I didn't know this thread was even active lol. It's cool to see that some Gaffers still play the 360 version.
Anyway, I just got the most random kill ever. I decided to start using the QBU-88 Sniper and the first kill I every got was complete luck. I was defending B on Gulf of Oman Conquest. I pulled out my sniper and zoomed in on the enemy base (the aircraft carrier). I see some guys trying to get into a chopper, so just for fun I took aim and started shooting. I shot 3 rounds, and to my surprise all 3 shots landed, with the last one being a headshot! 800+ yards.
Moments like those make me wish BF3 had a theater mode.
PS. I would like some folks to play with. Randoms are lame. GT: RebornYeti