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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I dunno if your method triggered. What I did was MP5K'd the dude, MP5K'd the dude in the hole dragging his injured PLR friend away. Proned and slowly moved left from the door. Somehow that triggered me falling and missing the shotgun. I then mowed the shotgun dude down, stood up rushed for cover/prone'd. Then I SLOWLY pushed up.

The ending was alright, and I like that it seems Dimi(?) is the one that took radiation in France and survived. We dunno if Blackthorn did. Montes died(?) from that fight which seems like a really weak way to end his character. "Which one of you dies first?" "You'll never win!" "It's not about winning! *gunshot?*" (Fight start)

That said, I saw the very things Evovled was talking about. That drop of doom and enemies clipping through walls (apparent in that laser sight of death Target Range area. Had me raging for a good two hours to get past JUST that section when I breezed through most of that mission otherwise).

I will say that DICE not using the Beachhouse setting as a map (not the beachhouse but the mountains) seems really a waste of resources. I'd love to have a beach-side battle on that map. Alas, not going to happen with BF4 out there soon.


Gggrrr, my 3rd hard lock on the PS3 during a multiplayer map. I had like 3 unlocks during that map as well, hate having to redo that work all the time :(


Played a few matches once I got my PS+ version downloaded. When was this "killed by admin" thing added? I don't recall that being there when I last played over a year ago. Got that 5 times in a row until the opposing team capped all points.

How widespread is this and is there any way to report this kind of abuse?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It's admin abuse. Simply leave the server. And don't ever join custom servers again. Play on P# and DICE servers ONLY. Because the console playerbase doesn't deserve the custom servers.


I've been learning to fly the helis and jets in 24/7 conquest servers
Im getting better but helis get fired at way to easily, any tips
Low to the ground or high up?
Also these jets are way to fast
Takes me like 3 fly arounds to take a helicopter down
Played a few matches once I got my PS+ version downloaded. When was this "killed by admin" thing added? I don't recall that being there when I last played over a year ago. Got that 5 times in a row until the opposing team capped all points.

How widespread is this and is there any way to report this kind of abuse?
It's pretty widespread and reporting it is a big waste of time. They will just say that whoever runs the server makes the rules.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'll be playing tomorrow if Dr. Mario wants to join Faceless in joining me in Rush. >_>
I'll be playing tomorrow if Dr. Mario wants to join Faceless in joining me in Rush. >_>

I'm tempted to jump back in a game or two, but I fear my skills may have deteriorated for months of not playing (then again, I did the same during the BC2 -> BF3 transition and that made no difference.)
I'm tempted to jump back in a game or two, but I fear my skills may have deteriorated for months of not playing (then again, I did the same during the BC2 -> BF3 transition and that made no difference.)
This is probably the best time to jump back in... All the PS+ scrubs running around with their free download.
I've been playing BF3 for the longest on PS3 and just noticed this thread. I haven't played with any gaffers yet but if anyone wants to play a game I'm always free. If anyone uses that new DLC that was released a while ago I sadly don't have it, so I can't play any games based off that DLC :(

I signed up on that form on the OP btw.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
This is probably the best time to jump back in... All the PS+ scrubs running around with their free download.

Yes, exactly.

DJ Ghazi said:
So I'm kinda confused on what the Soflam is, does it just mark targets? is it the same as spotting something?

Short gist: Yes and yes.

It "auto-spots" things in it's line of sight (point it in a direction, that's it's "line of sight") BUT ONLY VEHICLES.

If it "TARGET DESIGNATED +10"s someone with a Javelin (or guided missile in tanks or aircraft) can lockon to the SOFLAM's target and then "DESIGNATED TARGET HIT +70" for you.

The problem is, since SOFLAMs were buffed to the point of nerfing tanks into the ground, nearly EVERY vehicle will run with smoke now. Flares and ECM are also effective but less so if they move from the smoke cloud (making them sitting ducks) and have to wait for the reload, something the tanks don't need if they get into cover and smoke reloads faster IIRC.

It was nice but since everyone uses smoke now it's pointless to have. Go MAV or T-UGS (far better option for spotting on objectives) over it unless it's Kharg and even then it's become less useful there.

If you use it yourself/manually designate targets (lay it somewhere, find a save place, bring out the controller like the EOD bot's controller and then R1/fire it) you can manually spot targets with select/Q/back AND point the SOFLAM toward the target YOU want to designate.


