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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment


Don't use LMGs with support.
Like we don't use sniper rifles with recons.

problem solved :)

Are you suggesting we self-police ourselves to balance the game for DICE? It's not the same at all. You don't use sniper rifles with recon because leveling recon with them would take forever and most people don't like to sit around and snipe. There are only a small portion of people that can be effective at closer ranges with sniper rifles so most people end up switching and using the PDWs. I don't think any of the PDWs compares to the likes of the 249, 240b or m60 at all.. not even close.
Take your own advice for a change since you're the one spamming these threads with stats BS and bitching all the time.

I never even brought up worries about my accuracy stats or anything of that sort.
Funny how mine's higher than yours now that I look at it, yet you're telling me how to play since I'm a dumb noob.

Oh but no, I should play in a different kinda way, preferably someway that makes you look better and gets me to sit on my ass in the back of the map, in case someone slips by you. Same old shit like it's aways been, just like in BC2.

That's why I hate playing with someone like you.
Instead of wanting to play as a team and just have fun, you want to prove you're better than anyone you play with and if they happen to play a certain way that isn't to your liking, you go on another stupid rant of "waaaaah waaaah waaaaah, what are you doing!". Sheesh.

I have no problem adapting my playstyle or taking advice from other people on this board who are on a whole other level then you. Mind-boggling, I know.
Yet, you don't see them post all that much anymore. Wonder why that is... >_>

winning is fun.

Don't use LMGs with support.
Like we don't use sniper rifles with recons.

problem solved :)

whoa there!

those starter rifles are pretty cool once you take off that 8x scope!
Are you suggesting we self-police ourselves to balance the game for DICE? It's not the same at all. You don't use sniper rifles with recon because leveling recon with them would take forever and most people don't like to sit around and snipe. There are only a small portion of people that can be effective at closer ranges with sniper rifles so most people end up switching and using the PDWs. I don't think any of the PDWs compares to the likes of the 249, 240b or m60 at all.. not even close.

It is the same in reference to meppi's problem with playing support.

The problem is that support class should not just be ignored simply because one dislikes LMGs. Just as recon class should not be ignored because there is a general dislike for sniper rifles (I run PDWs since it is most effective for me, not because I care much about leveling.)

If you personally feel obligated to not use a nerfed/op weapon, then don't. There are plenty of all-kit weapons for your picking.
What, are people all going to stop being 24/7 engineers if the carbines get nerfed/super op? come on.

(oh dear, some of you are going to tell me yes, aren't you?)

winning is fun.

whoa there!

those starter rifles are pretty cool once you take off that 8x scope!

Probably shouldn't say we. I just don't run with them since I can't rely on them to hipfire nicely with my close quarter plays.
MOD 11 been great, but I can't do much with that gun without aiming down the sights.

Also, yes winning is fun.
Winning tight rush rounds are funner


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I never even brought up worries about my accuracy stats or anything of that sort.
Funny how mine's higher than yours now that I look at it, yet you're telling me how to play since I'm a dumb noob.

Because you play an easy mode class. Funny how I have a decent accuracy stat playing all classes, while you worry about your accuracy while playing solely one class.

In short: You suck. Again: Shut the fuck up, because I play all the damn classes. I get a 15-20% rough accuracy stat with ALL the goddamn class weapons, ergo: My 15.8% with all classes is better than your 20% stupid goddamn engineer only stat.

Instead of wanting to play as a team and just have fun, you want to prove you're better than anyone you play with and if they happen to play a certain way that isn't to your liking, you go on another stupid rant of "waaaaah waaaah waaaaah, what are you doing!". Sheesh.

I play to win. Funny how I win with randoms more often than GAF currently. Imagine that, I win rounds working my ass off with randoms than playing defense working my ass off while you're sitting on an MAV/Mortar and oblivious to 5+ enemies breaching our base. BUT DERP YOU'RE HAVING FUN, so I should obviously not bitch about my attempts to hold them off to prevent them from killing you on the Mortar so you can go back to holding your dick in your hands and lose the game again, right?

Oh but no, I should play in a different kinda way, preferably someway that makes you look better and gets me to sit on my ass in the back of the map, in case someone slips by you.

Thousands of lol.gif right here.

The point of Rush defense is to defend. *GASP!* Shocking I know. But if the enemy breaches your defense what fucking good is it to stay in the frontlines when they armed both crates?

