Why do that? You could just overlay that text on a BF3 promo anyway.
Just need to find a crouching soldier in a similar facing position. Maybe ask someone on PC to do that.
So is there a GAF 360 server? I keep wanting to play with people but it seems no-one else is interested in joining up![]()
I can do it, just lazy.
I'd just like to say...
...a big thank you to faceless for the Epicenter A-flag tip. It got me my final multi, and my final assignment. Cheers!
Just had a monster of a game on Metro Conquest. Went 67 and 17. Our team was in the process of getting pushed back from Bravo and back into the A flag area. I managed to clear out the entire enemy team with a 23 kill streak. At one point in the process, between the laughing, yelling "I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE, I DRINK IT UP!"
Oh man. This game is awesome! Is there a PS3 tag or w.e for GAF? I'd love to play with you guys.
Okay Mahonay, it's time for you to put in some work in this thread of ours... your assignment: tell us all about the Remington 870 / 870MCS. How do you kit it. What's your strategy with it. Pro/cons. Etc. Reveal your secrets.
hack edit:
i added most of the regulars to a Leader position and kicked some people with around 10 months of idle time or more.
Okay Mahonay, it's time for you to put in some work in this thread of ours... your assignment: tell us all about the Remington 870 / 870MCS. How do you kit it. What's your strategy with it. Pro/cons. Etc. Reveal your secrets.
Okay Mahonay, it's time for you to put in some work in this thread of ours... your assignment: tell us all about the Remington 870 / 870MCS. How do you kit it. What's your strategy with it. Pro/cons. Etc. Reveal your secrets.
The 870 is great. If you play extremely aggressively you can get tons of kills with it.
Use it with no scope, extended mags, and slug rounds.
Use it with no scope, extended mags, and slug rounds. Learn how to move quickly in and out of cover.
After watching this, I might try out just going iron sights.
Use it with no scope, extended mags, and slug rounds. Learn how to move quickly in and out of cover.
The 870 is definitely just a nasty shotgun on it's own. It does most of the work. I play very aggressive with it, but only where it makes sense. If I see an opening where no one is paying attention, I sneak in and try to get to the enemy flank as fast as humanely possible, then just open up. With the slugs equipped, you can also win mid range gun fights, it's got some serious range. I've counter sniped snipers with it before.
And this sounds dumb, but I've gotten used to just kind of "quick scoping" with it, even at close ranges. I basically click in to aim down my sites and almost at the same time shoot the shotgun. It can guarantee you a kill in a lot of situations. I have 10,485 kills with the 870 MCS at 38% accuracy. The proof is in the numbers.
Here's an example, a video I made last year running around the Close Quarters maps with the gun. I should make a new one. I've since gotten better at doing this.
For the 870 I go red dot, extended mags, slugs.
Funny enough, I never used shotguns in BC2. I have a couple friends that were still playing BC2 constantly until very recently and I'd play a few games once in a while. I tried equipping the 870 in BC2 and did absolutely AWFUL with it.Cool man, thanks for posting.
The 870 was a favorite of mine in BC2 but I've been pretty shitty with it in BF3 for some reason...
Supper, Ody, you guys on BF3 for End Game action today?
Supper, Ody, you guys on BF3 for End Game action today?
Is this you? You're (he's) great at shooting people, but you (he) ignore reviving downed teammates.
Me and Milk are on now in a BF3 Classic server.
Gun Master is so momentum and opportunity based... i still can't come up with a solid strategy except for dirty suiciding to not give up points.
Anyone got any sniping tips? I am terrible and haven't the slightest idea.
Anyone got any sniping tips? I am terrible and haven't the slightest idea.
Spot, call out enemy numbers and positions. Play the objective. That's your job.
For equipment, low-power optic on all the rifles, straight-pull bolt if you're using a bolt gun. Set beacons forward. Spam scan bolts where you think there might be enemies, HE bolts at armor. SOFLAM on maps with a lot of enemy armor.
Sniping in this game is nearly impossible. Replace your sniper rifle with a PDW and go assault recon. It's more fun and useful for the team anyways.
What are low power optics? And what exactly does the SOFLAM do?
and the SOFLAM laser designates vehicles to assist laser guided weapons locking and firing at them.
Sniping in this game is nearly impossible.
Bullet drop isn't hard to calculate. Sometimes the tracers disappear at 1000m+ ranges,
[*]Straight pull bolt. Running with a bipod is doing it wrong, imo.
Bullshit, they disappear at 0m range. I can fire, unscope to chamber another round and can't even see my round going where I fired to see if I hit or miss. Even if I stay in the scope to see it: It disappears. WTF, BC2 had it perfect! The tracer was alive for the ENTIRE round fired until it hit somewhere and I could see it off-scope to gauge how close/far I was from my shot.
DICE screwed up long-distance sniping either intentionally or accidentally. Like Olimpia said: You're better off using a PDW when you unlock them on that class or being good with the semi-autos in hip-fire/CQC and scope/mid-range engagements.
I'd rather have a bipod remove the stupid breath mechanic instead of a free chambered round, personally.
You seem to really want BC2 sniping... which imo with the tracer and lack of sway was noob mode.
BC2 sniping was too easy and that's why so many losers hid in the hills doing it.
Personally, I like that DICE went out of their way to punish snipers in BF3. Especially the overdone flashlight-like scope glint.
making sniping worse just makes the game worse. now, instead of crappy randoms maybe contributing a few clutch shots, they contribute nothing and continue to keep playing that way anyway.
Idk... respect your opinion and everything. But I think we're pretty far apart on this one.
As someone who has no trouble with current system (actually makes it easier to counter snip the bad players) and actually plays the objectives (less annoying deaths to the wussy hiding recons) I prefer the current system.
Also, taking the auto-mortars away from them... if I DICE person was here right now I'd kiss them on the face.
Also, taking the auto-mortars away from them... if I DICE person was here right now I'd kiss them on the face.
Want to repost that tip pls?I'd just like to say...
...a big thank you to faceless for the Epicenter A-flag tip. It got me my final multi, and my final assignment. Cheers!
Want to repost that tip pls?![]()