AlrightUh yeah, definitely.
Just asking cause the games age and all
Not sure how much they went for on the peer market
AlrightUh yeah, definitely.
Just asking cause the games age and all
Not sure how much they went for on the peer market
Someone from gaf with codeWhere'd you find it for that much again? PC having it for $15 plus the age of the game completely ruled out double dipping at $50 on PS3 for me, but at sub $20 I'll definitely consider it.
ShotsWhy do people constantly have to run into me... look where you're fucking going, retards.
Gaf included. lol
Why do people constantly have to run into me... look where you're fucking going, retards.
Gaf included. lol
To be fair, some of us are getting shot at while you're coming from a direction not being shot at. It's why I'm constantly "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY"-ing when I'm trying to get into a building or hallway.
What's your psnI'm hopping on, Rental Dude.
What's your psn
He has a Full friends listIt's been plastered all over Faceless' Youtube videos. But add Dreamgazer. He's currently playing unless he bails since a thunderstorm rolled in and I only got two games in.
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Should be obvious in that who I am
Add me, I'll hopefully be on around 12:15-12:30 for a round or two if this thunderstorm passes. It's been popping off and on around me.
Should be obvious in that who I am
Add me, I'll hopefully be on around 12:15-12:30 for a round or two if this thunderstorm passes. It's been popping off and on around me.
Soler said:Theseks sure does hate the heli
Oh yeah, that one was right at the end. I wasn't even looking at tickets. I just saw him standing there and was all "OH NO YOU DON'T."
Only when I'm struggling by myself on an infantry focused map.
You started off pretty bad on the ground but started to come into your own. Faceless joined us and we started to roll with a few close calls. I think we only lost... 2 of the 10 rounds? And those two were just by ourselves?
You're not a bad player but you need some more situational awareness and not spawning all the way back if the spawn screen shows one of your squad-mates further up not in the line of fire. You'll be closer to the action and helping them out. Spawning in the helicopter in Damavand doesn't really help the attackers since, quoting Dream: People in the air can't arm the crates ("M-COM"s) which was true that round. We nearly lost until I smoke supported someone arming and I think you and the random squadmate we had joined me and I rushed a three enemy embankment that didn't even MOVE to disarm. WTF. They could've possibly had it.
Also shoutout to the 40-17 K/D round I had on Norshal Defense. Faceless rushes A (I'm thinking B would be harder to take, nope seems not) and after destroying cover nearly everywhere we held on BARELY with their Amtrack not pushing up. If the Amtrack had pushed up on the arm it would've fucked us over. I BARELY disarmed it when ya'll spawned on me (providing cover from the Amtrack fire I think? Thanks?) and we won. Whew.
Like I said I picked up the scout heli to take out the tank
He was tearing us apart and RPGs weren't going to cut it
It worked didn't it?
Faceless said:i dunno why, but 4th set A just always seems to be easier to defend even though it should be harder on paper.
Well I beat it on Hard last night, just have like 1 campaign trophy to clean up and then its on to nothing but multiplayer. I do still have 2 co-op trophies to get (the heli one and the humvee one) and then its nothing but killing dudes and playing the objective to lvl 45.
PS - if anyone knows anyone with PS premium codes for cheap I would love one. I already tweeted Battlefield to let them know $50 is a little much for premium for the digital download, especially since I already paid $110 for BF3+Premium on PC.
...Also shoutout to the 40-17 K/D round I had on Norshal Defense...
i would have destroyed the AA but i saw you running towards it.Maybe. I didn't notice since I was too busy watching the crate flash off and on with the arm/disarm cavalcade and going "Goddamn it, where the fuck are the other two!?"
Speaking of which (vehicles tearing us apart): Shoutout to that Cheesemobile/mobile AA steal after they had 5(!) engineers on it for the first two sets (and we pushed past them!) only for them to try to take the Amtrack out, Faceless spawned in the Magnum P.I. helicopter, laid some fire on it as I disabled it. They get out, try to repair. I shoot them down. Medic(?) tries to come in, shoot him down, shoot the revived engineer down and start to repair going "PLZ GOD FACELESS DON'T DESTROY IT!"
Random squadmate gets in, finish repairing. Get back to the AMTRACK. Javelin hits the Cheesemobile. Cheesemobile moves toward me, I provide it some shielding. Repair repair, shoot a dude coming for me. Repair repair repair repair. SLOOOOOWLY push the AMTRACK up to the third set. And then we proceed to roll with the random keeping the Cheesemobile back until the end of fourth set. Where I had to quicky repair him (and get sniped) to keep it up. Someone repaired him after I died and then we took the last set with pretty good ease.
And that's why you don't bail from a vehicle unless it's 3% and maybe not even then!
I dunno. B seems like the one that is harder to defend because of the pitchblackness inside (hate how my LCD black crushes to where it's hard to see in DICE's indoor areas with the lack of lights around) and it being inside a building. A would be only be harder to defend due to the Amtrack and Humvee and open-air but yeah... that round was memorable because we were getting suppressed/shot at from the attackers and I'm at like 40% health at times taking down three enemies in quick succession (since they bailed from a helicopter and fall-damaged). Insane.
You can just buy BF3 Prmeium Edition for 30-40 bucks, use the Premium code and give the game to a friend or something, or sell it.
I got hate mail on pstriple from some guy on metro conquest
"you're a shotgun fag" .
I was using a SPAS , and if anyone knows, using a pump action shotgun takes skill , unlike the dao and usas .
The 870 is awesomely cheap.
Scopes are for poopfaces.
Also, Supper, Ody, you best get on for some lovin' tonight.
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