The Faceless Master
you should use a controller for vehicles!Bisnic said:GAF, why do i suck so bad at driving flying vehicules on the PC version?
Seriously, i can't stay alive more than 10 secs after getting in one.![]()
you should use a controller for vehicles!Bisnic said:GAF, why do i suck so bad at driving flying vehicules on the PC version?
Seriously, i can't stay alive more than 10 secs after getting in one.![]()
Evolved1 said:Don't agree. Sure, they have no answer for vehicles... but they are the best class for tactical players. The motion sensor and spawn beacon make them one of the most powerful classes for CQB and teamwork.
I'm a damn good engineer, but my SPM actually went up since switching to assault recon.
jorma said:Ok so do i need to do something after i've been accepted to the platoon/clan? I see zero options in the game menu, there is no indication of members online unless they are in my friend list, and i dont have a clan tag, and in the leaderboards there is a 'global' leaderboard and a 'friend' leaderboard, no platoon leaderboard.
But i am a member in ps3 gaf on the website, and i set it as primary. Is it really supposed to be this shitty and bareboned? I mean seriously.
red731 said:You can set tag in edit profile on battlelog and yeah. We are in platoon, but unless we are not friends on consoles, we can't even see any other online platoon member.
I would like something like platoon join or more options of creating games with our platoon.
And when I check for games, the ingame server browser doesn't show right number of friends playing on servers...
red731 said:I was playing on some HARDCORE server this morning and couldn't switch to 3rd person when driving/flying. Is that because of the mode? Because it would make sense...
when you are driving car you can't magicaly see all your surrounding from air...
HARDCORE....and deep
JJD said:Evolved I need help with the chopper co op mission on hard! My piloting skills just aren't good enough...
You're up for it sometime?
tsigo said:How the fuck am I supposed to unlock IR flares when I get shot down, no exaggeration, 5 seconds after I take off? Without fail.
i find the opposite to be true... recon is only enticing when i'm not holding a sniper rifle.computers putin' said:^^^
recon is definitely the least enticing class to play thats for sure, unless you really like sniping.
computers putin' said:Forgot about the spawn beacon
So in that sense I agree with you. The motion sensor and spawn beacon are great assets to have and make the class worth while. Now if only there was someway to get all the randoms out there to play recon that way......
Dreamgazer said:Well the better question is.
What you need jets for?
tsigo said:It's more helicopters than jets, but the question applied to both.
Dreamgazer said:We can't even get gaf regulars to appreciate the class.
Get a mav up on firestorm defense and the attackers are pretty much doomed.
Unless your whole team are a bunch of morons who don't read maps.
Get a t-ugs and beacon up in crossing first set-B and the m-com is pretty much invulnerable.
Unless your whole team are a bunch of morons who don't stay near m-coms.
<- moron who can't stand even losing a single m-com in life.
Dreamgazer said:I can also do piloting for that mission on hard at anytime.
Dave1988 said:So like every game with randoms ever? ;p
Dreamgazer said:You jerk, you changed mission 3 to normal for me so I got to find someone else to do it on hard with.
GraveRobberX said:>>Not needing Squad Wipe<<
GraveRobberX said:I need somebody's help to get me the 6 kills with air vehicle
I'm 4 ribbons away from Gold Trophy
Need 6 kills with flying
Destroy 3 MCOMS (really is a bitch)
7 suppression assists, my max is 5 =/
Kill 2 people with emplaced weapons, yeah but by the time I destroy vehicle occupants have left the fucking vehicle
Noisepurge said:I never had trouble getting several of these. The suppression assist is annoying because you can't effectively get that yourself. Same goes for the Anti-Explosives ribbon.
TheSeks said:Squad Wipe woes
Dave1988 said:I got this ribbon in a pub game with randoms.
jorma said:i dont really get the nemesis kills one. do i really need to let some dude go 5-0 against me, and then come back and kill him twice? why would i want THAT ribbon? :O
TheSeks said:-2 Kills with Emplaced Weapons (WHERE THE FUCK ARE THESE!?)
Sound barrier maybe? Alternatively it is a turbulence.Pkm said:Anyone fly a jet, press the afterburner, and then feel like no increase of speed has occured? the jets, what the shit is all the "CRASH, BANG, BOOM" when your flying ? Its almost like the plane is backfiring.
I'm guessing its some half ass "realism" because the plane is taking some type of G force or some other nonsense.
TheSeks said:Then you got extremely lucky, because even in clusterfucks in Metro's tunnels defending B I NEVER get it. It's so annoying.
Seriously: I'm 40/45. I'm missing:
-Squad Wipe, obviously.
