should have wasted time grabbing a vehicle when we were losing. I saw absolutely no benefit and enjoyed absolutely no benefit of it. It wasn't as if the enemies were terrorizing us with their tanks or air vehicles. When you piloted the chopper to kill the 3 tanks, I was just like "what 3 tanks? I just capped A, B moving to D and none of that ever bothered me." Then at one point I found people sitting in base waiting for a vehicle to spawn in orz.

7)I'm biased and I didn't preach the gospel good enough + gaf had done this to me enough times so I rage at gaf.
We were at 35: 120 something. We got them down to 0:25. We had the ability to win.

I am sick of this "last moment enlightenment" crap that people do.
If we were to win, Gaf would have said "man what a tough and close game" and the back of my mind I'm just "it should have never got to that point to begin with.

I'm sounding more and more like some NBA coach


Played a few rounds, new more responsive controls feels great.

Also randoms still play like brain dead sheep. Dear god is it ever frustrating just watching them doing the complete opposite of what they should be at any given moment. Squad spawning becomes an infuriating experience when each time you spawn your teammate is sprinting out in an open street between enemies. Maybe they think if they just sprint fast enough no one will notice them. Still managed to power through and win most of my games. Lucky enough to have one or two ringers on my team most times.

I look forward to testing out the patch changes further with a real squad.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I was mad at "us" because of a couple of things (and feel free to express your point of view).

Will do!

1) Crowding together: We were already down on ticket counts and having all 4 of us at one flag wasn't going to help. There were many times that I was almost done capturing a flag, and I'm telling you guys to just move on to another. Instead people moved in so they can get that quick cap flag point. It was a waste of time. At one point you JM and I just gone done capping A and fersis was running to join us, and I'm like "MOVE TO C DAMN IT"

Don't disagree. We could be more coordinated while moving.

2) No companion: Knowing what happened in 1)If I see you guys moving in to where I was, I immediately just move on to another flag. I was hoping at least one person would follow. So you guys were B and I was lone capping at C...almost done.......bam, 2 guys come up and i lost it.

I agree, having to cap by yourself isn't smart play. Should always be tandem unless circumstances just make that impossible.

3) Not reading map. So following 2) I spawned on Fersis who later arrived, and immediately spotted a guy right near him. "look at the map" I cried. Nope, instead he got killed, never knowing what hit him.

I generally agree with this, but there are also times when you call people out (myself included) for not reading the map when we actually were. Sometimes, shit just happens. You see the mine last second, or you see the guy with the C4, but the tank is stuck, or you also see something else, or whatever... I'm pretty much glued to the minimap, so when shit goes sideways, it's not necessarily because I didn't see it coming. I do make mistakes.

4) Vehicle obsession: So at one point we arrived at D and found a tank parked there. Following my avoid hot zone rules, I immediately retreated and went to cap B (which you later spawned on me, thank you.) However, others stayed to waste their time taking out the tank (and we still didn't get D after that.) I mean, if you really cared about D that much, your time is better spent to just ignore the tank, see it drive away and cap it. Tanks are not that deadly of a force on Capsin.

That's pretty smart play, and probably the way to go a lot of the time, but not always. You don't take out that tank, it's just going to move to the next flag (the one you went to instead of D) and cap it right behind you. Look, certain vehiucles are powerful. In the hands of the right pilots,, they are dominate. This should go without saying, but if you need real proof I encourage you to compare the stats of pilots/gunners vs infantry. It's heavily one sided.

I'm not saying that getting preoccupied with busting vehicles is the way to go... but neither do I think they should be altogether ignored. Especially when they are exerting their will on the map, unchallenged.

5) Vehicle obsession part 2: Very early on in the game I already told you that the tank can't move as fast as infantries. Now, don't get me wrong, you can drive a tank and all....but when I see all 3 of my squad mates in a tank moving slowly across the field. I'm just like wtfbbq. 1 is great, 2 if fine, 3 was excessive. Person in the CITV should have came out and ran with me.

