A27 Tawpgun said:"If you play assault as a recon you'll get more points."
Kind of dumb it has to come to that...
Not really, I much rather have assault-like-recons on my team (exactly what I did in BC2) that go for the objective instead of the useless ones that snipe from a secluded part of the map and get 2 or 3 kills during the entire match. Even worse, they removed the Mortar Strike option in BF3... at least that was a bit more useful for those that liked to snipe since they could always call a mortar strike when an MCOM was armed or to take down a building full of people.
I think the one change the Recon class needs is what faceless said, give them more points for spots/laser assists and have the TUGs count towards motion assists like the MAV. That, and also include the option to carry C4 like the Support class or call mortar strikes like in BC2...I find it stupid that in a game that's more 'vehicle focused' only two classes have the ability to take them down (engineers and support).