Also Conquest with GAF is terrible right now. I'm going to name some names:

Olimpia, Bruiser, Mike: Those three do not have a "defend this" mindset at times. Olimpia knows how to play Conquest but he gets into "derp three flag capture bleeds them easier! LOLOLOL" mindset and attempts to go cap A/C when we only need two flags and have a better chance of winning by having them come to us. You can't rely on Bruiser and Mike because they WILL NEVER HELP. I've had rounds with them where I'm solely the only one attempting to retake our home flag. Why? Because if the enemy team takes that flag and then wipes ya'll off the map, we're stuck in our base. Kinda like what happens when Olimpia plays and has all the flags.


...And yet, you never quit in BC2 or BF3. So you sure do like winning those Conquest Winner pins by base rape, now don't you?

You know what, I'm just going to leave this right here:

I'm really really sick of all the engineer-lovers who think they're all that. Simply because the game is so fucking unbalanced to the class. I mean people making posts like "I cannot force myself to play <insert class>". If we were to hear that in the BC2 era, the person would get a lecture storm. Have you noticed all the people that were "average" in bc2 all praising themselves to glory now? Yep, they play engineer 24/7.

Oh snap, someone else thinks you suck as well Meppi! How about that! *JonStewartHoldingHisHeadInHisHandsAllLovely.jpg*

While we take spm dives in trying to play all classes for the team. Also, what is this bs about "omg too much accuracy". Don't people know that 24/7 engineers' accuracy is fucking skewed cause rpgs (which any moron can accurately hit things with) have a much higher accuracy %?

AKA: You play an easy-mode class and your whining about your lower accuracy stat is laughable. Come back when you get a 20% with all classes balanced and then I'll be impressed.

Then there's that BS where all the engineer whores love playing conquest. Cause then they can at least blame their failure on other people:

GEE I WONDER WHO SOME OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE. Meppi, for one... A few others that I could name as well...

Also said:
P.S. People like us, who stay at the m-com to defend, who stay at B when everyone is off capping the third flag. They're not appreciated and often times now are looked down upon.

AKA: You making me into a villain for saying you suck is also laughable. Dealwithit.gif

Crossing rush is fine when you (Seks) are on the team. Just watch when it's just you though. The team will let a whole bunch of shit through.

Again: I have a better chance of winning Rush/Conquest with randoms than I do with GAF. Do you think I'm not going to bitch because you guys have fun holding your dickstick/RPG while I have to go all classes to set up T-UGS heal you and resupply your orgasm stick so you can continue to have "high accuracy" stats? Pitiful.

Oh, and someone else:

I couldn't agree more. Conquest is 90% base rape, and only requires minimal skill to win, if that. Base raping isn't fun, Rush is. Conquest is stat padding. No doubt about it.

Hmm... kinda funny how "people are boo'ed for suggesting Rush" to BF3 PS3 GAF because they do not have the class unlocks/skill to play all classes and are mostly comfortable being a super slinging RPG spamming soldier with "high (lol) accuracy!" and being able to base rape within five minutes.

You always do what's best for the squad and team, so I completely understand how it's incredibly frustrating to see the fruits of your labor rot.

AKA: I don't suck. When I say this, I'm saying this honestly: The rest of you (and this includes you, too, meppi!) outright suck. I'm sorry I have to be blunt, but I'm tired of having some "newbies" and even some oldbies show up and be solely one class and whine about stupid stats or "overpowered guns" or anything of the sort to prevent themselves from playing other classes. Do you think I like playing with semi-auto sniper rifles? Nope. I think they suck, but I still use them because they have situational uses and I'm trying to level up my game. Unlike some of you.

I'm sorry to the two people I've thrown out here, but this needs to be aired: GAF plays engineer 24/7 because it's the "safe class" and it's laughable how some of you think you're "so awesome" when you don't even attempt to play the other classes and therefore should promptly shut the fuck up.

My post wasn't even dickwaving. It was to show that *gasp!* LMG's don't even lower your accuracy provided you are hitting your marks.


The major reason for me running engineer most of the time is a two-parter.
One: Most of the maps seem to be very vehicle focussed, so I feel the need to be able to repair friendly tanks as well as destroy enemy hardware.

And second, on BC2 I loved running around like crazy with my GOL and x4 slapped on infantry maps.
Due to the fact that the sniper rifles in BF3 are actually meant for sniping now as well as with the laggy controls, it just doesn't click with me anymore as can't play like an assault with them anymore, unless I choose something like the MK11 without a scope.
So it's not really my thing.