I disagree. A tank is much faster than infantrymen. Especially over a long distance in high gear. This isn't even debatable. And when I pilot, the tank is 90% of the time in high gear. I slow only to make a tight turn.

I generally agree about CITV when we're behind in tickets... especially in my tank! I have canister shell!

6)Vehicle obsession part 3: Now, this just might be because I'm biased.
I honestly believe no one should have wasted time grabbing a vehicle when we were losing. I saw absolutely no benefit and enjoyed absolutely no benefit of it. It wasn't as if the enemies were terrorizing us with their tanks or air vehicles. When you piloted the chopper to kill the 3 tanks, I was just like "what 3 tanks? I just capped A, B moving to D and none of that ever bothered me." Then at one point I found people sitting in base waiting for a vehicle to spawn in orz.

Couple things... 1) on Kharg I spawned on the tank, yes... because I can sometimes hold B and C by myself with a tank, even against other tanks. The only time I lose my tank on Kharg is if we're targeted by a significant number of enemies or a lucky C4. And guess what... if they're busy focusing on busting my tank in the middle of the map, they aren't at A or D, and it's less pressure on the rest of the team. Also, we'd probably get rolled over if we didn't have the tank, under that kind of assault.

2) That was a weird situation with the chopper. Take into consideration that it was their chopper we stole. And also, yeah you did not see or have to worry about those tanks because we fucking blew them to shit on their way from A. That would have been armor we had to deal with (or run away from?) but they were neutralized in less than a min, because we wrecked their shit. Had our fucking retarded ass team used our own armor, and moved into the B/C range while we had their bird, and destroyed their armor, we might have turned the tide. Getting your hands on a powerful enemy vehicle like that is often the difference between a close game and a steamroll. Being a BC2 vet I shouldn't have to say this to you. Unfortunately, in BF3 there are cunty jet pilots who ram choppers, so it's not quite as dominant. But you take advantage of the opportunity, and get whatever mileage you can out of a situation like that. imo.

7)I'm biased and I didn't preach the gospel good enough + gaf had done this to me enough times so I rage at gaf.
We were at 35: 120 something. We got them down to 0:25. We had the ability to win.

We had the ability to win the entire time... it's just that at the end, the smurfs started playing the objective a bit.

I am sick of this "last moment enlightenment" crap that people do.
If we were to win, Gaf would have said "man what a tough and close game" and the back of my mind I'm just "it should have never got to that point to begin with.

Agreed. This happens a lot. Used to happen a lot in BC2 too.

I'm sounding more and more like some NBA coach

The dialog is good. It just means you want to win. Even if we aren't always on the same page regarding the specifics, we all want to win. I'd rather have you yelling at me/us than silent on the mic.


Dude, you were nowhere as mad as I was about the Capsin lost yesterday:


F*** people who waste time on them doing non-important shit or having insignificant air dogfights.
F*** engineers who waste time trying to kill a useless jet.
For every 1 flag people cap in a chopper, I can cap 3.

I think I have a crush on you. You and I think very much alike. We would dominate this game. Shame I decided to go 360 this time around.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Dreamgaze said:
3) Not reading map. So following 2) I spawned on Fersis who later arrived, and immediately spotted a guy right near him. "look at the map" I cried. Nope, instead he got killed, never knowing what hit him.
I heard you loud and clear but there wasnt any orange marker on my radar.
I believe our squad captured all the flags on that crazy match.
I generally agree with this, but there are also times when you call people out (myself included) for not reading the map when we actually were. Sometimes, shit just happens. You see the mine last second, or you see the guy with the C4, but the tank is stuck, or you also see something else, or whatever... I'm pretty much glued to the minimap, so when shit goes sideways, it's not necessarily because I didn't see it coming. I do make mistakes.

Indeed, you still have the bad habbit of driving straight into mines at times. lol.

