bean breath
How do you guys feel about playing on a server with auto-balance off so we don't have to keep playing musical chairs at the start of every round?
How do you guys feel about playing on a server with auto-balance off so we don't have to keep playing musical chairs at the start of every round?
the answer is ... some maps should have two uncaps ... some should have 1 ... some should have 0 ... <3 Crossing Over
we play lots of rush on san roku maruBasically, BC1 had it right. I dunno why DICE decided to reduce it outside of "no player traffic at some flags." Uh, that allows peoples to sneak in and grab a flag. That's worth it?
Damn it, I gotta really stop hitting reply on habit.
@Evolved: I got bored of grinding to top level. At this point I'm never going to reach it unless I play Metro 24/7 which isn't fun. No one plays Rush nightly for me to care. Plus, I'm trying to finish Saint's Row 3 to get back to finishing X-com (only going to do a play-through of that and then quit it).
If people played Rush I'd be there. As it is I get tired of linear 3-flag.
we play lots of rush on san roku maru
Basically, BC1 had it right. I dunno why DICE decided to reduce it outside of "no player traffic at some flags." Uh, that allows peoples to sneak in and grab a flag. That's worth it?
Damn it, I gotta really stop hitting reply on habit.
@Evolved: I got bored of grinding to top level. At this point I'm never going to reach it unless I play Metro 24/7 which isn't fun. No one plays Rush nightly for me to care. Plus, I'm trying to finish Saint's Row 3 to get back to finishing X-com (only going to do a play-through of that and then quit it).
If people played Rush I'd be there. As it is I get tired of linear 3-flag.
Only possible in custom servers and if you're doing that I hope you're the admin.
Anyway, game crashed. I think that's my cue to take a break after 2-3 hours. We only lost like 4 rounds and then Dan joined in that Wake I thought we would lose and we held them off, crazy.
But that Sharqi Defense was HORRIBLE. I'm sitting in B and get mown and no one else sets up or tries to set traps on the stairs for paradrops and beacon to let us know where they are. Ugh.
Lol... if you ever want to play Rush, just message me. I honesty prefer it. Less running, more combat.
*shoots pilot out of Z with SMAW, chopper lands and is still good*
*not recording because its 200% CQ*
Lesson learned: Always record your games.![]()
i don't do highlight reels anyway... maybe i should do that on instagram!
Ohhhh pretty filters on your 360 noscopes!
*shoots pilot out of Z with SMAW, chopper lands and is still good*
*not recording because its 200% CQ*
Let's play, 360GAF.
Got off to eat.
Lost, are you getting back on?
Sorry, Ghazi, I think I shot a gas tank and some debris hit the C4.![]()
How come my next weapon unlocks are weapons that I already have? Does that mean it's just attachments for that weapon?
CAPS POSTS INBOUNDI'm on and you're not.
Also, troll Seks as much as possible
Oh, you. But seriously: It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the laser sight enemies.
Thanks for playing with me Evolved. Would've played longer but my bro was harassing me to play. That damn chopper gunner was good... I couldn't shake him even in the jet.
No problem. Couple things:
In the tank, don't be afraid to jump into the third seat and paint targets. I have guided, so it's good to harass choppers if there aren't close infantry around. Instead of gunning, jump in the third seat.
Also, I didn't crash that time you jumped out of the chopper! I killed his chopper and did an extreme evasive dive, to buy a couple seconds for my ECM to recharge and it worked! You have no faith! haha
I'm at a spot in the campaign... I think it's the last level. I jump down into some hole after a subway crash, and there's this long animation, and before you can even have control of your gun some guy shotguns you in the face.
Every. Fucking. Time.
I tried it about 20x and then said fuck it... DICE is a great dev sometimes, and sometimes they are pure garbage.
Eh, I've had a few annoying moments like that but I'm halfway through the game (starting "Comrads" which is mission 6 of 12) after playing the game so far today. So it can't be that bad yet.
Speaking of that, I didn't get "You can be my wingman anytime." I'm going to have to attempt that on easy I guess.
Half the time I'm locking onto targets only for the pilot to do a barrel roll and completely break lock and then get hit with heatseekers. Dumbass.