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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The PC controls are the exact same as BF3's. *smug*

But yeah, I can't adjust to R2 spot. L2 fire is fine with me as I prefer it that way for consoles.

I just learned about the express elevator at B that takes you to the right-sides very top/roof area to drop onto B if they're camping the normal four elevators. Something new to learn from that map, heh. Also learned the locations for the other elevators.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Okay so the cover mechanic is actually pretty cool... but I think the popup from crouch might be a little too fast.

It's really finicky around corner cover, but I get how it works now. Don't know how useful it'll be, but I can think of certain situations where it might give advantage. Doesn't work with any long range optic though. So snipers can't use the ADS for the quick peak (on corners, didn't try the crouch peak with the optics)

I really like R2 spot a lot.

Helicopters seem to "drift" a lot more now, we'll see how the viper feels. Kinda bummed we didn't get to mess with it on PS3. This map has it on PC. :/

I thought medkits and ammo kits were supposed to be able to "stick" to players so they could move and heal, but I can't figure it out.

Locking everything for a beta is really fucking retarded.

Swimming is awesome.

Weapon pickups on the map are super OP but they are fun as hell too... I'm alright with them.


Anyone on 360?
Getting on.
I thought medkits and ammo kits were supposed to be able to "stick" to players so they could move and heal, but I can't figure it out.

Weapon pickups on the map are super OP but they are fun as hell too... I'm alright with them.
The mini med/ammo kits don't stick to people, they do however get thrown automatically towards people who need it. The ammo one also only replenishes one clip/mag and doesn't replenish explosives at all.

I was skeptical about the weapon pick-ups, but they're limited in ammo and you have to drop them to switch weapons which I like a lot.
After getting used to spot being on Bumper, I actually really like it. The more things preventing my thumb to move away from the thumb stick, the better.


Olimpia/Meppi are contemplating their options

Oh no, me and Mancunian11 are without a doubt going PS4. The systems are already ordered and we are the first in line at the shop. :)

I can't play the beta on PS3 yet since I bought premium when I was on 360 fulltime and didn't want to waste more money on these things that I didn't enjoy at all when I went back to PS3.

If BF4 should turn out like BF3 with all the bad stuff. (broken medics, overpowered air vehicles, but especially the terrible hit detection and server lag problems, I might give up on the series for good.

But from playing the beta for a couple of hours this afternoon, it is looking good. Suppression isn't driving me crazy and my bullets go where they should for a change.
Even getting into battles like BC2 against 3-4 opponents and be the last one standing, which pretty much never happens in BF3 due to bullets turning to dust all the time.

Will take a while to get used to the new controls and systems though, but that's all right.
I just hope DICE doesn't give in to all the whiners again and buff the medic and choppers and such to levels where it makes the game unfun.


BF4 is so awful on PS3, I'm almost inclined to cancel on PS4.

Also, the fact that there is no option to have the same controller layout as BF3 is terrible. What would that take, five minutes worth of coding? Awful.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

Hahaha, yeah as soon as I was like "R2/L2 doesn't gas/brake?" *move stick* "Ohhhh, Faceless is gonna love this."

Bkak said:
Also, the fact that there is no option to have the same controller layout as BF3 is terrible. What would that take, five minutes worth of coding? Awful.

Agree. I've started to adjust to it but it's still terrible. It takes my finger off the trigger for two seconds whereas the old select was taking my finger off the movement button. Either one is a trade off but I'd rather be able to ADS/aim/shoot than ADS/spot/move. :/

People camping the elevators for free kills is so goddamn annoying. DICE needs to add more alternate routes so they can't just hear a ding, wait for the doors to open and then quickly kill you.


How many members of PS3GAF are buying BF4 on PS3 and not PS4? I'm asking because I'll be the PS3 version, as I won't have the time and money (studying), and I don't want to be left alone with randoms for too long.

I'm getting it on the PS3 day one unless the beta is so damn awful that I decide against. I'll download the beta tomorrow since my new PS3 HDD is arriving in the mail so I won't even bother downloading the game tonight just to transfer over it tomorrow.