That's pretty smart play, and probably the way to go a lot of the time, but not always. You don't take out that tank, it's just going to move to the next flag (the one you went to instead of D) and cap it right behind you. Look, certain vehiucles are powerful. In the hands of the right pilots,, they are dominate. This should go without saying, but if you need real proof I encourage you to compare the stats of pilots/gunners vs infantry. It's heavily one sided.

Again, vehicles are powerful, but people need to think of a few things:
1) The map structure: If the tank was traveling from A to B or D to B on capsin, then I would agree it's more of a threat. Since the travel from A-B-D, D-B-A is much easier. However, the tank was moving in the D->C->A direction. C requires a tough climb up hill and A is a long treck. Spot the tank and the rest of the team/squad should be aware and prepare for the tank to move up to C. It's also a much easier affair to deal with the tank at C as oppose to D, since C has less room for a tank to play with.

2) Objective > Vehicle: I totally I understand why people love vehicles, and yeah people will dominate, have better stats, etc in games against average players. However, the fact of the matter is - vehicles are not the end all be all of games. People need to adjust their love/hate/values for vehicles accordingly to the map and the people they're playing against.

If you been losing m-coms left and right, do you really think driving out with a vehicle would save you? If you're wasting 10 minutes trying to clear off tank mines, do you really think your vehicle is doing any good? If your chopper is out of bound in the other side of omen, while I'm lone capping flags, do people honestly think I care?

Again, people say "tank/jet/whatever is op" and my response have always been "it doesn't exist to me." In my world, if it's not hurting me from getting to the objective, then I don't give a damn. Between nice and easy capping of D vs. waste 10 min to fight a tank and not even capping D. I rather chose the former.

I'm not saying that getting preoccupied with busting vehicles is the way to go... but neither do I think they should be altogether ignored. Especially when they are exerting their will on the map, unchallenged.

3 tanks in the middle of nowhere, unchallenged, is a good thing. Like I said, I single handed capped A, B, D while people were dealing with that -_-.

I disagree. A tank is much faster than infantrymen. Especially over a long distance in high gear. This isn't even debatable. And when I pilot, the tank is 90% of the time in high gear. I slow only to make a tight turn.

For Capsin, I have to disagree.
From A->B, infantry wins.
From C->B, infantry wins.
From D->B, tank wins.
From ABD to C, infantry wins.
From A->D, tank wins.
From B->D, tank might win.
From C->D, infantry wins.

Based on the terrain of Capsin, I am going to out run the tank to flags most of the time.

Couple things... 1) on Kharg I spawned on the tank, yes... because I can sometimes hold B and C by myself with a tank, even against other tanks. The only time I lose my tank on Kharg is if we're targeted by a significant number of enemies or a lucky C4. And guess what... if they're busy focusing on busting my tank in the middle of the map, they aren't at A or D, and it's less pressure on the rest of the team. Also, we'd probably get rolled over if we didn't have the tank, under that kind of assault.

We were going to roll them over in Kharg to begin with, since they started vehicle whoring after that. Kharg wasn't even a competition.

2) That was a weird situation with the chopper. Take into consideration that it was their chopper we stole. And also, yeah you did not see or have to worry about those tanks because we fucking blew them to shit on their way from A. That would have been armor we had to deal with (or run away from?) but they were neutralized in less than a min, because we wrecked their shit. Had our fucking retarded ass team used our own armor, and moved into the B/C range while we had their bird, and destroyed their armor, we might have turned the tide. Getting your hands on a powerful enemy vehicle like that is often the difference between a close game and a steamroll. Being a BC2 vet I shouldn't have to say this to you. Unfortunately, in BF3 there are cunty jet pilots who ram choppers, so it's not quite as dominant. But you take advantage of the opportunity, and get whatever mileage you can out of a situation like that. imo.

See here's my problem, and it's an opinion thing.

Who was lone capping the flags while you're doing that?
Now, this goes back to my blend of players thing.

Yeah, I appreciate that you kept the team safe and kept out field dominance, but someone somewhere needed to cap flags.

