The Battlelog redesign looks nice but I hate having to reconnect to games thanks to 4chan/goon idiots DDOS'ing the servers.
Revelations demo today!?
Demo and game are both up. Game is like $40 which is "LOL NO" to me for a year old handheld port.
steal enemy LAV on Seine Rush, get 16 kill streak... did not record![]()
Must be so horrible...
you know how people say "you're not a parent, you wouldn't understand" in some situations?
this is nothing like that, those people are crazy.
(I know that feel, bro)
You should probably buy a capture card.
Hint: I AM RITE.
Battlerecorder still wont make a video.
No? I always thought it would be like Halo 3's replay mode. It ought to be, anyway.
1943 servers are down on the 360Apparently they've been offline the past few days.
They're still up on the PS3. That game is still a blast to go back to.
Would much rather have the 1943 version of wake island in BF3 (for consoles.)
So what's everyone's plans BF4 wise?
I'm contemplating getting a NeXbox/PS4 at launch for BF4 (and still double dip PC), but the rational part of me say settle with PS3 version until future console revision/price drop.
...So what's everyone's plans BF4 wise?...
PS4 day one. That seems to be the general consensus.
So what's everyone's plans BF4 wise?
whats with EA lately. They kick me all the freaking time now. I reset my router, updated the firmwire, changed modems and yet it still kicks me.
Sometimes I get in a match and it will kick me before I even spawn. Other times it will wait till I kill one person then kick me. These are official ea servers too so I know its not a angry admin.
is it just me or are other players having this problem? Because I used to never get kicked at all. My internet speed is constant with no hang ups. Yet kicked from every match no matter what, to the point I might have to drop the game altogether because i cant stay in a match for longer then 3 minutes.
ps3 if anyone is wondering. wireless connection 100% strength and it happens when I am wired also.
So what's everyone's plans BF4 wise?
I'm contemplating getting a NeXbox/PS4 at launch for BF4 (and still double dip PC), but the rational part of me say settle with PS3 version until future console revision/price drop.
I'll be game for PS4. I'm against purchasing first cycle console hardware, but who knows.
Faceless: Tonights the night.Unless I'm tired in which case I'm going to grind in Minna No Golf 6
no excuses.
Tomorrow, 6:00 Eastern. All night. Order in.
This guy needs a watch
Where for art thou?![]()
its not even dark!
You know how it is when someone else says that they will do something on one day then at the last minute things change and they have to do something else?Says to play at night. Is night. Won't join his game.
Wow Skycaptain is kicking your ass. I'd be pretty pissed with that LAV right now.
Certainly doesn't help that your squad DOESN'T CHANGE CLASSES at all in this round. DrAck could've helped you repair your LAV but he's off doing god knows what and then ya'll lose your flags.
And your 100 is a loss. That sucks, hopefully your PS3 one is a win just to show PS3-GAF > 360-GAF. *cough**stirring shit*
Nice, Faceless! That must have been the round after I left (and why you guys lost). Heh, most of the previous round I spent hiding in a corner and killing ants in the bathroom.
I hate LAVs.
I need to remember to put mines in out-of-bounds.
I always say to myself before playing this, "Do not get annoyed, it's just a dumb game".
And that always works for like five mins... until I'm feeling like all the rest of the team must be in a foxhole somewhere diddling themselves, because they certainly aren't anywhere near an objective.
And then I realize I'm being annoying again and I feel bad.
This is BF3 for me.
I should have been recording tonight...
RPG'd a pilot out of his Viper on Sharqi and then tore them a new one with it :'(
I should have been recording tonight...
RPG'd a pilot out of his Viper on Sharqi and then tore them a new one with it :'(
i should have been recording tonight... missed a roadkill and then got RPG'd and teabagged.
Yeah I wanted you to upload that video of me rpging your failed attempt of a roadkill and than getting teabagged by me.