And what's this shit about not being able to change controls? Please tell me this just a beta thing? Why would they change the controls for spotting, vehicles, etc.?
Did very well on my first match, 19-10, MVP.
Damage output is obviously much higher, hit detection is absolute crap though.
That rocket projectry is delicious.
Vehicle goes down like a joke, not sure why people think it's OP.
Points are way too easily awarded.
Must stop hitting select to spot.
What's up with the humongous flag capture zone?
That AK is OP.
Motion sensors should be the first unlockkkkkkkk

I'm getting it on the PS3 day one unless the beta is so damn awful that I decide against. I'll download the beta tomorrow since my new PS3 HDD is arriving in the mail so I won't even bother downloading the game tonight just to transfer over it tomorrow.

And what's this shit about not being able to change controls? Please tell me this just a beta thing? Why would they change the controls for spotting, vehicles, etc.?

The beta is horrible. Actual game might be better but who knows.
You know how the joke of this gen is everything is brown?
Now imagine everything is white and with white smog and your light colored enemies can blend into a cement block like a cameleon.
That's the PS3 beta.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You're forgetting pop-in.

Which isn't on the PC beta. *smug smug smuggy smug smug*

Sounds like you should get a new GPU, Dreamy. *smug smug smuggy smug smug*


As for the tanks: Hit them in the ass with an RPG-7 shot. "hit vehicle" "hit vehicle" "hit vehicle."


Or "hit vehicle, hit vehicle, hit vehicle, disable!" (dead)

Takes too much shit and everyone going "GET GUD" is missing it. I've been hitting the tanks in the ass and nada. Either the ass isn't apparent from either end of the tank or the damage is screwing up and thinking I'm hitting the front instead of the back. Needs to be fixed though, shit is infuriating to attempt to anti-tank and the only reliable option is to C4 run as a recon that you can't FUCKING RESUPPLY in the beta.

And what's this shit about not being able to change controls? Please tell me this just a beta thing? Why would they change the controls for spotting, vehicles, etc.?

You can change the controls. The problem is DICE does not have an option to be like BC1-2/BF3's controls with select as an option since select has been taken over by Battlelog which could be in the fucking start menu where it belongs.

(Where as Q is still spot/com-rose and E is still get in a vehicle and shit instead of square/circle changes on PS3. So basically PC is the same as BF3's controls. *smug smug smuggy smug*


The beta is horrible. Actual game might be better but who knows.
You know how the joke of this gen is everything is brown?
Now imagine everything is white and with white smog and your light colored enemies can blend into a cement block like a cameleon.
That's the PS3 beta.

I honestly don't care that much on how the game looks. The one thing that worries me is the complains about the controls and the layout but I guess I'll find that out tomorrow firsthand.
I think me hitting select to trying to spot is going to be the new "accidentally going prone", can see myself dying so much because of this. R2 feels awful for spotting


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well, people are bitching on the Battlefield Facebook about that change. I'm sure there's people bitching about it on Twitter and Battlelog. So... it'll probably change? Hopefully?

I like the "Lefty" Veteran option (outside of that switching ADS/fire) if they were going to keep it on a trigger since I'm so used to R2 grenades from BC2/BF3 that it screwed my muscle memory up. But I still don't like it being on a trigger. Just too screwy.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Turn off the Battlelog ingame option so pressing select/back doesn't do anything.

Where's that option? I must've blown past it.

As far as Battlelog intergration: I don't mind it and I don't mind it in the menus. But WHY THE FUCK is it pervasive in-game as the select button? WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Put it in the fucking start menu and then have select there be Battlelog.

Everytime I want to check the scoreboard or spot? NOPE, Battlelog time, bitch!



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It says hide, but it actually just disables it completely.

No it doesn't. I just turned it on and it doesn't do that. Either yours is bugged or whatever, it's still just hiding the Battlelog notifications.

Derp, it does. In-game. Spawn menu is fine. Which begs the question why they can't just move the leaderboard to select on that option then.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.


