Neo Member
Just got first service star for Engineer
Kinda funny that I've been doing the opposite 'cause of how it worked in the Beta.Evolved1 said:Community FYI: When you plant a spawn beacon, plant it facing the opposite direction you want people to be oriented when they spawn, otherwise they'll be oriented opposite of what you intended.
/purposefully wordy.
computers putin' said:Legacy and inverted is the way to go; its the most "natural" feeling
And I see it now: a-91 nerfed in 2 months tops.
People start bragging about a gun, people start taking exception to getting killed by it, gun is nerfed, rinse and repeat. The gun being overpowered remains to be seen, but I don't think it's any better than the other engineer guns. If the a-91 turns out to be marginally overpowered I wouldn't care though.
I also felt those guns have been lessened -- not sure if it's damage though, I think they may have more recoil. I also have been using recon much less. Was the SV98 one hit kill in Beta? Unless I'm mistaken, the one time I shot it now, I didn't kill the guy I hit.moonspeak said:Wow what happened to the SVD and MK11? These were beastly in the beta. I've barely touched Recon as a result.
You can use Battlelog to check attachment unlock status and see the whole gun's progression (as well as all class and rank unlocks). Click on your "soldier" then the "Weapons & Equipment" tab. Ha, I think I forgot to test out the A-91 after unlocking it.JJD said:I hate that we don't have stats for the guns in the customize soldier screen. I'm trying to unlock at least a red dot sight and the 4x scope for every gun I unlock before I move to the next one. So far I've only played as Engineer and Assault and the A-91 was the weapon the "felt" the best for me. [...]
I hope we can get our hands on some stats soon...
JJD said:It's amazing isn't it? I was going to post this earlier but I forgot! Best engineer gun so far! I hope the thermal sights is an unlock for it!
On a side note, I managed to get the hang of the chopper controls using the Legacy config. To all our chopper aces, do you think legacy is better than the default one?
I can now pretty much take off with a chopper and go were I want without crashing, but I'm far from being a viable pilot on a MP game.
I wish I could play the co op chopper mission alone to train more. I managed to beat it piloting on easy. Gonna try normal later!
I'm beginning to finally adapt to the BF3 controls!![]()
JJD said:On a side note, I managed to get the hang of the chopper controls using the Legacy config. To all our chopper aces, do you think legacy is better than the default one?
Faceless said:>>Claymores<<
Fersis said:Importers are sold out of BF3
But this week is the week. >8( (Hopefully internet next saturday)
Lol what? Iori is a beast and EX Iori is even 'beastier'!TheSeks said:Since I got a PS3 replacement I should probably ask for KoF 2011 for Christmas...
hahaha. Nope. Iori nerfed because of Ash. Forget that.
I'm also pissed Carl Clover's dad Relius is being released in BB:CS+ but not being released for CS/2 consoles so you have to rebuy the game like the Capcom effect. ARC SYSTEM WORSK! YOU USED TO BE GOOD! Y U FOLLOWING CAPCOM!?
greenjerk said:so how exactly am i supposed to unlock anything with jets if I can't fucking shoot anything on the ground or in the air? went 0-7 and 0-8 trying to practice in two conquest maps with randoms and it was awful. fared better in the choppers but only slightly. just amazed at how much i fight with the damn controls, especially when flying a jet... jesus christ it shouldn't be so hard to fly a fucking plane. I've flown real planes and it wasn't this hard to point the goddamn thing where i wanted.
TheSeks said:If default controls:
Left stick left/right (turn), L2 brake. Right stick left/right 6DoF->90 degree angle to the ground. Right stick DOWN/UP while holding L2 sharp turn.
Straighten out and then machine gun the tanks or vehicles. You should be able to get disabled assists/bonuses and get the unlocks that way to get heat seekers. Once you got those you can go dogfighting against people but it's a PITA to dogfight for me.
I still gotta unlock the IR Flares for the attack choppers. :/
Jas said:The A-91 is my new Uzi![]()
Xux said:Kinda funny that I've been doing the opposite 'cause of how it worked in the Beta.
greenjerk said:so how exactly am i supposed to unlock anything with jets if I can't fucking shoot anything on the ground or in the air? went 0-7 and 0-8 trying to practice in two conquest maps with randoms and it was awful. fared better in the choppers but only slightly. just amazed at how much i fight with the damn controls, especially when flying a jet... jesus christ it shouldn't be so hard to fly a fucking plane. I've flown real planes and it wasn't this hard to point the goddamn thing where i wanted.
like this? -> said:I hate that we don't have stats for the guns in the customize soldier screen. I'm trying to unlock at least a red dot sight and the 4x scope for every gun I unlock before I move to the next one. So far I've only played as Engineer and Assault and the A-91 was the weapon the "felt" the best for me. I don't know if it's overpowered but I swear I'm playing better since I started using it! My favorite weapon in BC2 was the AN-94. I could easily take foes from a distance, and I still won most of my 1 on 1 encounters.
I hope we can get our hands on some stats soon...
The only thing that I don't like in the Legacy chopper settings is that it inverts the sticks when you're gunning for someone, and I don't know why, but that really fucks up my aim...
it's all about luck... you know what i did to unlock the flares and homing missiles?greenjerk said:so how exactly am i supposed to unlock anything with jets if I can't fucking shoot anything on the ground or in the air? went 0-7 and 0-8 trying to practice in two conquest maps with randoms and it was awful. fared better in the choppers but only slightly. just amazed at how much i fight with the damn controls, especially when flying a jet... jesus christ it shouldn't be so hard to fly a fucking plane. I've flown real planes and it wasn't this hard to point the goddamn thing where i wanted.
