Tunavi said:Yes. They won't give me the email tied to my account, and I have no idea what it is. Very frustrating.
Wow "I am sorry, we can't assist you about this issue." they just disconnected the chat on me. Fuck EA
Thats what I thought, but they told me it isn't the same email. I must have made a fake email back during my EA account activation for BC2... SighTheSeks said:It should be whatever your PSN id e-mail is?
I get the feeling that Seks hates DAT MASS with a passion now...
TheSeks said:JM: FLY YOU FOOL!
*topples over the edge of getting Air Warfare Ribbon and still doesn't have it, Nemesis or M-com defense*
STRIFE AND WOE. I need a helicopter pilot that won't cockblock me from laying waste (*COUGH*BRUSIERK*COUGH*) while getting kills. >_>
In that marketplace map? It's hilariously broken. They need to hit it with the nerfstick a bit.
Then again they also need to nerf the unslug rifle because blind firing into corners and getting two shots is trollface.jpg broken.
Bruiserk said:I think you have spelled my name wrong every time you have typed it in your post.
endlessflood said:I posted this in the main BF3 thread, but since I just noticed that Seks has this ribbon I thought I'd also post it here:
So... the Surveillance Efficiency Ribbon (5 motion sensor assists in a match). How do you get it?
I assumed it was the spot assists you get for friendly soldiers killing enemies that had been revealed on the mini-map by a T-UGS you'd deployed. But after laying T-UGS's constantly near the escalators at B on Operation Métro last night as we had our opponents in an absolute meat grinder, I had +10 spot assists flashing up constantly for pretty much the entire match, and still no Surveillance Efficiency Ribbon (5 motion sensor assists in a match).
Evolved1 said:You know I was somewhat to blame in the beginning of that game... I was in the bird and while I was scoring points, flags were getting capped by the other team. We were like a hundred tickets behind when I came down. But you were still plugging away and I was like, well, if you didn't give in even after I left you to fend for yourself, no way was I gonna quit. That's when we rolled together as a tank squad and the epic comeback happened.
I know that Farlanghn is a friend of gaf, but I really do not like the guy. He just runs around with a knife like a fucktard and that's the second or third time I've been on the opposite side and watched him screw over his team trying to get knife kills. At the end of that game we were in critical ticket condition and he had me dead to rights, stuck on a ladder. Instead of just shooting me and securing the win for his team, he tried to I guess knife me? Whatever... I was able to get off the ladder somehow and shot him.
Eat it motherfucker. You lost the game for your team.... I remember saying that as we pulled out the win in the next few seconds.
endlessflood said:I posted this in the main BF3 thread, but since I just noticed that Seks has this ribbon I thought I'd also post it here:
So... the Surveillance Efficiency Ribbon (5 motion sensor assists in a match). How do you get it?
I assumed it was the spot assists you get for friendly soldiers killing enemies that had been revealed on the mini-map by a T-UGS you'd deployed. But after laying T-UGS's constantly near the escalators at B on Operation Métro last night as we had our opponents in an absolute meat grinder, I had +10 spot assists flashing up constantly for pretty much the entire match, and still no Surveillance Efficiency Ribbon (5 motion sensor assists in a match).
MuseManMike said:I don't understand gaming sometimes. Did the employees at DICE not play Operation Metro themselves? That map sets multiplayer gaming back by at least 2 decades.
Jas said:Good games today everyone, had alot of fun.
As far as the surveillance ribbon listen to Seks, I used the MAV today in the Tehran Highway Conquest game and ended up with 4 or 5 by the end of the match.
It does help when you have all 3 points capped and they're stuck in the base tho![]()
I enjoy it.
Velion in the main thread and Seks in this thread (thanks guys!) have said you need to use the MAV for that ribbon, so there you go... I just wish DICE had told us that instead of leaving us to guess.olimpia84 said:I'd like to know this as well. I swear I got more than 5 assists in one Op. Metro round but never got the ribbon. Weird.
Bruiserk said:I understand. During BC2 that never happened. I think you just noticed him at the wrong time. When I say he is a team player, I mean it.
Er, who's AbuC?