I'll probably end up using the assault class as backup on infantry maps when I get my G3 as I loved that gun in BC2.
So far I'm not really happy with some of the weapon and kit choices DICE have made when it comes to which class gets what.


Because you play an easy mode class. Funny how I have a decent accuracy stat playing all classes, while you worry about your accuracy while playing solely one class.

In short: You suck. Again: Shut the fuck up, because I play all the damn classes. I get a 15-20% rough accuracy stat with ALL the goddamn class weapons, ergo: My 15.8% with all classes is better than your 20% stupid goddamn engineer only stat.

I'm gonna reply one last time to the stupidity you keep spewing.
After that you can go on and on about how much better you are than me and anyone you play with.

I don't give a fuck about my accuracy and never have. Never even said so either, so learn to read before you go on a temper tantrum for a change, you dolt.

I don't give a fuck how you play and what game types you like/dislike.
Perhaps you should try to do the same and let people play how they want to and not be such a condescending twat all the time.

...And yet, you never quit in BC2 or BF3. So you sure do like winning those Conquest Winner pins by base rape, now don't you?
Shows just how much you know.

Ask half of PS3 gaf that was on last night.
We started out with 3 people and ended up with 6-8 on our side.
When we started steamrolling the opposition and everyone spawn camped them for 2 games in a row, I left because I find those games not even worth playing.
I quit conquest games all the time when my team starts spawn camping and have done so for a looooooooooong time.
Random picture to ease tension.
heck, i just play the classes i like to play with. and i like playing with Gaf because its easy to put up a squad with all different classes and i know these guys can play proper.

i like seks on a rage rampage but we do not all suck, quite far from it :p

and hey, its a game, its supposed to be fun. explosions! :D


Olimpia knows how to play Conquest but he gets into "derp three flag capture bleeds them easier! LOLOLOL" mindset and attempts to go cap A/C when we only need two flags and have a better chance of winning by having them come to us. You can't rely on Bruiser and Mike because they WILL NEVER HELP. I've had rounds with them where I'm solely the only one attempting to retake our home flag. Why? Because if the enemy team takes that flag and then wipes ya'll off the map, we're stuck in our base. Kinda like what happens when Olimpia plays and has all the flags.

Come on, you're a BF veteran and should know better by now. If you put 12 players on one side with my mindset and 12 in the opposite side with your mindset, my 'team' will absolutely crush yours in less than 10 minutes and base raping will follow soon. The game is pretty clear when giving the Conquest mode description: "Capture and Control of the flags". Why the heck would you let the other team hold one flag?

If there's anything I learn from the hundreds of hours played in BC2 is that an aggressive mindset will have you win most of the time. It may not be the best strategy if you're obsessed with your KDR but I don't really give a damn, at the end of the day all I want is winning, and if I can win by leading my team to showcase absolute superiority by crushing the opposition and winning by +200 tickets I'll do whatever it takes.
Because you play an easy mode class. Funny how I have a decent accuracy stat playing all classes, while you worry about your accuracy while playing solely one class.

In short: You suck. Again: Shut the fuck up, because I play all the damn classes. I get a 15-20% rough accuracy stat with ALL the goddamn class weapons, ergo: My 15.8% with all classes is better than your 20% stupid goddamn engineer only stat.

I changed my mind from my last post, please change. You're kind of a dick.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Come on, you're a BF veteran and should know better by now. If you put 12 players on one side with my mindset and 12 in the opposite side with your mindset, my 'team' will absolutely crush yours in less than 10 minutes and base raping will follow soon. The game is pretty clear when giving the Conquest mode description: "Capture and Control of the flags". Why the heck would you let the other team hold one flag?

If there's anything I learn from the hundreds of hours played in BC2 is that an aggressive mindset will have you win most of the time. It may not be the best strategy if you're obsessed with your KDR but I don't really give a damn, at the end of the day all I want is winning, and if I can win by leading my team to showcase absolute superiority by crushing the opposition and winning by +200 tickets I'll do whatever it takes.

I love playing conquest with you dude... I feel like you could probably handle it on your own most of the time anyway, but when we tank up or whatever I feel sorry for the other team sometimes. haha


I love playing conquest with you dude... I feel like you could probably handle it on your own most of the time anyway, but when we tank up or whatever I feel sorry for the other team sometimes. haha

When you heli up, I feel sorry for the other team. Goddamn, I dunno how you manage zip by at low altitude and escape locks like that. All I can do is circle strafe. :(


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
When you heli up, I feel sorry for the other team. Goddamn, I dunno how you manage zip by at low altitude and escape locks like that. All I can do is circle strafe. :(

I still mess up sometimes... but that's less and less. Starting to feel pretty comfortable in most of the choppers. Honestly I feel most comfortable closer to the ground.