Evolved1 said:Well I did have a 6.0 w/l.... hey look meppi and ejas are playing, awesome. Hey not awesome at all. Turns out it's a team full of retards.
Evolved1 said:Well I did have a 6.0 w/l.... hey look meppi and ejas are playing, awesome. Hey not awesome at all. Turns out it's a team full of retards.
I'm in MAV and pointing out, literally, the entire freaking enemy team coming down the hill. Apparently this isn't useful information because despite knowing where the enemy is, they still get steamrolled. I'm watching guys trying to run in and get knife kills... smh.
I have to say watching the battle take place from up there really puts a focus on how terrible people are at this game. You expect a certain level of competency, like the most basic tactics, but it's just not there.
I had an epiphany while I was up there: other people do not play this game for the same reason I (we) do. I play to win. They play to play.
Also... the squad system is so messed up right now... it's basically broken half the time.
TheSeks said:I love Metro.
omg 7 knife kills, you fucking knife camper!TheSeks said:I love Metro. I can turn games like This into This
See that "Killing Machine?" 10 of those kills were knife assassinations from across the map sneaking in the grass near out of bounds and stabbing people one after another after another. Had a close call trying to assassinate a dude with my knife out he turns I follow and get him in the back.
People are going to have to start calling me Jack the Ripper of Battlefield 3 because I WILL KNIFE YOUR ASS if given the chance.
there's a cooldown on the blowtorch, but you can repair a tank from near death before it kicks in, it's gotta be like 70% or something.computers putin' said:Initially I had a problem with the tanks in the game, I thought the tanks were too durable but I've backed off of that though.The regen speed of the blowtorch is pretty fast though, with no cool down like in BC2. So one single engineer can keep a tank near tip top health against one guy firing a barrage of rockets its way, but a second guy can take em down, and if the tank is sustaining itself with teamwork, then it should require some teamwork to take it down. It does suck to see your enemies scamper off though when you put all that work into blowing it up though.
Still need more time with the game before I form concrete opinions on the balance, but I don't see anything that's blatantly overpowered.
Woorloog said:A hint for beginner jet pilots: inverse loop
omg 7 knife kills, you fucking knife camper!
Dreamgazer said:Also, meppi and ejas are offensive type players (IMO). I tend to avoid games if there isn't a good mix of player types. Ex: farlaghn, jm = all around type, Sekoku, evolved & I = defensive type. Just so we have all things covered.
TheSeks said:
Dreamgazer said:It's been like that since BC2, but the problem seems to be much worse in BF3.
Also, meppi and ejas are offensive type players (IMO). I tend to avoid games if there isn't a good mix of player types. Ex: farlaghn, jm = all around type, Sekoku, evolved & I = defensive type. Just so we have all things covered.
Xux said:Don't have the A-91 yet but the SG553's a pretty cool carbine. Kinda like if you combined the M4 and the M4 and lowered the fire rate a little.
Alienshogun said:So, I shot down a littlebird with the 50cal on a humvee, it crashed and I killed 3 people, one of them was a "roadkill."
I REALLY wish we had battle recorder, I would love to know how one of them was a roadkill.
I can see that.JJD said:I hated the M4...couldn't play with it. Lost most of my 1 on 1 fights with that one... :-(
TKRunningRiot said:Just got first service star for Engineer
This is so true. Since I've got the mav, I've gone while matchs of 0-0 just spotting people. When I have a good team, they act on my Intel and just now people down. Bad teams they don't do shit even when I light up the whole team. I got to the point I would hover the mav RIGHT ON TOP OF SOME GUY and the idiots would ignore him.Evolved1 said:Well I did have a 6.0 w/l.... hey look meppi and ejas are playing, awesome. Hey not awesome at all. Turns out it's a team full of retards.
I'm in MAV and pointing out, literally, the entire freaking enemy team coming down the hill. Apparently this isn't useful information because despite knowing where the enemy is, they still get steamrolled. I'm watching guys trying to run in and get knife kills... smh.
I have to say watching the battle take place from up there really puts a focus on how terrible people are at this game. You expect a certain level of competency, like the most basic tactics, but it's just not there.
I had an epiphany while I was up there: other people do not play this game for the same reason I (we) do. I play to win. They play to play.
Also... the squad system is so messed up right now... it's basically broken half the time.
TheSeks said:...And for those of us that aren't in the air force and are twelve, what is this?
Woorloog said:A hint for beginner jet pilots
Playing the Co op missions with a friend is so much fun! I would gladly buy another 6 mission Co op map pack for 10 bucks! You heard that EA/DICE?
timmytheman123 said:So Amazon sent me an extra dog tag pack code. Anybody want it?
*Edit- Xbox 360
I have no issues with acquiring targets nor do i lose track of enemy jets, though arguably Air Radar helps here. But even without, it isn't that hard. Is it?EasyTGT said:The problem I have is acquiring targets/loosing track of of enemy jets. Also, finding anything to shoot on the ground.
I can stay in the jet flying around for most of the match, but most of the time I'm not really doing anything while I'm up there.