It seems like it. I was driving through the tunnel on Damavand with it on and my team was pouring through killing all the people before I could. It seemed like I got a lot of spot assists from that, too.endlessflood said:One other question for the learned people of console GAF: if the driver of an IFV or tank has proximity scanner on, can the gunner/other passengers see the enemies marked by it? I know that in BFBC2 they couldn't (only the driver could) but a friend mentioned that he thought it had changed in BF3.
I got 200 of them in 3 days, so this is very true.TheSeks said:Yeah, use the MAV. I did it on Tehran Highway and so long as your team checks the minimap and knows whats up you'll get them by the boatload.
So that's what you are doing when you are just prone on the ground.DarkFlow83 said:I got 200 of them in 3 days, so this is very true.
endlessflood said:Velion in the main thread and Seks in this thread (thanks guys!) have said you need to use the MAV for that ribbon, so there you go... I just wish DICE had told us that instead of leaving us to guess.
lol yeah, I'm not laying there for my health that's for sure.MuseManMike said:So that's what you are doing when you are just prone on the ground.
DarkFlow83 said:lol yeah, I'm not laying there for my health that's for sure.
yeah I gave up on flying. I lagged twice into the water but somehow did not die, just ended up swimming with no plane. I need 2 damn points for ground radar.TheSeks said:Sweet Jesus, I don't even have that many medals but I'm getting there.
Bruiserk: At least we got Autoloader and Stealth on the helicopters from that attempt. Also I was pure "WTF" at the upside-down helicopter. And yeah, the game's been lagging for a bit for me. DICE needs to maintain the servers again. :/
Also got Stealth on Jets. So hoorah, sort-of defensive in the air now? I still can't aim the jet for shit against planes with the machine gun and attempting to lock on is a bitch and a half.
TheSeks said:Sweet Jesus, I don't even have that many medals but I'm getting there.
Bruiserk: At least we got Autoloader and Stealth on the helicopters from that attempt. Also I was pure "WTF" at the upside-down helicopter. And yeah, the game's been lagging for a bit for me. DICE needs to maintain the servers again. :/
Also got Stealth on Jets. So hoorah, sort-of defensive in the air now? I still can't aim the jet for shit against planes with the machine gun and attempting to lock on is a bitch and a half.
MuseManMike said:Dear DICE,
I don't want to play against my own fucking platoon.
-- Sincerely,
Common Sense
Another unnecessary fucking loss.
Bruiserk said:It rubber banded be into the building. One second I was 20 feet above it, the next I was upside down on the ground. I still feel obligated to say sorry about that though :/
The worst I've had was when I was flying level above the water, when there was a lag spike and suddenly my whole jet dropped 200 feet and plunged into the water, ejecting me (like when you drive a tank into deep water), only to launch itself back up to its previous altitude a moment later, with me still in the water. So I sat there in the middle of the ocean, looking up at my undamaged and now unmanned jet gliding off into the sunsetcomputers putin' said:Rubber banding is way worse in the air than it is on the ground. There has been a couple of times I was in the air one moment, only for the game to stutter and me ending up in a crash seconds later.
MuseManMike said:Dear DICE,
I don't want to play against my own fucking platoon.
-- Sincerely,
Common Sense
Another unnecessary fucking loss.
oh man, that's nothing... i unlocked the dart/flechette rounds for the M26 MASS and used it in the Metro game.TheSeks said:Faceless: I take it back. That unslug rail grenade launcher is OMA/Danger Close broken trolling.
How does I spam grenades from A to stairs C for double kills?
NOTICE We will perform maintenance on our servers (all platforms) on the 2nd of November at 9:00 - 11:00 GMT. During this time, you won´t be able to play online.
red731 said:copy from other thread
DarkFlow83 said:I can't for the life of me find a Random co-op who is not mentally retarded. They can't stay alive for more then 2 secs.
Add me PSN= DarkFlowred731 said:If you want, I can coop with you. Or anyone if interested.
I try to survive for more than three secs.
DarkFlow83 said:Add me PSN= DarkFlow
lol then we good.red731 said:I think we are friends already mate. swift731![]()
Be advised: We are seeing connectivity issues to the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 back-end systems. DICE/EA are working on resolving the problem.
Genesis Knight said:So is there any good way to get points as Recon? That class is lagging behind my other ones pretty badly.
olimpia84 said:Equip the UMP and go assault type recon. That and set spawn beacons in strategic locations so that your squadmates use it.