Haha... it's not lag. Rounds fired have trajectories and bullet drop. You have to compensate at range.
oh okay. I'll have to do some test to see how much it drops from midrange firing.
Haha... it's not lag. Rounds fired have trajectories and bullet drop. You have to compensate at range.
OG Kush said:Anyone getting really few servers? Like only 10 on the list... (EU)
Evolved1 said:This game needs battle recorder. I need a way to demonstrate to people the error of their ways, (set up a defense, stick to it, communicate, stay by the fucking crates!) and how it's not fair for every damn game to come down to a herculean effort by myself or some other gaffer in the closing moments.
While those moments are exhilarating and rewarding... they are completely unnecessary.
Had some middling games today but a few times I was able to pull off some serious shit when serious shit was required.
YUPPPPPPPEvolved1 said:This game needs battle recorder.
Tunavi said:YUPPPPPPP
Evolved1 said:M1911 is the best weapon in the game. Lol.
Oh yeah... and DICE, flashlights and lasers are almost single handedly ruining the game. Because of flashlights, M1911 is the best weapon in the game. Good job. Maybe it's time to rethink those.
Pkm said:I agree.
Almost every firefight you have a light or suppression blindness in your face...and sometimes both. I find myself having to spray a good chunk of the time cause my screen is a blurry mess and Im blinded...really not a fun addition.
I unlocked and equipped reduced suppression, now if I'm right and thats what makes the blur effect then hopefully it reduces it but I havent got a chance to really see an improvement
duracell017 said:finally picked up the game yesterday. thank you dreamgazer for the invite. unfortunately I sucked terribly to help out in any game.![]()
trying to get used to the aiming in this game. do I have to lead just a hair to account for the lag? I'm like missing my shots unless they are cqc.
good games with gaf. nice to meet a few I haven't played with: farlangh, calion, easytgt.
question about minimap. the enemy shows up only when they fire or spotted via motion mines and mav?
I applied for the platoon last nite. psn: renderman017
overall the I like the game just frustrated with the mechanics. its the usual new release getting used to period. did you guys leave the brightness during the initial setup at default? I can't see anything after adjusting for the 3 to be barely visible.
meppi said:FFS FIX THIS SHIT GORILLA!!!!![]()
Pkm said:Almost every firefight you have a light or suppression blindness in your face...and sometimes both. I find myself having to spray a good chunk of the time cause my screen is a blurry mess and Im blinded...really not a fun addition.
TheSeks said:Also I still think the spawn screen is totally broken and doesn't allow Calion and others to see WHERE the fuck I put beacons and squad statuses. :|
EasyTGT said:I think that battlefield isn't really trying to be a balanced skill based shooter..
TheSeks said:Shut up and play hard co-op mission 3 with me, damn it.
Pkm said:I agree.
Almost every firefight you have a light or suppression blindness in your face...and sometimes both. I find myself having to spray a good chunk of the time cause my screen is a blurry mess and Im blinded...really not a fun addition.
I unlocked and equipped reduced suppression, now if I'm right and thats what makes the blur effect then hopefully it reduces it but I havent got a chance to really see an improvement
olimpia84 said:Why is it that Tehran Highway Conquest is always a guaranteed rubberband fest?
Bruiserk said:Oh you were renderman? I didn't know. You were in my squad for a little bit i believe. Did you add me on PSN? I can't remember.
happens on Rush too when you get to town.olimpia84 said:Why is it that Tehran Highway Conquest is always a guaranteed rubberband fest?
TheSeks said:Yes, Cal. Never spawn on my beacon OR ME when I'm BEHIND THE ENEMY and going to arm and need support as a recon.
SMH. I mean I'm sitting there waiting for you to spawn with the other dude and NOPE.avi you go back to the clusterfuck. Damn it. :/
At least on the bright side we won those rounds BY THE SKIN OF MY TEETH by me avoiding fire, picking up the other squad dudes assault/medic kit. Reviving him with my medic shotgun, running over arming and GTFOing to an advantage point. >_>
And unlocked the IR Flares and Heat Seekers in the jet on that mysterious 3 jet kill Oilfield map.
I seriously don't know how I killed them I was too busy learning to fly without slamming into the ground spraying and praying for points and disabling a few tanks while flying REALLY low like a few feet from the pavement.
Caspian Border oh man, I should've stayed on the ground. Trying to get a lock on with the heat seekers and someone shaking you off is a bitch and a half for me because I can't turn the jets on a dime.
At least if I unlock the air to ground missiles I'd be more useful in a jet. >_>
Also I still think the spawn screen is totally broken and doesn't allow Calion and others to see WHERE the fuck I put beacons and squad statuses. :|
The Faceless Master said:happens on Rush too when you get to town.