So it makes it easier to lock onto the vehicles or it points out targets to javelin/whatever user that they may not see? That sounds pretty helpful, I was playing with some friends on Damavand Peak and I tried Recon out and designated some targets before some people blew it up. I just wasn't sure what it was doing.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
If you set it up, the Javelin/Guided Missiles (though those have been nerfed in range unless it's just me not remembering the range too well?) can hit your target from ANYWHERE. Provided the missiles path does not hit cover/ground/terrain in that path.

For instance, if you set it up face the boat of Kharg you can catch the helicopter flying up in a lock. If someone is catching that and they (and you keep the lock on the helicopter) lock-on to wait for the flare dump you'll generally catch the helicopter as it's coming off the carrier. If the Javelin person is at objective B in Rush first set on that map they'd lock on while facing parallel to the ground then look "up" and fire, the missile clearing B's building to head through the air to the helicopter and nailing them in a OHKO.

Vice-versa for the Amtrack and boats. The SOFLAM on Kharg can be REALLY effective if someone tracks the boats. Less so now a days since again: people are running smoke because of it and the Javelin buff.

Honestly at this point it's useful for catching tanks without having to be on a look out since if you see a box show up as a designated target a SOFLAM sees a vehicle that is either occupied or empty in it's Line of Sight for you to attempt to spot to make sure it's empty or not and then engage. But that isn't as useful as someone putting an MAV up in the air seeing them coming from WAY up high, spotting them and having engineers snipe with the RPG-7 (which can't be countered with smoke but can be countered with fancy footwork) for damage.

I mean before they buffed the SOFLAM/Javelin combo everyone was using anything other than smoke in their tanks to great effect. DICE buffs the Javelin damage and now because of the SOFLAM helping the Javelin's range reach further people have all but given up the slot-...2(?) tank perks and equipment to have a counter-measure against the Javelin's that may happen to be there.

I went from Guided Missile/IR Thermals/Auto-Loader(?) pre-buff to Guided Missile/IR Smoke/Auto-Loader now.


Also if/when you unlock the tank's CITV perk you'll gain a third seat in tanks which is essentially a SOFLAM on a mobile platform/tank. ANY class you pick can then use that seat in the same way a SOFLAM works (but you yourself can't use the lock-on. AKA: You can't lock-on with a CITV and then fire a Javelin. You have to be sitting in the seat for the CITV to work and vice-versa for those that lock on to something with the CITV for you to lock onto)

Dr Prob

So it makes it easier to lock onto the vehicles or it points out targets to javelin/whatever user that they may not see?

Yeah, and if you use it to establish a lock on a helicopter, even weapons that wouldn't be able to lock on to an air vehicle on their own (javelin, tank guided shell, chopper gunner's guided missiles) will then be able to.


If you set it up, the Javelin/Guided Missiles (though those have been nerfed in range unless it's just me not remembering the range too well?) can hit your target from ANYWHERE. Provided the missiles path does not hit cover/ground/terrain in that path.

For instance, if you set it up face the boat of Kharg you can catch the helicopter flying up in a lock. If someone is catching that and they (and you keep the lock on the helicopter) lock-on to wait for the flare dump you'll generally catch the helicopter as it's coming off the carrier. If the Javelin person is at objective B in Rush first set on that map they'd lock on while facing parallel to the ground then look "up" and fire, the missile clearing B's building to head through the air to the helicopter and nailing them in a OHKO.

Vice-versa for the Amtrack and boats. The SOFLAM on Kharg can be REALLY effective if someone tracks the boats. Less so now a days since again: people are running smoke because of it and the Javelin buff.

Honestly at this point it's useful for catching tanks without having to be on a look out since if you see a box show up as a designated target a SOFLAM sees a vehicle that is either occupied or empty in it's Line of Sight for you to attempt to spot to make sure it's empty or not and then engage. But that isn't as useful as someone putting an MAV up in the air seeing them coming from WAY up high, spotting them and having engineers snipe with the RPG-7 (which can't be countered with smoke but can be countered with fancy footwork) for damage.

I mean before they buffed the SOFLAM/Javelin combo everyone was using anything other than smoke in their tanks to great effect. DICE buffs the Javelin damage and now because of the SOFLAM helping the Javelin's range reach further people have all but given up the slot-...2(?) tank perks and equipment to have a counter-measure against the Javelin's that may happen to be there.