I'm about to unlock low altitude. :) Shits about to get real.

Hmm... actually, I have a question for you since you've been the gunner a few times w/ my low-alt antics: do you find it distracting? Like, is it difficult for you to be effective when I fly like that? Seems like the gunner gets kills, but I wonder if it's frustrating or too disorienting. I try to take all that into consideration when piloting anything, but I honestly don't know in this case, since I've never gunned for someone who pilots like me. I was thinking it might be better to have cockpit view enabled as the gunner and then just drop into the optics when targets are sighted, but I don't know... haven't tried it.

End of the day, I just want to have the most effective vehicle crew possible.

Jesus Christ, I only saw his edited post just now.

Talk about pathetic. :-/

Guess I'm done here.

Hope you don't mean done with gaf... :(


Hmm... actually, I have a question for you since you've been the gunner a few times w/ my low-alt antics: do you find it distracting? Like, is it difficult for you to be effective when I fly like that? Seems like the gunner gets kills, but I wonder if it's frustrating or too disorienting. I try to take all that into consideration when piloting anything, but I honestly don't know in this case, since I've never gunned for someone who pilots like me. I was thinking it might be better to have cockpit view enabled as the gunner and then just drop into the optics when targets are sighted, but I don't know... haven't tried it.

End of the day, I just want to have the most effective vehicle crew possible.

I'm used to adjusting for speedy pilots, so it doesn't really affect me much. I can see it being an issue for newbie gunners though.
Come on, you're a BF veteran and should know better by now. If you put 12 players on one side with my mindset and 12 in the opposite side with your mindset, my 'team' will absolutely crush yours in less than 10 minutes and base raping will follow soon. The game is pretty clear when giving the Conquest mode description: "Capture and Control of the flags". Why the heck would you let the other team hold one flag?

If there's anything I learn from the hundreds of hours played in BC2 is that an aggressive mindset will have you win most of the time. It may not be the best strategy if you're obsessed with your KDR but I don't really give a damn, at the end of the day all I want is winning, and if I can win by leading my team to showcase absolute superiority by crushing the opposition and winning by +200 tickets I'll do whatever it takes.


i'd bet most games end in the majority flag hoarders bleeding out the all flag cappers


The Faceless Master said:

i'd bet most games end in the majority flag hoarders bleeding out the all flag cappers
I'll agree with that. But I still don't think capping all flags is a bad idea in terms of winning a match. It does make the match less fun IMO though.

I still mess up sometimes... but that's less and less. Starting to feel pretty comfortable in most of the choppers. Honestly I feel most comfortable closer to the ground.

I'm about to unlock low altitude. :) Shits about to get real.

Hmm... actually, I have a question for you since you've been the gunner a few times w/ my low-alt antics: do you find it distracting? Like, is it difficult for you to be effective when I fly like that? Seems like the gunner gets kills, but I wonder if it's frustrating or too disorienting. I try to take all that into consideration when piloting anything, but I honestly don't know in this case, since I've never gunned for someone who pilots like me. I was thinking it might be better to have cockpit view enabled as the gunner and then just drop into the optics when targets are sighted, but I don't know... haven't tried it.

End of the day, I just want to have the most effective vehicle crew possible.

Hope you don't mean done with gaf... :(

Flying lower to the ground > Flying high.

It's just a lot safer with stinger's views getting obstructed, and jets not being able to hit you. I just finished unlocking all of the Heli upgrades yesterday, I have yet to try out below radar. Heard it is beasty though.

Come on, you're a BF veteran and should know better by now. If you put 12 players on one side with my mindset and 12 in the opposite side with your mindset, my 'team' will absolutely crush yours in less than 10 minutes and base raping will follow soon. The game is pretty clear when giving the Conquest mode description: "Capture and Control of the flags". Why the heck would you let the other team hold one flag?

If there's anything I learn from the hundreds of hours played in BC2 is that an aggressive mindset will have you win most of the time. It may not be the best strategy if you're obsessed with your KDR but I don't really give a damn, at the end of the day all I want is winning, and if I can win by leading my team to showcase absolute superiority by crushing the opposition and winning by +200 tickets I'll do whatever it takes.

Agreed. Although I wouldn't say it was more fun to control all bases, I don't see how controlling 3 points is worse than controlling 2 as Seks points it out to be.

