MuseManMike said:I'm trying to level Recon. LOL. Recon. Another good joke by DICE.
kingschiebi said:I found Recon leveling to be pretty painless actually. Setup a motion sensor/spawn beacon at the ticket hall in Metro and see the points coming in.
As soon as you get the MAV, run in on any map, set radio beacon, then fall back and use the MAV to spot enemies while your team is advancing.
The secret here is to get as many Surveillance Ribbons and Medals as possible for a ton of points.
It depends a lot on the proficiency of your team as your score is tied to their kills, but it worked out pretty well for me.
Also try to run over enemy snipers with the MAV for a roadkill bonus.
For some reason, that doesn't seem to work for mortars though (sadly)
Noisepurge said:wat? the surveillance ribbon can only be gotten using the MAV. the 7 kill ribbons can be gotten easy with any and all weapons in a single match of Team Deathmatch.
olimpia84 said:Get to rank 43 and unlock the USAS-12. It's the best shotgun in the game, imo (but then again I could be biased since I was a big fan since the BC2 days...12,000+ kills with it!). It has the best rate of fire and once you unlock some of the sights and extended mag it becomes a beast. It's not very good in medium range situations like it used to in BC2, but still gets the job done nicely. I roll using the regular buckshot and didn't really bothered with the other types of ammo.
TheSeks said:Guess I'm going to attempt crate defense now. It and Nemesis kills are the only two left. *sigh*
Now to find four people that don't notice me prone and crouching near the crate. *sigh*
Daigoro said:i didnt say anything about the surveillance ribbon. i was only asking about the least annoying sniper rifle to use to get the rifle kill weapon as someone who hates sniping.
Death death death death death death. M-COM defense. DEATH DEATH DEATH DEATH. :|
Fuck this shit.
Fucks sake DICE: I can be right next to the crate and get no ribbon for that shit? Fuck you!
TheSeks said:Guess I'm going to attempt crate defense now. It and Nemesis kills are the only two left. *sigh*
Now to find four people that don't notice me prone and crouching near the crate. *sigh*
JJD said:Also nemesis ribbon should be easier to obtain in TDM or SDM as killing people is your only objective on those game types.
Noisepurge said:soon we'll be putting up a GAF game of trophy whoring to get theseI remember the GAF knife fights we had in BFBC2...
Noisepurge said:soon we'll be putting up a GAF game of trophy whoring to get theseI remember the GAF knife fights we had in BFBC2...
olimpia84 said:They need to add the ability to use C4 or mortars for Recons. They're pretty much useless in Conquest which is the main game mode basically, probably with the exception of Op. Metro where spawn beacons become very important. In Rush they are more revelant but still not enough. Also, they should give more points for spots assists when using the dream said you can be helping the team really hard but finish the round with the lowest score.
The MAV is my next unlock. So I'll take over those duties when we play together. I wouldn't mind if the PDWs weren't so god awful. The UMP buff can't come soon enough.Dreamgazer said:You don't say.
I'm looking forward to being the first (or second?) person to have a recon service star soon on GAF soon.
I'm pretty sure you can only get that gun through CO-OP not traditional multiplayer.mickcenary said:So, unlocking the KH2002 is tied in with your actual Score as opposed to your Assault Score - correct? I just unlocked the Russian Aquired weapons (WEAK, Dice) and my next unlock is apparently 220,000 points away, but it didn't indicate exactly what that was.
MuseManMike said:I'm pretty sure you can only get that gun through CO-OP not traditional multiplayer.
Dreamgazer said:I don't know.
You are going to take forever if you expect to just level with the mav and surveilliance pin alone. I can easily have the mav up a whole round and it'll barely break 3000pts total if I'm lucky. I only pull up MAV to ensure guarantee wins.
It's easier to score point by playing with the t-ugs and flanking people (exploiting the t-ugs' ability to detect motions regards of terrain levels.)
Noisepurge said:soon we'll be putting up a GAF game of trophy whoring to get theseI remember the GAF knife fights we had in BFBC2...
