Okay, So I have had the no gun glitch now for approximately 6 weeks. I have been in contact with a couple of the EA "Specialist" and it seems that no one can give me any good advice to resolve this issue.
I have done the following:
- PS3 Hidden menu I have restored my PS3 File system, Rebuilt Database, Restored to Default Settings.
- Fully Reformatted my PS3 Console.
- Updated my PS3 Console.
- Disabled Media Server.
- Re-Downloaded and installed all Battlefield 3 Additions from the Playstation Store.
- Replaced HDMI Cables.
- Tried connecting to the internet with WiFi/Cable).
- Used Digital Innovations Clean Dr. Laser Lens Cleaner for Playstation 3
I have logged into my account on my friends PS3 and tried the game on his console and had the same glitch occur, I have tried using my friends Battlefield 3 Disc and the problem still occurs. In the game on a 500 Ticket server I have tried switching back and forward between primary and secondary weapons hoping for my gun to re-appear. I've tried to Suicide, Switch teams, Pick up peoples weapons after they have been killed. I have lowered/raised my sensitivity. I even give the system/game/internet an extra time to load after the countdown happens when you die in game before you can re-spawn. When I re-spawn without a weapon the sound will cut out except of some sound effects in the background. I am able to drive/fly all vehicles and be able to shoot the weapons on each. However the screen will become glitchy in those vehicles.
If the round ends in game while this glitch occurs it will take me to the fog/haze screen and stay there indefinitely. It will not load the stats/achievements or the next map. And if I try to quit the game before the tickets expire the screen goes black with loading icon in the bottom right corner of my screen and doesn't load anything it will do the loading animation indefinitely. If I try to turn my console off while in game My PS3 Console takes several minutes to shut down (Between 2-8 Minutes)."
Last but not lease I have:
- Bought a new Battlefield 3 Game (Disc).
- Bought a new 320 Gig PS3 (Model Number: CECH-3001B).
None of these things I have done have fixed this issue. So save your time/money folks. However I would LOVE to know, WTF is going on??? Why isn't this issue being resolved/patched? Clearly this is a game error. So why aren't the technicians or whomever doing anything to fix this problem when so many people are having this "No Gun Glitch" Issue. Do these people/studios/developers not care about their reputation?
In my opinion this is a game breaking glitch and the only thing this game is currently good for is collecting dust on my shelf. If anyone has tried or done anything different and it has resolved this issue for them. Please let me know!!! I would totally suck a bag of dicks to get this game to work. Not really.. But I would appreciate it a lot.