Dreamgazer said:
*waits for ban for being a jerk*
Why the hell would anyone do such a thing? :-/
My dislike for rush comes down to one thing.
Having way too many BC2 games with gaffers where the enemy team doesn't even want to come out of their spawn anymore.
That got old real fast and soured the rush experience for me.
Still, I always enjoyed teaming up with rock since I knew that he wouldn't spawn camp the enemy into submission, no matter how good or bad things went.
For some reason, the conquest games had a better chance of being somewhat balanced. Or at least gave the opposing team a chance to cap a distant flag so the team needed to move their asses and didn't spawn camp the whole round.
Have to say that I hated Operation Metro after the beta and I still hate it today, in either mode.
So that's one more reason why I haven't played rush a lot.
The vehicle whoring does get annoying, I agree.
I love driving a tank, as I think I'm not too bad with one. But I have no problem whatsoever being a gunner, or doing footwork.
Had 2 clan guys in our team yesterday that ran for the tanks every single game and didn't do anything besides that.
If there were 2 tanks they would each take one and not even try to pick up anyone else.
Got really pissed at this, especially when they stole 2 tanks right in front of me, so I made a real dick move myself, which I'm not really proud of, but still think they deserved.
The driver (who wasn't doing a very good job) jumps out to repair the tank I'm in as a gunner, while his buddy is blasting away besides him in their second private tank squad.
So I switch seats. he jumps back in, I drive over to the furthest flag to try and take it and when we get there, he notices I'm not going to pop out again, so he bails and leaves me, running back to one of the captured bases. :-/
It's buttheads like that which I hate playing with or against. Only thing that mattered to them was to get on top of the leader board as they never took the time to defend a point or help the team when they were in need.
Just driving around looking for kills and point. pfff
Not sure how the quits statistic works. As far as I know I have actually quit 3, maybe 4 games so far to go look for another game. One of them was yesterday. Yet I'm at 13%.
Guess leaving the game when the round has just started counts after the load screen as well. Well, who cares really.