The Faceless Master
GAF server has players... GAF playing on some other server!
What the hell? Why the fuck not?
If anything is changed like an email, they should send a confirmation email to the email that was registered to the account and if the link in the confirmation email is not clicked the email on the account doesn't change.
Mojang does this. Which is sad.
If gaf plays on gaf server = people leaveGAF server has players... GAF playing on some other server!
It's an automatic number and apparently (not my words) the automated line has nothing about origin. "Press 1 for ? game" "press 2 for..." nothing about Origin or apparently.
(Because I'm using a middle man because the TTY apparently trips up on automated shit)
And they did send an e-mail about the e-mail being changed but no "do you want to change it?" link to my e-mail. It was simply "if you think this is an intrusion contact, k thx bi!"
I guess make a new account and contact them
Shit =?
handgun medals!
4 to go!
If gaf plays on gaf server = people leave
Hell we came back with a 100+ ticket difference
6 left for me, but one of them is the mortar... so really it's just 5. (fuuu that one, i won't make 300 kills with it even if i'd skip BF4 and continued playing this iteration until 5 is released).
i'm also struggling with the stationary one... sitting in the AA to farm is just too boring, but everything else takes ages. there's like 2 stat-ATs i can think of that are in a halfway useful position:
*the one near the US spawn on Bazaar = good chance of hitting an IFV in the rear and
*the one at "C" on Caspian = pissed enemy helo-crews.
other than these two, i currently can't think of one that regularly leads to kills...
BTW - there's on in the US spawn on caspian, to the left of the Viper's spawn area. WTF? there's absolutely nothing to shoot at in that area!
bf3 stats says I am top 1% of all RPG users on ps3 and top 3% for Smaw. Pretty proud about that.
Top 3% for knife kills (13 stars) and MPK (7 stars)
I can easily get more, but I refuse to have a specific gun have more kills than me blade.
Make an account for what e-mail? The other one I have linked to I threw in the wind after I couldn't link my XBL to this account (which in hind-sight probably saved me a good deal of grief of having to delink TWO accounts).
With no link to Origin Support. GG, EA, you shitheads.
You can even find the person that changed my account information's main profile name because they haven't changed much else other than "OK, I can play BF3 PC?" or something in bad English anything else on my account hasn't been changed including ya'll being on my friends list.
Hilarious but sad EA.
Have you tired this one??If you are still having difficulty logging in to the Help Center for support, please contact us at 1-866-543-5435
Start getting used to using the middle finger on L1 if you wish to ADS and spot
Been doing since Bad company 2 (on ps3)
You all must have really small hands or something.
*holds L1 with his index finger, spots with thumb tip and move analog stick edge of thumb.*
but it's on ps3oh yea? Top 1% in skill
but it's on ps3
So it doesn't count roser
where do you find out your % stats?
Is this good?
How the hell can you be 0% XD
How the hell can you be 0% XD
Percentiles are usually rounded to integers. Fewer than one percent of the population has a value above his. Also, 360GAF stomps its opponents.
Or your that unnoticeable
Battlelog/Origin back in my control. 15 year old Russian kid added two other people that he either hacked or knew that were both RU for the PC version. Kid started to use my PC version account to level up. Ballsy, kid: But you don't have my fucking account anymore nor my PC version key. Fuck off and thank god for the PSN backdoor to know I wasn't going crazy that my password and e-mail just mysteriously poofed that day.
That's good! Glad you're back!
So he can't play the game anymore?
He even reset your stats on PS3! Lol!
How did you manage to get it back?
Is this good?
no its your that unoticeable its not mine its yours you own it
Had to call Origin and then had to bend over backwards for the dude to find my account. Kid didn't change anything but the Origin id, e-mail and password (and reset my stats which isn't a huge deal, let's me start fresh after getting the assignments done with my BFF's) He found the account reset it. I reset the password (gonna reset it tomorrow at work to even more secure) and that was basically it.
Also got a reset token for Premium back since I wasn't the one that authorized that.
He shouldn't be able to play the game on my PC version's key or the PS3 key anymore since I told them to revoke that access and give me a new one. Kid was obviously playing a pirated copy if he was getting online in my name to access online.
His password was "password123"
Wait, what??? Seriously?
Jesus Christ Seks! Lol!
His password was "password123"
Dem Fite'n words D_D
1v1 bitch
No. I was kidding.
Hah, no. I think the demo of FIFA street is as unsecure as the FIFA X-box debacle. That's the only thing I can think of.
wat no these are