Close Quarters this tuesday! WOOOOO!!
>8( YOUR FACE IS BAD!!! >_<.... buhahahaha..
They are bad
>8( YOUR FACE IS BAD!!! >_<.... buhahahaha..
They are bad
Close Quarters this tuesday! WOOOOO!!
...... should have saved that for faceless>8( YOUR FACE IS BAD!!! >_<
I hate how the mini map changes depending on which floor you're on
Prevents TUGS from being super OP, it's a great idea.
PDW-R is a piece of shit. It is useless at short range (all other PDWs seem to be better choices for that) and at mid range, class weapon or even other PDWs are better.
Don't see the point of this weapon.
ITT: N00bs continue to be n00bs and hate what they can't kick ass with.
You want "piece of shit?" PKP pre-nerf was a piece of shit with it's only claim to fame being the high damage rage. Not a piece of shit? The PDW-R. It's on level with the P90 in mobility. Issue is it's small clip size but you adjust to that and then become godly.
Worst fucking players are on today. I give up.
I really wish it worked like TUGS/MAV where if a player is crouching they won't appear on the minimap.Also, kinda wish infantry had some specialization or something to hide from Proximity Scanner.
I really wish it worked like TUGS/MAV where if a player is crouching they won't appear on the minimap.
the crouching thing only works against T-UGS.
MAV will still pick you up. The only flaw is that MAV scans in bursts/not constant.
And, a perk to make infantry invisible to proximity scans?
Why do you want to nerf the only few functions a recon has?
The helicopter has to be moving fast enough or it'll be hit by the missile's exploding on a flare.Are there some specific cirumstances where flares do not work? I shoot this heli with AA missile and despite it using a flare, my missile scores a hit and destroyes it.
Worst fucking players are on today. I give up.
They're still fucking there. I keep getting low level idiots every server. Worst fucking luck.
Playing against gaffers is almost as fun as playing with them.
Except for the whole losing thing.
Man, so many glitchers still in Op Metro
I shouldn't have sold my PS3 copy. I miss PS3GAF.![]()
DICE please bring text-chat to consoles and custom soundtracks to PS3 please (which is the only platform that can't do custom soundtracks).
Plz Dice.
At work, so I can't view youtube videos.
Anyone want to comment if there's anything good in there?
He's very good and gives pretty good advice... only watched a few mins though.
lol... it's funny this is basically what every good BF player deals with in the game... worthless teammates. and having to do everything by yourself. he's really good in 1v1. i'm more of a hipfire player, but this makes me want to try going ADS a bit more.
edit2: pretty much everything he says has been mentioned in this thread a hundred times. except for the how the handedness of players will influence their reactions in CQB. he says that since most players are right handed, they tend to move to the right (your left) in combat, whether in a 1v1 in close combat, or if they're behind a wall, they will generally move right. this is probably true.
DICE please bring text-chat to consoles and custom soundtracks to PS3 please (which is the only platform that can't do custom soundtracks).
Plz Dice.
You know one thing about this game (a change since BC2) that I despise and isn't often mentioned... the skull and crossbones when your teammate dies.
That is such bullshit. I wish you could turn it off.
What's wrong with it?
It's a serves a good general indicator of where enemies might be.
Most of the community also chooses to ignore it completely (and more don't even read the map.)
You know one thing about this game (a change since BC2) that I despise and isn't often mentioned... the skull and crossbones when your teammate dies.
That is such bullshit. I wish you could turn it off.
Given the fact so few people spot let alone communicate in this game, I will gladly take any visual indicators that help me assess in real time where threats and weaknesses are located
You know one thing about this game (a change since BC2) that I despise and isn't often mentioned... the skull and crossbones when your teammate dies.
That is such bullshit. I wish you could turn it off.
Other thing I don't like is that friendly grenades show like enemy grenades. Once a threw a grenade to protect the person who was deactvating the comm, and he ran away...
It's not that big of a deal. Like Dream stated, most everyone doesn't pay attention to it. Hell I've done U-knife runs while playing Jack the Ripper on the enemy and there's at least three snipers right next to each other and they don't even hear or see their teammates dying to the left/right of them.
Haha, more double XP this weekend. My SPM is never gonna drop down below 1200 at this rate.
Well it's pretty easy to have a 1000 plus SPM if you reset your stats. Most of GAF would have it, since by now we know the game pretty well.
Most stats don't mean much anymore. Played some games with an awful, awful lvl. 100 colonel on my squad last saturday and decided to check his stats on battlelog to see how many hour he had played.
I assumed he had something like 1000 hours since he was so bad, but was already top lvl.
Much to my surprise he had something like 600 and a SPM of 933 without reseting his stats. He played mostly 500% tickets conquest games on Metro as an assault only.
I'm pretty sure he must be a pretty good Metro player to have a SPM like that, but he was almost useless on other maps and probably don't know how to play well other classes.
Custom servers and stat reset have fucked stat tracking in this game. You'll se a lot of really bad players around with some great stats nowadays.
I know that's not your case Mint, you were always a great player and teammate it's just that stats have become useless now, and I think they are kinda ruining the game. I wish we could only track W/L and K/D, this way people would not give then so much attention.
lack of input lag after the patch is awesome, fps of the gen?