TheSeks said:If that's the case I may as well just go back to Quake 3 Arena or hell Hack of Duty 4 than stick with Battlefield if DICE can't properly balance.
Noted, in case i ever happen to play as Recon (zero score with Recon currently, haven't used it)... Too many people use the class, too many people are fucking awful with it and regardless too many do not contribute meaninfully while using the class.Evolved1 said:Community FYI: When you plant a spawn beacon, plant it facing the opposite direction you want people to be oriented when they spawn, otherwise they'll be oriented opposite of what you intended.
/purposefully wordy.
Tomat said:So what's the verdict on multiplayer balance? Haven't put it much time yet, so Im curious about how it fares compared to BC2.
I get that. Just I myself miss the days when a shooter was simplified down to "pick a class, pick a gun".EasyTGT said:Anyway, the point I was trying to make is battlefield is more about overall balance of the two teams rather then balance on the individual encounter level. There are just too many variables to ensure that every 1v1 encounter is going to be equal terms for both involved. More encounters will be decided based on who has what weapon with what attachment, with what perk, in which vehicle.
TheSeks said:Also I still think the spawn screen is totally broken and doesn't allow Calion and others to see WHERE the fuck I put beacons and squad statuses. :|
yeah, the auto-balance is terrible. want to play with your friends? NO DICE!olimpia84 said:Hey DICE I appreciate that you're trying to balance teams at the end of each round but for fucks sake please let me play with my friends. It's pretty much a given after each match that your team disbands almost entirely.
Pkm said:And armor..WOW..its never been this forgiving!
You can see a tank and smack it with some rockets..watch it putter along and slowly catch fire..hit it a fe more times...OK, now its really on fire and can barely move..you hit it again!..ok guys jump out, morder you, and you get 100pts for disabling a tank while 2 enemys run rampant in your base you tried to protect with all billion AT rockets you shot.
For the love of Christ just gimme "2-4 rockets and a big fucking BOOM" dont give the damn drivers and passengers a MASSIVE window to escape and/or find you and kill you.
Pkm said:And armor..WOW..its never been this forgiving!
You can see a tank and smack it with some rockets..watch it putter along and slowly catch fire..hit it a fe more times...OK, now its really on fire and can barely move..you hit it again!..ok guys jump out, murder you, and you get 100pts for disabling a tank while 2 enemys run rampant in your base you tried to protect with all billion AT rockets you shot.
For the love of Christ just gimme "2-4 rockets and a big fucking BOOM" dont give the damn drivers and passengers a MASSIVE window to escape and/or find you and kill you.
EasyTGT said:I'd argue the Call of Duty isn't really a good example of a balanced skill based shooter either. I think it's more of a rock paper scissors balance then a chess or checkers type of balance... if that makes sense.
Anyway, the point I was trying to make is battlefield is more about overall balance of the two teams rather then balance on the individual encounter level. There are just too many variables to ensure that every 1v1 encounter is going to be equal terms for both involved. More encounters will be decided based on who has what weapon with what attachment, with what perk, in which vehicle.
Evolved1 said:Community FYI: When you plant a spawn beacon, plant it facing the opposite direction you want people to be oriented when they spawn, otherwise they'll be oriented opposite of what you intended.
PKM said:Pkm:
And armor..WOW..its never been this forgiving!
You can see a tank and smack it with some rockets..watch it putter along and slowly catch fire..hit it a fe more times...OK, now its really on fire and can barely move..you hit it again!..ok guys jump out, murder you, and you get 100pts for disabling a tank while 2 enemys run rampant in your base you tried to protect with all billion AT rockets you shot.
For the love of Christ just gimme "2-4 rockets and a big fucking BOOM" dont give the damn drivers and passengers a MASSIVE window to escape and/or find you and kill you.
Honestly I think its too good to be true.Kibbles said:Is this battlerecorder coming for consoles too? I mean I figure yes since this is the console thread and there is talk about it, but was it ever confirmed for consoles as well?
SameTunavi said:Honestly I think its too good to be true.
Jas said:The A-91 is my new Uzi![]()
JJD said:It's amazing isn't it? I was going to post this earlier but I forgot! Best engineer gun so far! I hope the thermal sights is an unlock for it!
On a side note, I managed to get the hang of the chopper controls using the Legacy config. To all our chopper aces, do you think legacy is better than the default one?
I can now pretty much take off with a chopper and go were I want without crashing, but I'm far from being a viable pilot on a MP game.
I wish I could play the co op chopper mission alone to train more. I managed to beat it piloting on easy. Gonna try normal later!
I'm beginning to finally adapt to the BF3 controls!![]()
Klocker said:blows my mind that I started playing this series on X360 with BF Modern Combat! That seems like a Dreamcast game compared to this.
This is by far the best battle (war) game of any kind ever made.