*Serious voice* Myse--
Goddamn it.
It really depends on what you're going for: Rush or Conquest?
All I know is I'm the TANK KING! Anything else doesn't matter!
*Serious voice* Myse--
Goddamn it.
It really depends on what you're going for: Rush or Conquest?
All I know is I'm the TANK KING! Anything else doesn't matter!
*Serious voice* Myse--
Goddamn it.
It really depends on what you're going for: Rush or Conquest?
Damn I hope your new tv works out for you. I play on a pioneer plasma and it works out pretty well for me. I believe Panasonic borrowed some tech from Pioneer before they stop making plasma TVs and maybe that will solve your problem.
I'm definitely getting a PS4 and I hope Michael Jackson and the Titos get one too![]()
Boatack would like to have a word with you.
Pro tip: if a flag is flashing and your not close to it than press the start button, look at the big map, and see how many of your teammates are going to that flag before you go yourself. Some teams will flash a flag with one or two people to bait your entire team in leaving a defensive position ala metro A or C flag.
I think that Olimpia is our best team player. Olimpia doesn't give a shit about stats, or anything else besides the victory. Dude will gladly take one, two or three for the team, hell he'll endure whatever it takes for the team and for the victory.
That shit drives me crazy, or teams (and Olimpia) going for flags with the mindview of "LOL BASECAMP DESPITE HAVING BLEED!" where I'm the only one dying 4-5 times defending a flag attempt before Olimpia comes and backs me up and we clear the flag.
I don't cap flags and play aggressive just because, it all depends on the dynamics of how the game is developing. If we're facing a good team on Metro and we have the two primary flags there's no way in hell I'll go for the third flag.
Lol, he is the closes to me in skill but he has not surpassed me yet. One on one with no repairs I believe I can beat him a majority of the time. The only difference is Boa and COD play safe while I play aggressive, and I can shoot better than them while moving. I will say they can shoot helicopters better than me. It doesn't matter anyways because I only tank now if I have too. I prefer to play infantry since most of GAF can tank well enough for me not to worry about it.
How did this conversation turn into who is better than who?
I'm not on any list...
I'm not on any list...
Tank Queen doesn't need a list.
I know it's obvious by now, but I have come to the realization that unless you're on the attacker side, people can't play Rush for shit. I used to get angry and whatnot, but now I just grind the kills on my weapons, fuck the team, I don't care anymore.
EDIT: I've got a mic and I'm curious about playing with you guys, but my english speaking skills aren't the best and by the hardcore way you seem to play this stuff, I don't want to be held responsible for an aneurysm on a fellow gaffer.
I know it's obvious by now, but I have come to the realization that unless you're on the attacker side, people can't play Rush for shit. I used to get angry and whatnot, but now I just grind the kills on my weapons, fuck the team, I don't care anymore.
EDIT: I've got a mic and I'm curious about playing with you guys, but my english speaking skills aren't the best and by the hardcore way you seem to play this stuff, I don't want to be held responsible for an aneurysm on a fellow gaffer.
I'm looking at getting expansions for BF3 (I'm on PC but I'm sure this applies to consoles too). What are some recommendations? I heard Aftermath was pretty good but I wanna hear other opinions as well.
Aftermath is really good and I rank it second to only the karkand maps. Do you have Strike at Karkand yet? I don't recommend Close quarters at all unless you like those types of maps. Armored kill is ok if you like really big maps but the only one I really like from that pack is Armored shield.
Armored Kill isn't very good for consoles. Too large.I'm looking at getting expansions for BF3 (I'm on PC but I'm sure this applies to consoles too). What are some recommendations? I heard Aftermath was pretty good but I wanna hear other opinions as well.
I'm looking at getting expansions for BF3 (I'm on PC but I'm sure this applies to consoles too). What are some recommendations? I heard Aftermath was pretty good but I wanna hear other opinions as well.
Karkand only. Best and still the only map pack worth a damn in the game. Anything else is guns. Armored Kill wouldn't be bad if the Gunship never spawned in Rush.