Have BF3 on PC, no premium.
Have BF3 on 360 with premium and I have already downloaded demo and am playing it.

Question is, I received an email saying as a premium bf3 member I get to try out the beta. Just open origin client and refresh. Did I get this as an error? I didn't expect to be able to try it on PC, and in Origin it never shows up for me to download.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
He could only be half is good and still be better than all of us... lol.

Now we just need Crak back.


Rebel Leader

He could only be half is good and still be better than all of us... lol.

Now we just need Crak back.




Damn Hunting... if I had the extra cheese I'd send you a PS4. Tell you what, if I win one eating gross Taco Bell for the next month, it's yours!

Appreciate the thought, I really do, but I wouldn't except it anyway. Even if I had a PS4 to play on, time is not something I'll have a lot of. I might be able to jump in for a few hours on weekends, without feeling guilty... I probably will actually.

Here's a few thoughts I'd like to share with you guys about the Beta:

1) Game feels quite a bit smoother, not sure if that's down to better optimization or smaller files (DL was 1.6GB for me) or even a combination of both (I'm no expert). Hopefully gameplay will be a lot smoother for 99% of the time, unless of course the tower is coming down.

2) None of that digital noise thing in the menu. Everything feels faster, from starting the game from the XMB menu to starting a match.

3) Tanks feel incredibly weird, I'm not talking about the controls as that's is something I can get used to but it's harder to notice when you're hit with something. You also have a max of 5 shells, which reload gradually, so when you're in a tank fight... you best not miss. Nor should you shoot aimlessly for fun unless you're sure there is no heavy armour nearby. I sort of like that as it forces you to be a little more cautious, something I don't do, but I think the fire power should be amped a little to compensate.

4) reloading now gets rid of your current mag, had to learn that the hard way as I killed three guys, not at once, only to realise that I'm on my last.

5) The maps not the greatest on consoles, heard that the PC version has five flags which is reasonable. Right not, on consoles you have a little bit of running involved between flags where nothing happens.

6) I don't see the point of a five man squad, if you have two already then that leaves two people on their own, but I guess they were focusing more on PS4/One/PC.

EDIT: 7) Little bird is over powered but that's more to do with the fact that I can't fly it.

8) You don't know who is on your team until they get a little closer, that is very annoying.

Rebel Leader

Indeed it does feel much smoother/responsive

@ number 5 Getting a ps4 so no problem there

@6 yea, ps3 and 360 should be 4 man squads. I wonder why it's 5.

Also the second seat on the tank is much easier to get kills now. Seems the hit detection is much better to


I have extra cheese.... on a pizza. No one has the time all the time hunting. Remember that.


I also think there should be a squad link system where (for examble) Squad A links with squad B and they won't get seperated


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I recommend using the peak function.

I had a guy using it against me so I got to see a really good representation of what it looks like from the other side... barely any of his body is exposed, it was pretty hard to land any hit with my PDW. Just his weapon and slight shoulder/head showing.

The low-cover crouch peak is pretty mean too. So fast.

On a different note, tanks are so weird. I went from very confident tanker to feeling like a liability. I will probably avoid driving armor in the real game. Which kinda sucks, be cause tank piloting is what I thought was (far and away) my best skill in BC2/BF3.

You lost already.

Appreciate the thought, I really do, but I wouldn't except it anyway. Even if I had a PS4 to play on, time is not something I'll have a lot of. I might be able to jump in for a few hours on weekends, without feeling guilty... I probably will actually.

Some is better than none.
What are you studying for?

4) reloading now gets rid of your current mag, had to learn that the hard way as I killed three guys, not at once, only to realise that I'm on my last.

My worst nightmare.

6) I don't see the point of a five man squad, if you have two already then that leaves two people on their own, but I guess they were focusing more on PS4/One/PC.
Dice said they did it because people wanted it.
It doesn't make sense from the PC side of things either.

8) You don't know who is on your team until they get a little closer, that is very annoying.

Spot first?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
More like "Shoot first?"

Let god sort out all the friendly fire.
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