I went from Guided Missile/IR Thermals/Auto-Loader(?) pre-buff to Guided Missile/IR Smoke/Auto-Loader now.


Also if/when you unlock the tank's CITV perk you'll gain a third seat in tanks which is essentially a SOFLAM on a mobile platform/tank. ANY class you pick can then use that seat in the same way a SOFLAM works (but you yourself can't use the lock-on. AKA: You can't lock-on with a CITV and then fire a Javelin. You have to be sitting in the seat for the CITV to work and vice-versa for those that lock on to something with the CITV for you to lock onto)

Yeah, and if you use it to establish a lock on a helicopter, even weapons that wouldn't be able to lock on to an air vehicle on their own (javelin, tank guided shell, chopper gunner's guided missiles) will then be able to.

Goddamn that's badass.


And normally, the Javelin travels in a straight line to its objective, and does damage depending where it hits. If it is SOFLAM guided, the missile goes up and then down hitting from upside. I think is the second most damagin place, and ignores reflective armor.


Would anyone be up for running co-op missions on hard with me tonight? I'll probably be jumping on around 4:30pm pacific time. I got through the first 2 with randoms, but I got so tired of the randoms just running into the middle of the street and getting killed without even thinking of trying to use cover.

I've done all the co-op missions multiple times on the PC (love me some battlefield) but just playing around on the PS3 one since we got it free with plus. I have a headset and everything.

PSN = Qwell


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Would anyone be up for running co-op missions on hard with me tonight? I'll probably be jumping on around 4:30pm pacific time. I got through the first 2 with randoms, but I got so tired of the randoms just running into the middle of the street and getting killed without even thinking of trying to use cover.

I've done all the co-op missions multiple times on the PC (love me some battlefield) but just playing around on the PS3 one since we got it free with plus. I have a headset and everything.

PSN = Qwell

I might be up for this later... if I'm on.
Would anyone be up for running co-op missions on hard with me tonight? I'll probably be jumping on around 4:30pm pacific time. I got through the first 2 with randoms, but I got so tired of the randoms just running into the middle of the street and getting killed without even thinking of trying to use cover.

I've done all the co-op missions multiple times on the PC (love me some battlefield) but just playing around on the PS3 one since we got it free with plus. I have a headset and everything.

PSN = Qwell

depends... do you want to get the 'Drop 'Em Like Liquid' trophy? cause i am so not up for that a 3rd time.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Speaking of, is there someone on the PS3 side who does the same thing? I'd like to get some games in with you folks.

Nope. Join Faceless who will join me tonight around 6:30PM for Rush, Dr. Mario. Don't be late like your usual 360-self. I don't appreciate tardiness.


depends... do you want to get the 'Drop 'Em Like Liquid' trophy? cause i am so not up for that a 3rd time.

Not even sure which one that is, I don't pay too much attention to trophies, mostly doing it for the unlocks. Need to get the SIG553, I know I don't really need to play it on hard, but figured eehh why not.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I still need to do that, but I think it's impossible. lol

It's completely possible. But you have to time your gunshots together. Faceless and I did it but he had to let me fire first so he could hear the gunshot and quickly fire off his round to hit within seconds of mine.

The stealth one is FAR worse.
I still need to do that, but I think it's impossible. lol
seriously, i did it twice and i'm STILL upset. it took my brother and i over an hour and we were in the same damn house! it took seks and i a bit longer but our connections were acting up too which messes up the timing...

It's completely possible. But you have to time your gunshots together. Faceless and I did it but he had to let me fire first so he could hear the gunshot and quickly fire off his round to hit within seconds of mine.

The stealth one is FAR worse.

hahaha no way, the other one is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay easier. did we even take ten tries?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ten tries for which one? I know it took me FOREVER to get the stealth one until you joined up. But the gunshots was simple rote memorization (I take the left targets, Faceless takes the right. We clean up whatever the other misses) with the only barrier being the stupid netcode getting in the way. Once you know which person is doing what it's FARRRR easier than the stupid stealth section for 20% of the co-op mission that is VERY finicky about what the AI sees and doesn't see.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So much for tonight, since it seems only Dream will join me. :/
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