Remember that Kharg rush defense round I joined you guys on?
They armed A, no one was around there to disarm it at all. I jumped in and got the job done. They killed me and immediately armed again, and then you rushed back tried to disarm but got killed. A lost. Where was everyone else? not being near the m-com, being aggressive, being offensive on freaking D.

Then B. In that game I had 18 kills. Was I all over the place like everyone else? No.
I practically never left the radius of B. What does that mean? There was 18 chances that the enemy could have gotten in to arm a completely unguarded m-com. 2 times they did, and 2 time I lone defended and disarmed it (dave popped by like after 10 seconds of my disarm.) Where was everyone else? not being near the m-com, being aggressive, being offensive on freaking D.

Look, if I can get a perfect 50/50 blend of aggressive/defensive gaf, or have everyone well rounded like Olimpia you and Dawn then things would be perfect. I would have my buds in vehicles dominating the field, and still have enough people around to cap some flag and watch the objective with me. However, we all know that's not the case, and that's why I can't help but be biased. If I get rolled over, fine. I'm just tired of losing "close games" cause people can't play D right (this is a just a general comment.)

P.S. I really want to praise dawnoflife. It's always a joy watching him play. Picking the right class at the right times and knowing when he should and shouldn't be in a vehicle. He doesn't stand out as much as say Olimpia due to his more flanking style of play, but people really should give him more credit.


well,t he way he said it, i think they just meant that they were showing the biggest map of the four because it's the biggest of the four. don't expect the maps to be Metro sized...

I just hope they're not Seine sized. Just because you have a tank on Seine doesn't make it a vehicle map...

Seine is the best infantry map IMO, the tank is a valuable tool, but it's infantry work that's going to win every single game. I've seen some big conquest games on Seine PC and it seems amazing...I would love the option to play on a 5 flag Seine variant. Just put 2 flags on one side of the river, 2 on the other side and one in the middle, bridge section.

Hopefully we get something like Caspian, Kharg or even Firestorm.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Which console?

Dream plays on PS3.

dream said:
P.S. I really want to praise dawnoflife. It's always a joy watching him play. Picking the right class at the right times and knowing when he should and shouldn't be in a vehicle. He doesn't stand out as much as say Olimpia due to his more flanking style of play, but people really should give him more credit.

He is very good. Hunting Beast too always impresses me... I just tag along behind him and try to pick up the scraps lol.

Rebel Leader

Metro sized vehicle map would be awesome. Vehicle cluster fuck.



Whoever is in charge of the Xbox Conquest server I just had to quit out after that last game because the other team was doing nothing but spawn raping our team. Grow a pair of balls people. I had a team of low level players that couldn't do much about it.
whatcha talking about, it's obviously the ps3.

*playing the stereotype of pretending 360-gaf doesn't exist*

360 GAF & Friends are too busy playing on servers that are actually run by party members.

Whoever is in charge of the Xbox Conquest server I just had to quit out after that last game because the other team was doing nothing but spawn raping our team. Grow a pair of balls people. I had a team of low level players that couldn't do much about it.

were any admins on? if you check server settings -> players, they have an icon next to their name.


So I joined a Gun Game to get the assignment of that PDW.

I joined the first game pretty late so it wasn't very fun trying to drop guys armed with automatic weapons with a measly pistol, needless to say I wasn't very successful.

So I joined another game thankfully at the start but it was me and another guy against 4 people. I thought we were screwed but I think having less players made it difficult for then to find and kill us, while we would bump into then more easily and get the kills.

Eventually more people joined on both sides, but at that point I was already running with assault weapons and it was really easy getting kills.

The worst gun was the timed grenade launcher...what was Dice thinking? People stole my kill at least 5 times when I was running with the gun.

The last kill with the knife was actually pretty epic! I saw a dude running in the open shooting another guy, I jumped out of the window and rushed towards him, but someone started shooting me with the sniper rifle. He managed to get 2 shots on me, I thought I was pretty much gone when the dude I was chasing stopped and turned towards me just in time to get knifed in the face while the other enemies started shooting at me!

