The main gun on the jet needs to do more damage. I know they said they are going to buff the jets in the patch and I hope that's what they do.
Dogfighting is fun, but if you out manuever your opponent and get some lead on him he just doesn't go down, and then he regenerates health... so you end up just flying around in circles peppering him occasionally without any real effect, and then if you do manage to disable him he'll just punch out and you don't even get credit for the kill.... super unsatisfying.
Buffing the main gun will also help with my main complaint about the jets basically being useless... right now they're pretty much only good for taking out other jets. The A-10 and the Frogfoot shred tanks up but the fighter jets are basically useless in the large scheme of things. Buff the main gun on jets and let my precious few moments of actually lining up some strafing runs matter.
Evolved1 said:
squad system is shitty, auto-balancing can suck a bag of dicks
THIS IS SO ANNOYING! For fuck sake, I want to play with people on my friends list, but the shit DOES NOT WORK. Can't get into their game, can't be on their team, can't switch teams, can't switch squads, can't join a game as a squad, join as a squad then get split up... back to: can't switch teams, can't switch squads! OK finally in a game on the same team, everyone in the same squad, VOIP doesn't work for shit... ok now my game locked up! AAAARRRGGHHH RAGE!