PS3 GAF is dead, man. I haven't been on much of late, but neither has anyone else it seems.
I've been on during the day a few times this past week. It really sucks playing by yourself.
PS3 GAF is dead, man. I haven't been on much of late, but neither has anyone else it seems.
PS3 GAF is dead, man. I haven't been on much of late, but neither has anyone else it seems.
All I have is battlefield for online multiplayer =(Armored Kill is great but it's the time of the year when new releases are coming through thick and thin. I've cut back severely on BF3 due to Borderlands 2.
get a job rebelAll I have is battlefield for online multiplayer =(
get a job rebel
You make it sound SO FUCKING EASY!
Same! It gets pretty damn boring.All I have is battlefield for online multiplayer =(
So who's getting RE6 from the PS3 GAF group?
Armored kill..........
killed something alright.
PS3 battlefield 3 is dead ? whatttttt ? how is this possible ?
Dunno what you guys are talking about.
I play almost every night with n_o_f_a_c_e and sometimes with faceless and a bunch of gaffers.
Ive seen at least 3 to 4 gaffers online every night playing dat BF3... except the other night that for some weird reason everyone was playin' Red Dead Redemption.
So yeah, join us folks!
like your mom
So who's getting RE6 from the PS3 GAF group?
After playing the demo, only when its super cheap. I don't recognize anything RE.
The zombies... and that one guy from 4
The gameplay felt like Uncharted.
I'd be happy to get in on some GAF PS3 BF3 (that's a mouthful).
Quote to see PSN.
So who's getting RE6 from the PS3 GAF group?
Get the fuck out now you asshole
I'm sorry. I'm not getting pure trash day one.
I thought Operation Turd City was bad... but good lord Capcom screwed the pooch just as hard.
LeonThumbsUp.gif if you're willing to fall on that grenade for their bottom line, though.
Got my EOD bot kill!!!
Who even uses EOD bots anymore lol
Just bought Armored Kill.
The AC-130 is dumb in Rush.
I like it. It adds to the overall chaos.
Kind of regretting purchasing AK today :/ It was horribly laggy this morning and the framerate didn't help.
At least I was able to provide two special deliveries to the other team. One by land and the other by air
WARNING WARNING: TRUTH BOMB INCOMINGIt adds shit ontop of shit to equal more shit
it really shouldn't be laggy... maybe server troubles?
Armored Shield Conquest is the best BF3 map since Seine Crossing Conquest.
Armored Shield Conquest is the best BF3 map since Seine Crossing Conquest.
Armored Shield Conquest is the best BF3 map since Seine Crossing Conquest.
It's a bit sad that the entire map pack is designed around 1 of the 3 platforms. I like the big default BF3 maps but AK really takes it a step too far in terms of map size. It's kind of okay for Rush but for Conquest it's just silly. said:JOIN THE WAKE ISLAND DOG TAG CHALLENGE
This month, we’re saluting the legendary map Wake Island. This was the original demo map for Battlefield 1942 and has since been brought back to life in Battlefield 2, Battlefield 1943, and most recently Battlefield 3: Back To Karkand.
Your mission: Complete 19,420 rounds on Wake Island
The first platform to complete 19,420 rounds of Wake Island in Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand will unlock a special new dog tag that the entire community can use, whether on PS3, PC or Xbox360. In the spirit of celebration this first challenge won’t see any losers, but the sooner you reach the goal, the sooner the dog tag will be unlocked. We start counting progress towards 19,420 rounds played on Thursday September 27st at 5.00 PM CET.
Which platform will win? Can you reach the goal in only ten days?
Wake Island: The most legendary of maps
Wake Island stays one of the essential Battlefield maps. Ever since its introduction in the original multiplayer demo for Battlefield 1942, players have enjoyed battling it out on and around this uniquely crescent-shaped map. Read an in-depth blog post on Wake Island through the years on the Battlefield Blog.
Also, Ars Technica has published a great piece on Wake Island in real life and gaming, featuring an interview with DICE’s Lars Gustavsson
I would describe BF3 as a whole as being designed for PC and the console versions suffering immensely for it. BFBC2 is still a far superior game on consoles in my opinion.yeah, i'm leaning towards not getting AK cause i keep hearing that the maps are simply too big for 24 player matches. that's a real shame cause I was really looking forward to this.