I meant EST lol
Still got the touch.
Although I can't handle too many games just coming back...
You still "One Eye'd Dreamy?"
We lost that one round I quit after it was over due to the clantards switching over to their teammates side and then it was just us three with newbies against them. No good. If ya'll had went for A in the first place we wouldn't have bled so many tickets and could've attempted to flank to B since B is more "open" it's harder to defend (and attack, granted, but defend!) :/
After you left we had a Seine defense where everyone on my squad went perfect (0 deaths) and then rolled them on attack in five minutes.
So much for tonight, since it seems only Dream will join me. :/
Don't strain your eyes to play with us, dude. That's not good for you.
I'll probably be on later tonight playing you know what mode
Thanks for the co-op fun Evolved, good times, and hey we even got the Bullseye and the Ninja trophy. We did the Ninja on the first try, but Bullseye did take us a few attempts to nail it, the 3 sets of 3 in the middle was kind of a pain before we youtubed what to do.
Thanks for the co-op fun Evolved, good times, and hey we even got the Bullseye and the Ninja trophy. We did the Ninja on the first try, but Bullseye did take us a few attempts to nail it, the 3 sets of 3 in the middle was kind of a pain before we youtubed what to do.
And normally, the Javelin travels in a straight line to its objective, and does damage depending where it hits. If it is SOFLAM guided, the missile goes up and then down hitting from upside. I think is the second most damagin place, and ignores reflective armor.
No, it's the most damage besides hitting the rear.
Uh, that's what vixlar said
Tired of losing rounds to stupid shit. Half the team not answering a tank or AMTRACK or LAV because they want to pew pew pew snipe instead of leaving the class to those of us that will push up lay a beacon and then camp. SMH.
But sales...They should take sniper rifles out of the game. lol
It would be a better game.
Halo 3 isn't free yet.Supper, Odyhobo, you guys on tonight?
But sales...
Dark Souls.Borderlands 2?
Dark Souls.
Halo 2 Vista.
fuck PS+
fuck PS+
I'm playing through plus
I feel like I know how to play BF3![]()
whats the last day that Saint's Row 3 will be available to DL on PS+?
i'd hate to pay full price but hey... most of the free games don't really appeal to me, but SR3 does.
I'm looking around for the answer, but can't seem to find it. Some games are part of the IGC for a year... but I can't really find where they explain which those are and why.
If's it's not on the expiring soon list, so I guess at least until end of july
there's a list!? where?
I know if you go to the PS+ section on PSN they have an expiring soon list... if that's what he's referring to.
oh? *checks*
Is there any way to get matched exclusively to DICE servers? I got stuck in a custom Rush match that took two whole hours to finish, and I'd very much like to never go through that again.
Don't use Quick Match, use the server browser.
I've tried, but it seems most official servers that I've found seem to use DLC maps that I don't have yet.