Olimpia, Bruiser, Mike: Those three do not have a "defend this" mindset at times. Olimpia knows how to play Conquest but he gets into "derp three flag capture bleeds them easier! LOLOLOL" mindset and attempts to go cap A/C when we only need two flags and have a better chance of winning by having them come to us. You can't rely on Bruiser and Mike because they WILL NEVER HELP. I've had rounds with them where I'm solely the only one attempting to retake our home flag. Why? Because if the enemy team takes that flag and then wipes ya'll off the map, we're stuck in our base. Kinda like what happens when Olimpia plays and has all the flags.

And how many times have we played together? Three? I think we are much more competent players than you are making us three out to be.

TheSeks said:
Then there's that BS where all the engineer whores love playing conquest. Cause then they can at least blame their failure on other people
GEE I WONDER WHO SOME OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE. Meppi, for one... A few others that I could name as well...

If this is directed towards me:

I'll agree with that. But I still don't think capping all flags is a bad idea in terms of winning a match. It does make the match less fun IMO though.
i've always said cap the majority then carefully get all. many people will cap the majority then immediately move on for all and the enemy slips thru and back caps and starts out that endless circle capping scenario...

Agreed. Although I wouldn't say it was more fun to control all bases, I don't see how controlling 3 points is worse than controlling 2 as Seks points it out to be.
it's worse because there are potentially less people holding each base.

call me dense, but I dunno how you guys are able to save the pie chart individually to be able to host the image and show it here. So instead here is my stats page:

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/Computers putin/stats/172477502/xbox/

looks like my spread is: 20% Recon, 25% assault, 25% assault%, and 30% engineer.

one more note: each of my top 4 weapons belongs to a different class too

printscreen, paste in image app (IrfanView), crop, save, upload.


Hope you don't mean done with gaf... :(

To be honest, I can't really say.
Certainly with this thread, unless I have something actually worthwhile to contribute.
Overall it's been pretty terrible for a while now and I don't see things improving.
I mean, why return over and over to a place that annoys you with it stupidity on a regular basis...

Gonna keep lurking for the 360 Cave shooter threads and other arcade game threads, as well as retro threads which pop up once in a while, but other than that, I don't really know.

Will keep playing with you guys as long as you'd like me to, so don't worry about that part. ;)

Oh and great games tonight rock, Dave and Hunting Beast.
We didn't really stand a chance against that clan with the teams being unbalanced and all, but it was still a lot of fun.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
To be honest, I can't really say.
Certainly with this thread, unless I have something actually worthwhile to contribute.
Overall it's been pretty terrible for a while now and I don't see things improving.
I mean, why return over and over to a place that annoys you with it stupidity on a regular basis...

Gonna keep lurking for the 360 Cave shooter threads and other arcade game threads, as well as retro threads which pop up once in a while, but other than that, I don't really know.

Will keep playing with you guys as long as you'd like me to, so don't worry about that part. ;)

Oh and great games tonight rock, Dave and Hunting Beast.
We didn't really stand a chance against that clan with the teams being unbalanced and all, but it was still a lot of fun.

Hey as long as you still squad up with us... this thread is just whatever.

from what i read, it's bugged and you can't turn it on.

Doh! I've been looking forward to this upgrade. :(


Neo Member
is there a problem with the mobile aa stats? I've spent one game in the c-ram and one in the pantsir and neither time were any points recoded despite getting vehicle disables each time
is there a problem with the mobile aa stats? I've spent one game in the c-ram and one in the pantsir and neither time were any points recoded despite getting vehicle disables each time

the Mobile AA is that one man tank that the defenders get on Noshahr Canals Rush. that's the only map it's in on Console.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
This game has so many terrible maps... they had all these years to dev BF3 and this is the best they could do?
This game has so many terrible maps... they had all these years to dev BF3 and this is the best they could do?

Is there a way to stop map rotation (play one map for as long as you want) or make a custom server where we pick which maps are in rotation?

There should be.

rdrr gnr

I think logic and all common sense allude Sekoku like no other. He may be so stupid that he doesn't realize how stupid he is. But hey, instead perfectly sound invectives, let me just look at our respective stats.

Sekoku: 77 total rounds of conquest played. 14 flag defender ribbons. 6 flag attacker ribbons.
Myself: 369 total rounds of conquest played. 95 flag defender ribbons, 66 flag attack ribbons.

