No, he played with us last night.
Btw Faceless, I attempted to join your side quite a few times when things were lopsided but the server was adamant about not allowing me to switch. A couple times I suicided just to do it and the server was like, "Stop switching so much, stay where you are" and I was like, "But I haven't even switched yet wtf!?".
edit: oh yeah... thn and I had a tank battle (it's been forever) and it ended in a stalemate, both of us reversing out of it. Of course my tank ultimately survived, his blowing up in the tunnel shortly after our battle, but it's possible he had shitty teammates wherever he ran off to, so I can't hold it against him. lol
edit2: not to insult your tank piloting buddy, you were a bear on Seine... pain right in the ass.
You were there too? I'm sorry I missed that. It's been hard to get a full GAF squad lately and I've been stuck in lopsided servers where it never seems to auto-balance.
Last night was actually one of those times where we almost had too many and it becomes a pain in the butt to keep everyone together. We were on an official server so the auto-balance was in full effect. Faceless never really joined us, so Thn went over to play with him (actually right before that I was trying to get over but it wouldn't let me, kinda weird it let him switch) and they were pretty much together most of the time until I called it a night.
#2, olimpia, kuri, etc were there too. But it was really late (or early, depending how you look at it) so probably better to get some sleep for work man. haha (btw working on Saturday sucks major ass, you should try not to do that haha)
Lately I've been on official servers where I've been on a not so good team and gotten a beat-down from a team that would ptfo like crazy and the server would never balance, even after 3 or 4 rounds. Which is bullshit cuz it seems like whenever GAF has 2 squads worth, we always get broken up right away.
Working weekends is alright, I work seven 12 hour shifts and then I get seven days off, so I have a mini vacation every other week.
You were there too? I'm sorry I missed that. It's been hard to get a full GAF squad lately and I've been stuck in lopsided servers where it never seems to auto-balance.
Evolved1 said:tw working on Saturday sucks major ass, you should try not to do that haha)
Guess I'll play Golf tonight after reading this chapter. :/
Faceless: Let's try Sunday since I have Monday off. Should be able to do that.
why wait? i wanna hit 100.
Last night was actually one of those times where we almost had too many and it becomes a pain in the butt to keep everyone together. We were on an official server so the auto-balance was in full effect. Faceless never really joined us, so Thn went over to play with him (actually right before that I was trying to get over but it wouldn't let me, kinda weird it let him switch) and they were pretty much together most of the time until I called it a night.
#2, olimpia, kuri, etc were there too. But it was really late (or early, depending how you look at it) so probably better to get some sleep for work man. haha (btw working on Saturday sucks major ass, you should try not to do that haha)
Because I have work tomorrow.But if you are on at... 5PM? I'll hop on and we'll hit 100 for you.
sure! i only have ~5k to go.
#2 and I had to suffer through some games today. There's nothing worse than playing against a bad team that you know you can easily beat but you struggle because the randoms in your team make your team even worse than the already sucky opposing team *breaks controller in half*
Play Rush with Faceless and I in an hour. We need two people to guarantee he gets a win.
360Gaf up for some games?
In a bit.
Word to that. Fuck you and your 870, Mahonay.
Awesome games tonight after a bit of a rough start. Adamasappel, you should have stuck around. We had some games where we held the other team to three kills total.
Mahonay is the person to blame...
The 870 is my precious.Word to that. Fuck you and your 870, Mahonay.
Yesterday my amount of 870 kills finally surpassed my amount of AS VAL kills. With nearly 3500 kills it's my number 1 weapon now. Love it.The 870 is my precious.
I'm not even sure why you stuck over there. If I remember right you were on my team and then it teamswitched us. I tried to bring you back and you just stayed over there?
But yeah, that team sucked until Ejas and You brought them across the map. The only other squad that was doing work was the Eastcoast players that joined my squad when you were on the other team on Seine and I was trying to bring you back over to our side.
Yeah, they joined on me on Seine when I was trying to get you over to our side. You wouldn't join (which is admirable but I'm not going to do that against 4 GAF.) they joined the game and were put on my team and I switched over to Faceless' side on Metro right after because it auto-balanced us again. But yeah, those 2-3 were pretty good. The rest of that team was pretty shit though.
Also are you talking my Beacon or Ejas' beacon? Ejas put his spawn beacon in the bus on that Metro round which was pretty neat to see. I threw a grenade in there, took an MAV out but didn't take Ejas' spawn beacon out IIRC. Got taken out by him or you or someone and then the rest of my team came in to clear the bus.
Forgot to mention, big shout out to blahnessHe kept me alive in the CQ Nose Hair match and I ended the round at 39-0 with the Little Bird.
Before people cry "OMG TEAMSWITCHER!" 1) I wanted to join Faceless' squad 2) it split Evolved and I numerous times that night and we kept rejoining the rest of GAF (and this server was the same one those level 100 EVOL or whatever clantards left right?) and 3) they/we had a member deficit as Evolved and Ejas gave us hell.
DAT SKS KILLSTREAK (I could've got them all if I stayed support.) The killcam doesn't catch it but the tail-end. I dunno how they swarmed that crate (and I still don't with Faceless' perspective) but there was like 6 of them(!) sitting there arming and I was just hipfiring while suppressed and got like 2-4 of them before being taken out.
Everything from this point on is BANANAS.
So begins the Final Stand of our round... (Special Guest Appearance of "OMG THEY TOOK THE SET *HAULS ASS TO B*" by me)
Note me switching to the AEK-971 for that set because I normally have the AN-94 unless we're losing badly to dick around with. Otherwise I get the AK, AEK, G3 as a non-dicking weapon.
Also Thanks for the supression save, Faceless I didn't know you were the one firing on them. At 27minutes you see me in the van all "FUCK THIS SUPPRESSION AND GRENADES SHIT! I'LL JUST HIDE!"
28minutes10seconds is the part where I see their spawn-point and try to haul ass over there. At that point is where I start to eat deaths because there's like 5-8 of them over there trying to flank us while I'm just trying to take the spawn point out to where they can't spawn there.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Final Kill is a knife kill from "Mr. Frizzal" (nice Magic Schoolbus reference there) after he came to revive me when I hauled ass over there. Amazing. I can't believe we won that. It doesn't seem as intense with this replay but mannnnn getting suppressed and grenade shocks in that van was crazy.
I have over 14,000 kills with the 870...Yesterday my amount of 870 kills finally surpassed my amount of AS VAL kills. With nearly 3500 kills it's my number 1 weapon now. Love it.
He wasn't the only one, team player.
Speaking of blah, watching him get tank-pushed into that exploding car was a top-three Battlefield moment.
Holy shit yes. One of the funniest things I've ever seen happen in BF3. We were already goofing off pushing each other around with the tank, and that, that was just perfect. I could see the car coming up and I could already see what was about to transpire in my head.Speaking of blah, watching him get tank-pushed into that exploding car was a top-three Battlefield moment.