Haha pretty sweet victory but I don't think I'll be playing this mode again, even after getting 3 nemesis pins on the same game. Well maybe if we do a game of Gun Mode with gaffers only!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Since you guys are talkin' Caspian Babby mode I just want to chime in:

There's been times where I and I alone have had to run the trifeca of B/C/D flags as a RU when I'm in the mood to ZZZZzzzzZZZZzZZZZz since EVERYONE and their mother goes to A. Why? WHY!? WHY!?

Is it because you want to take all the flags? That's cool. But if you see the second, third, OR fourth flags starting to blink and they do this constantly while I'm having to play musical flags: STOP ATTACKING A. It's no good and TOO FAR from the RU base to be useful in bleed. Yeah, having one or two people there to hassle them is nice, but there's been MANY games where I'm the only person rushing around those those three flags by myself and then I see a few people now and then that come to check on the flags as I'm revolving around them.


Also dream is right. On that map and mode the tank is useless 99% of the time for the trifeca of B/C/D. You can safely go into the woods and outrun a tank or hide from a tank to stealth cap in general on that map because the trees can't be pushed down and that area is hard to get through with a tank. So they generally will be on the roads.


I'll never touch the EOD bot again...ever!

That thing is horrible! Lol!

Seks, the new weapons are really good. Since you wanted the spas maybe you should take the bite and buy the DLC man.

I don't know if you care about guns, but the AUG and the ACW-R are really, really great. You're still having trouble with your connection?


Regarding the new weapons so far I've tried the AUG and AWR and both are really damn good. Better get 500 kills with each one before they get nerfed in the next patch


Regarding the new weapons so far I've tried the AUG and AWR and both are really damn good. Better get 500 kills with each one before they get nerfed in the next patch

People are saying Dice buffed the FAMAS a little, anyone tried it? I think the nerf was needed but they went too far.

Rock's gonna need to get the EOD bot kill again, he still haven't unlocked the first Engie gun, so the EOD kill won't be computed... :-(
I joined the first game pretty late so it wasn't very fun trying to drop guys armed with automatic weapons with a measly pistol, needless to say I wasn't very successful.

I've played a couple of matches of it and been thinking, why isn't the gun order in reverse? Start with an assault rifle and the easy weapons and ramp up to the harder shotguns and pistols, finally the knife.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I returned my server (PS3) to the original maps after giving COD/CQC maps and gameplay a try. It will scratch a rare itch, but definitely not what I and my platoon want to play regularly.
I returned my server (PS3) to the original maps after giving COD/CQC maps and gameplay a try. It will scratch a rare itch, but definitely not what I and my platoon want to play regularly.

it's a shame they can't be mixed, it would be refreshing to play one fast COD map every once in awhile in the normal map rotation :(


it's a shame they can't be mixed, it would be refreshing to play one fast COD map every once in awhile in the normal map rotation :(


I'm not a fan of those modes, that's the reason I don't like FPS games in general, but after some stressing rush round, they can be relaxing.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Bradley >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LAV


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Your statement is invalided =D


Hey man... a win is a win.

I had an epiphany today... maybe because I started drinking at 8 am.. I'm not sure... but i realized, is a win really a win? How many of my wins were like my losses today? Leaves kind of a bad taste in my mouth. I realize it's not about the wins, but the competition. These guys are good players. Maybe better than me... probably better than me.

Let's see.

Fuck w/l.... I'll take a thousand losses. You can only do what you can do. How often do you really get a true 1v1? Guy on the better team wins that confrontation, but is unaware that the other guy was dealing with locks and from every angle, helicopters and jets strafing, infantry rockets... I realize this now. Piling on doesn't mean shit.

So if I'm going to celebrate a victory... it will be from behind. Against odds. With smurfs. You win a game with the assholes we had on or team today, that carries some weight.

And I think it will be fun playing against really good players, instead of rolling over weak competition... today I turn merc.
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