So I finally forwarded the ports that they posted from way back when. Hopefully this will alleviate some of my lag issues.
Yea I feel the same way about the jets, but they're just too much fun to not play with. I try to focus on enemy choppers and tanks, but the jets move so damn fast that it's hard to hit those slowmoving/stationary targets... Hopefully the anti-ground heat seekers will help. I also really try to fight the urge to fly if we are getting beaten, but thankfully that doesn't happen too often.
However, there have been times when I've successfully used the jets to shutdown all the enemy air craft. It's easiest on firestorm, just circle around from B to A to their runway and take out anything that tries to take off. It's only really happened to great effect 2 or 3 times, but I know that at least taking out the choppers helps.
fuck useless air vehicles, especially jets
Yea I feel the same way about the jets, but they're just too much fun to not play with. I try to focus on enemy choppers and tanks, but the jets move so damn fast that it's hard to hit those slowmoving/stationary targets... Hopefully the anti-ground heat seekers will help. I also really try to fight the urge to fly if we are getting beaten, but thankfully that doesn't happen too often.
However, there have been times when I've successfully used the jets to shutdown all the enemy air craft. It's easiest on firestorm, just circle around from B to A to their runway and take out anything that tries to take off. It's only really happened to great effect 2 or 3 times, but I know that at least taking out the choppers helps.