That 1% chance isn't a sure thing. How can you be sure that 1% will come in? You can start to disarm, they take the tank. NAIL YOU. While you're in the respawn screen, your failed disarm doesn't reset the timer. So that's already 30->25seconds remaining from 30. Will your teammates make it back in time? Maybe if they clear out the squad-spawning on 2-3 people. Maybe if they take out that 100% Tank you bailed out of to try to turn a sure loss into a maybe loss.
I'd rather nail the people and go out swinging in the tank and hope I've thinned their defense of their arm for the people at the back of the frontline to make it in time, than try to gamble a disarm, give them a 100% tank and the keys to a win kingdom if my team don't notice.
Yep. When the games pretty much decided I'm not going to sit there and wait.
But then again you've also missed games where I get into a "fuck it," mood and bum rush crates, arm at 0 tickets (some against GAF even, sup Fersis on defense?) have the crate blow and take the win/move to the next base. So whatever.
Did you not read the part where I said I would usually c4/rocket the tank if I can?
Did you not read the faceless post I posted above (who btw left a 100% tank)?
You're also speaking as if there is some guy right next to my tank ready to take it at any second. As if I'm telling people to take the gamble without any sense of calculated risk.
Of course 1% chance isn't a sure thing. That's why it's a "chance".
Except you're not getting any chance at all by staying in the tank. Especially if it's the last m-com for the whole game and no one is "dying to spawn in on you".
You're essentially telling me what everyone tells me.
"I'm more willing to take my chances with a vehicle than an objective, and hopefully someone else will do the job."
Well, if you have that much faith in people, that's great. Cause I really don't anymore.
P.S. Perhaps I am wrong, perhaps the odds of winning would be better if I stayed in a tank and not go out and disarm.
It's simply not my personality to do something like that, so I'll never be able to test it.
However, I'm not going to discount the numerous times I have succeeded/saving the game by getting out.
P.S.2. I'm just jabbing at your rage quitting, as usual