He doesn't have both!
*laughing girls.jpg*
Neither are that great, IMO. The maps of Armored Shield is nice but have pop-in since PS3's RAM isn't enough (not sure about the pop-in on 360, but...).
End Games maps are
alright but I haven't played Rush down the entire map to say. The CTF variant/defaults for it are alright but rely too much on motorbikes to get to places/carry the flag. I had a benny hill moment where Olimpia, THN, and Call of Duty were all at OUR flag while I'm spawning on my spawn point near THEIR flag and ran about halfway across the map only to get taken out because five people were on me instead of someone coming to save my ass. *and then they took it back to their base because no one came to stop them. RAGE.*
Also 100% achievements are mine. Done with the multiplayer ones now, hoorah. Now I can play the singleplayer.
And I gotta get a kill from a dropped Infantry Fighting Vehicle on another one and a transport (motorcycle, IFV?) for the dogtag and to unlock the S-tac assignment. Or do 4 more helicopter kills from the humvee, too bad that won't ever happen since helicopters, stringers, etc. get in the way of my killing it.
PS: SEKs what the heck were you doing running away from the flag when I accidentally took us out of bounds? You left me there by myself and I died. I killed one guy but another was there as well. And why the heck did you take the tank from COD? I don't care if you have guided shell because COD has a mic and I can actually communicate with him. So please don't team steal vehicles. COD would have been MVP that round btw.
I grabbed the flag and hauled ass, but apparently the flag didn't stick to me due to out of bounds being so close.
As for the tank, a random was in the gunner seat and one of you was in the third seat, I wasn't going to give that position up to the other person.
As for the mic: Well, fuck you too.