-Defend 4 M-COM stations (possible to do by disarming, IIRC but half of GAF goes for the crate in Rush on defense and fuck going for disarming myself with randoms)
-In a round get 2 Nemesis kills (if someone is my Nemesis it never indicates it like it does in BC2. >:|)
-2 Kills with Emplaced Weapons (WHERE THE FUCK ARE THESE!?)
-6 kills with air vehicles (could've gotten this yesterday if Brusier actually sat still and didn't hardlock me when I was gunning at tanks. "NO! NO! GO BACK! THEY'RE BAILING OUT AND REPAIRING! LET ME KILL--ARGH!")
Awesome.JJD said:Rockscar game is already on the way Fersis! Better find yours fast!
I find it pretty much amazing that Rockscar is the 126th player in the PS3 BC2 ranking. He played mostly with randoms and I've never seem him piloting a chopper like most of the guys at the top do 24/7. Rock is a beast!
Also, how the fuck Battlelog tracks skill? Played a game at Canals, I was the second best player overall, my team won by 98 tickets and I lost -73.8 points in skill. My K/D was 15/13! WTF??? I'm losing skill points in games that not only my team win, but my K/D average is highly positive and I get the MVP ribbon!
Woorloog said:Sound barrier maybe? Alternatively it is a turbulence.
Squad Wipe seemed easier to get in the beta. I got it every couple of games by chance in that but haven't gotten it once in the final game. I've gotten a couple of eliminated bonuses but never more than once in a game.TheSeks said:Er-Surpression isn't that hard. Go into Metro, go into the tunnels on defense. So long as you are in an area where the enemy is: FIRE AROUND THEM and have someone kill them.
Squad Wipe is the HARDEST one to get, IMO because you have no clue who is on a squad and how many of them there are.
4 person squads are annoying to do this for and frankly if GAF ever clears a server out I'm close to begging to cheat and "boost" it by having someone switch teams and do a two person squad to die for me because it's EXTREMELY LUCK BASED to get. Seriously, DICE: This shouldn't require 2 wipes in a round. Just give me it for clearing a squad out because they couldn't spread out. Please.
I guess I can see stationary being hard but frankly I haven't even seen a stationary weapon in the game to even KNOW that.
Bruiserk said:Also, is there someway that the javelin can lock on to airborne vehicles? I swear to god I did it once.
It can if someone uses SOFLAM to spot an air vehicle.Bruiserk said:Also, is there someway that the javelin can lock on to airborne vehicles? I swear to god I did it once.
Bruiserk said:Also, is there someway that the javelin can lock on to airborne vehicles? I swear to god I did it once.
Bruiserk said:Lol sorry. I'm confused, what do you mean by hard lock? Was I on the other team?
Roboplato said:Squad Wipe seemed easier to get in the beta. I got it every couple of games by chance in that but haven't gotten it once in the final game. I've gotten a couple of eliminated bonuses but never more than once in a game.
TheSeks said:Get in the gunner seat in co-op. Focus on a target and start firing. Have the pilot move over it and then do viewfinding around all directions. TAH-DAH, the "hard lock" when you can't move further. The gunner position "locks" at a certain point and you can't go further so it's annoying firing on an enemy and attempting to get kills/suppress them and NOPE the pilot moves over or away or out of view.
SMAW and RPG don't become missile no matter how much you track targets. Wait till people unlock Laser Guided Missiles (Tank Guided shell, IFV alternative weapon, helo gunner weapon), then painting targets with SOFLAM becomes useful.A27 Tawpgun said:If I use the SOFLAM on a helicopter/jet, can a SMAW/RPG take it down?
I'm still trying to think if a way to justify the SOFLAM's existence because it has done jack shit for me.
A27 Tawpgun said:If I use the SOFLAM on a helicopter/jet, can a SMAW/RPG take it down?
I'm still trying to think if a way to justify the SOFLAM's existence because it has done jack shit for me.
Slap the SOFLAM somewhere, do whatever you like and the SOFLAM will automaticlly spot targets if it can see them. That's how i understood it anyway.greenjerk said:One of the "quick facts" that plays while missions are loading said something about it "designating targets even when not in use"? Maybe I was drunk but that made no sense to me. But my reading comprehension is shit anyways so it might have said something completely different.
Bruiserk said:Also, is there someway that the javelin can lock on to airborne vehicles? I swear to god I did it once.
Woorloog said:Slap the SOFLAM somewhere, do whatever you like and the SOFLAM will automaticlly spot targets if it can see them. That's how i understood it anyway.
JJD said:That would actually be cool, since I don't see anyone picking the SOFLAM over the beacon or t-ugs. That way you could just plant the SOFLAM somewhere nice and after you die and respawn pick whatever gadget you like. You could even respawn as an engineer to pick the locks with a stinger!