Aftermath is too open in Rush.
Close Shitters doesn't support Rush so no1currs.
He already has Karkand, and I don't know why you don't like aftermath because its really fun. Oh yeah I forgot you play scrub mode rush onlyif you want to play a real pro mode than play squad rush.
I doubt Squad Rush would fix my issues with Aftermath having Goatse hueg backdoors.
So the maps suck.
It's fun attacking on those maps though lol. We really should play some squad rush. I don't think I've played a round of squad rush yet.
Yes, and it isn't fun defending on those maps since it boils down to "SWARM SWARM SWARM KEKEKEKEKE INFANTRY RUSH" tactics instead of... you know... sneaking in, arming A, C4-ing a blow-up-able wall, mounting a shoulder high barrier, going to B, UMP-45'ing a dude with his back turned at B, arming. Having the rest of you join me like that last round of Damavand Attack. See where I have a problem with it? It's lopsided toward the attackers like Armored Kill was with the initial Gunship. Yes, the vanilla maps are lopsided toward the defense, but that's mostly due to DICE not allowing out-of-bounds antics and other shit that I've already harped on in the past.
IMO it isn't fun defending on any map.
Aftermath is too open to where it's heavily leaned toward the attackers to where it isn't fun for the defense because the attackers just need more boots on the ground of the backdoor to get the crates. See the backdoor to B second or third set on Epicenter. Infantry comes in from the front, defense answers. But they didn't have five people at the backdoor? Enjoy have the attackers come in from behind and stab you similar to Armored Kills gunship drops putting the attackers behind enemy lines too easy.
Maybe PC fixes that issue, but with 24 players on consoles you don't have enough boots on the ground on the defense to cover the back door to where it completely kills the map for the defense.
Of course, DICE also has attack/defense differences in out-of-bounds so they really fucked up the mechanics for the maps in Rush in general.
Yeah, I got the Karkand maps when I first bought the game which was nice. I'm downloading Aftermath now but Close Quarters does sound interesting. I'd probably do more research into that one.
You missed my edit. I think Rush's tweaks DICE did in regards to destruction is fine (in before Dream).
I really hope that in the next battlefield, they make reviving an animation that takes 2-3 seconds to revive someone because people just running in and with a quick tap of the trigger reviving the entire squad you just killed is kinda bs.
You guys really think rush defense has the advantage? IMO the attacking side has the advantage on most of the vanilla maps. If the teams are equal in skill the attacking team should win.
Dream I don't know what duties your talking about because on bazaar or seine all you have to do is use smoke, mortar, c4, and lvg/320 the first sets on those maps. Why should I stay in a small ass room only to get smoked than 10 dudes rush in and I get my face blown off. I rather watch a lane and do my job than camp right next to the Mcom. Because that might work if your playing scubs but try playing a clan on mics and see how your strats work than.
What people need to do is watch a lane and rotate to where the flow of the enemy is going and back rage them if necessary. Than rotate back to your position because everyone should have a job and stick to it unless called upon. Now maps with vehicles, you have to prioritize certain vehicles. I don't care what you say about vehicles not arming shit because if you don't take out the amtrac your fucking screwed against a competent team. Amtrac has reactive armored, a machine gun, and grenade launcher(death machine). It holds six people and it is a mobile spawn for the WHOLE team. Best fucking vehicle in the game IMO other than the rush jets.
As far as advantage. I think attackers always have advantage but for a few exceptions: "kill rooms" Seine/bazaar first sets, if the defense knows what it's doing, holds huge advantage for them. And I'd say first set of Metro is skewed toward the D as well, again if they know what they're doing. Another map that could go either way is D-Peak. I think that is usually D advantage, but I've been run over on that map when we had a good team-D so...
Hopefully in BF4 they'll fix how vehicles interact with each other. It's so incredibly glitchy. Halo-like physics would be great, although very unlikely.I just hope the Dirtbikes control well. I think the ATV's were alright but with the vehicle physics of BF3 a little unwieldly. I hope they tweaked the physics for all the vehicles with this last expansion.![]()