JJD said:I already have all the ribbons but I'll gladly help anyone that needs a specific one!
Dreamgazer said:You're offensive but closer to well rounded depending on who is in the squad. When more people in your squad is closer to well rounded then you go for the "how should I troll people today" style of play (similar to faceless).
Farlanghn is well rounded , possibly because he loves flanking people for knife kills.
Mike is offensive.
Meppi is obviously offensive
evolved is defensive
ejas is well rounded but goes offensive when game is favoring gaf (often times).
I'm a defensive asshole.
JJSD is more offensive
Seks goes with the mood of the team.
Olimpia is well rounded on conquest, a bit more defensive on rush.
TheSeks said:Sit and arm. Let me count to one and blow you away. Four times.
And then sit still and let me kill you once more. Then five more times after you kill me.
JJD said:I was talking about the GAF game, but if there's no way you'll managed to get all the ribbons alone I'll help you if I can, actually I was trying to help when I explained how I got then...
It's fine, I think it's more to do with the fact that they were well organised. I joined MarvelAssassin and Dave, and Jesus fucking Christ, the shotguns can kill you from a good distant. Someone was using the USAS12 from inside a building and I was wondering, from the sound, WTF is a LAV doing inside a building.JJD said:Sorry Hunting Beast, but I had to quit, I couldn't play anymore. We played the last 3 games with at least a 4 players disadvantage. We could have won every single one of then if the fuckin' randoms would help. It was just our squad against the other team.
MuseManMike said:If anyone decides to do the trophy lobby, I'd like to get my defender ribbon.
I haven't even attempted to get it yet, but the idea of getting it without wanting to smash my controller is an enticing notion.
I could, in theory, get on tonight but it would be very late. 10-12 PM PST.
olimpia84 said:Good games tonight. Started playing Rush and then moved to Conquest. I don't think I lost one single game throughout the whole night (very close on losing one Rush on Kargh Island...boiled down to the last ticket!)
I'll be on later tonight if anybody wants to play.
timmytheman123 said:Do the shotguns seem a little inconsistent to anybody else? I will shoot a guy twice point blank in the chest and he will walk away with 60% but other times I easily kill with one shot.
Happens to me too.timmytheman123 said:Do the shotguns seem a little inconsistent to anybody else? I will shoot a guy twice point blank in the chest and he will walk away with 60% but other times I easily kill with one shot.
TheSeks said:I'm lovin' it, Calion.
Meanwhile: I'm hatin' it, Calion.
Calion82v said:I've hardly had time to play, and wanted to atleast get my M416. Besides, we we're tearing it up.![]()
i'm guessing the spread is completely random again like BC2.timmytheman123 said:Do the shotguns seem a little inconsistent to anybody else? I will shoot a guy twice point blank in the chest and he will walk away with 60% but other times I easily kill with one shot.
Dreamgazer said:You're offensive but closer to well rounded depending on who is in the squad. When more people in your squad is closer to well rounded then you go for the "how should I troll people today" style of play (similar to faceless).
Farlanghn is well rounded , possibly because he loves flanking people for knife kills.
Mike is offensive.
Meppi is obviously offensive
evolved is defensive
ejas is well rounded but goes offensive when game is favoring gaf (often times).
I'm a defensive asshole.
JJSD is more offensive
Seks goes with the mood of the team.
Olimpia is well rounded on conquest, a bit more defensive on rush.
Evolved1 said:All pins will probably come eventually through regular play...
How do you get a Nemesis ribbon?Noisepurge said:True, it's not like this one has that really annoying knifing trophy that BFBC2 had.
But getting that Nemesis ribbon might take a serious while/streak of luck.
I don't think I've played in a full server in the last week. :/MuseManMike said:I'm getting pretty tired of empty lobbies. WTF am I expected to do? DICE makes it as inconvenient as possible to switch lobbies, and even then, those are not guaranteed to be full.
How do you get a Nemesis ribbon?
excaliburps said:What are your major gripes so far. console peeps?