Proportionally, I cap and defend more flags per game than you. And given that we've literally played maybe once or twice, I have no idea how you can come to such conclusions. Then again, given that you are consistently a terrible poster, I assume you just made up shit based on conjecture and your own solipsistic and remedial thinking. If you wish to tune back into having any semblance of reality, why don't you ask the few GAFfers that we actually and consistently play with like MiniBossBattle or Boatack whether or not we can be counted on to cap flags.


JM, stop with the fucking mortar in defense. THREE GODDAMN TIMES I had to DEFEND BY MYSELF because Joe Q. Assfuck doesn't know how to fucking defend. Meanwhile, where are you? Your nose stuck in a mortar book. :| >:| :mad: I'm not going to attempt to defend against GAF if you aren't going to help me when the teams are auto-balanced. I'm just... not...

I hate the out-of-body kit items because they give me one less person to PEW PEW defend with.

LOL sorry, I just got it and was addicted to it for a bit. Don't worry, I've gotten over it now and will be useful again. :) <3


Yay I'm pretty balanced. I love the M249 + Holo + bipod + Larger mag.

In BC2 I mostly played as an engineer. In BF3 I like Support a bit better now I guess. In general I'm liking all the classes a lot more compared to BC2 where I felt a bit discouraged to switch to a non-engineer class.


Ugh, Conquest jets are utter shit compared to Rush jets against ground. 3/4ths of a Rush jet's MG fire would completely destroy a tank, while the same doesn't even disable a vehicle in Conquest.


The easiest role in this game is being in the 2nd or 3rd seat in a tank with either Evolved or Olimpia driving. :)

Good games CatPee, Evolved, Olimpia and MarvelAssassin!
Wow, never actually seen an argument over who's the best at a game before.

Any UK PS3 Gaffers normally play between 4pm and 7pm? Friends have moved on to other games
Wow, never actually seen an argument over who's the best at a game before.

Any UK PS3 Gaffers normally play between 4pm and 7pm? Friends have moved on to other games

you will learn to know the personalities of some guys here :D i wouldn't take things so seriously.

UK/Mainland EU/Scandinavia plays around 6pm onwards on most days.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I was stinking it up last night in the attack choppers.... :(

Edit: oh yeah shout out to Olimpia and Ejas (and catpee) love playing with you guys! I couldn't believe that one game... it was the first time I have ever lost w/ Ejas and Olimpia on my team. Even dating back to BC2. Really disappointing because we usually find a way to win. Of course it's not like we didn't handle business. Oh well.


I was stinking it up last night in the attack choppers.... :(

Damn locks from everywhere. How can you take evasive if you have no freaking clue what's painting you? I think my minimap should show the lock. Maybe not infantry though... just vehicles.

I don't know... the vehicles are pretty OP sometimes, but then other times it's like you can't even get into them without someone painting you.

Just a few more points for below radar in the AC's... then we'll see how it plays.

I really despise unlocks. The entire premise of it bothers me, and the implementation here is so obnoxious.

This is the trick for copters... You are useless without a gunner, you and your gunner must both have flairs (stealth also helps), you must communicate to the other person that you will alternate (volley) flairs, when you get locked on wait until the second more frequent beeping tone (this means the attacker has fired his shot and needs to reload. If you do it too soon the time until the next lock will be short because he did not have to reload), then once you pop flairs it is your partners turn, by the time he is done yours will be recharged, and now just rinse and repeat. It also helps to alternate elevations. Also I NEVER point my back to the enemy air spawn... this is akin to asking to be shot down. Hope that helps.


This is the trick for copters... You are useless without a gunner, you and your gunner must both have flairs (stealth also helps), you must communicate to the other person that you will alternate (volley) flairs, when you get locked on wait until the second more frequent beeping tone (this means the attacker has fired his shot and needs to reload. If you do it too soon the time until the next lock will be short because he did not have to reload), then once you pop flairs it is your partners turn, by the time he is done yours will be recharged, and now just rinse and repeat. It also helps to alternate elevations. Also I NEVER point my back to the enemy air spawn... this is akin to asking to be shot down. Hope that helps.

I like running extinguisher. My gunner (Mikey usually) runs flares, he is in charge of that. By the time he pops his flares we have already taken the other heli down. I just don't fire my locked on missiles until the enemy pops his flares. I guess they just get scared, because after 5 seconds of being locked on they pop flares. On the off chance we get hit, extinguisher heals and re-stabilizes us.
Jesus, people sometimes forget that this is a game -_- . Just play, blow shit up and have fun! And yes, the last month I've been very busy playing to post here ;b.

PD Of course good games with GAF!
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