I'm kind of confused as to what kind of game they actually want
People want a battlefield game. Many of whines from people especially about camping want a run and gun game
I'm kind of confused as to what kind of game they actually want
Why the hell are people acting like sniping and camping are a huge problem in this game? It's no worse than any other shooter and it's hard as hell to camp in one spot. IRNV wasn't fucking "sniper bane", it was just an OP tool that's been balanced.
I think half the people who bitch about camping just see a guy prone in the killcam and immediately rage.
Define tolerable.I'm surprised at how well the maps work in Rush. They're aren't the best Rush maps ever, but they're very tolerable.
Requires MADDDDDDDD teamwork though. Gulf of Oman being notable for that.
Define tolerable.
I like the new maps and mode. Conquest assault is a welcome addition. No more spawn camping and there is more fast pace action. My games are ending in 7-10 mins and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. But I like
The new weapon unlocks are kinda stupid. I don't want have to unlock them and them have to unlock attachments too ugh. That's the reason I don't have the coop guns yet. But I guess they had to do it.
Seks, what are your thoughts on conquest assault? I know your not a fan of regular conquest and wanted your input.It's not that bad. The only annoying one is the dentist part 2 one with the blowtorch. But I did it by sneaking up on someone, they attempt to prone to shoot me. I follow them down in aiming and killed them before they damaged me. Thanks, dude! Rest are pretty easy besides the mortar.
Seks, what are your thoughts on conquest assault? I know your not a fan of regular conquest and wanted your input.
No problem. Definitely could have used you in a few rounds after, but we'll play again soon.Sorry Mike and Bruiserk, got some strange glitches on that Wake Island game, then I had a massive, massive rubberbanding spike, and then suddenly I was stuck somewhere below the map! After that the game disconnected me...WTF.
Tell me about it. That, as well as B2K maps only.Uhhh, DICE needs to add in a toggle or something to tell the difference between vanilla CQ and CQA games for B2K maps. I'd rather be playing the former.
Jet kills are pissing me off. As soon as I disable someone bails.
Spot someone then shoot them. Infantry damage has been buffed on PC/PS3
I got the complete warrior trophy during my first life of my first match of Karkand. Nice.
So how do you get to the Back to Karkand only servers?
more trolling by DICE
the hotel pool on Oman (3 flag) is literally 9 seconds out of bounds with sprint spec
I didn't get a chance to play B2K last night,,, was too tired after dinner but it's downloaded already and ready to go for tonight.
BTW the free download of 1943 starts today, right?
i got it on my first try on Oman after trying *repeatedly* (seriously, like half a dozen times) on Wake Island. I spawn in the F-35 at the start of the gameand take off.. dogfights, bla bla bla... lockon, flares, guns... same old shit...a fter both of their jet pilots bailed out on their exploding jets, I trolled the enemy jet spawn with the F-35 and took out a jet as it was taking off... except, i kinda crashed the F-35, so i run to their helicopter and get in and fly away. then i see an enemy tank at ... is it A or B? the open base near the shoreline, not the one with buildings... help take out the enemy tank, friendlies start capping, so i hop out (crash) the chopper and cap with them then wait for the tank to respawn. i get in and just drive around between the 2 shore bases shooting at any enemies i see, eventually killing a couple. somewhere in here, ejas spawns in the tank. at this point, i see a dude with his back turned at the apt building shore base, so i hop out, gun him down!!! FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! I'M A SUPPORT!@!@@# forgot i was dropping mortars on Karkand to get the 2 mortar kills! but wait, is he an Assault? drive tank over to body and park between the body and the base... YES@! *takes kit* hop back in tank and drive around more with ejas and then after the rest of our team secures 3 bases, we go to that construction base. and then i see him... A RECON PRONE ON THE ROCKS TO MY RIGHT!!! i drive past a little and stop the tank. he starts to run down the hill, i circle around the other way and we meet, guns fire, he hits me with his sv98 or whatever, but i kill him before he can get a shot off with his handgun. i hop back into the tank and wait anxiously. TROPHY POPUP! aww yeah!!!
Anyone unlock the QBU-88 for the recon class yet?
When I try to use it all you see is your arms above your head.
If you bring down the sites all it does is zoom in with no crosshair.
Once I got a little white dot in the middle of my screen.
Tried switching to my pistol but that doesn't work.
Edit: did a quick search and found this..
Guess it effects everyone.
I noticed something last night whilst playing Conquest (not sure if it was the Assault version or not). Once the enemy has all the flags locked down I couldn't spawn. There was no option to spawn at the base, and once all my squad mates died none of us appeared to be able to spawn. Is this another bug, or some design decision I just don't understand?
It's by design. You were playing Conquest Assault. The defending team/starting team with all the flags capped HAS TO defend, otherwise they can not spawn on the map anymore. It's why defending the flags is of the utmost importance more so than LOL KILL KILL KILL.
Only time KILL KILL KILL should happen is if you aren't the flag majority/bleeders anymore.
SWAGkarkland is here? oh man, gotta get back on. Can't wait for Wake Island
Those aren't B2K servers. They just happen to be rotating in B2K. Unless I'm mistaken, there are no unique map rotation servers available.Change your filter to X off all players 5, 10, 15, 20...thus all servers will show up. X only the new maps. B2K servers will appear.
So how do you get to the Back to Karkand only servers?
Anyone want to squad up and do some squad deathmatch because playing with randoms is getting me nowhere
Those aren't B2K servers. They just happen to be rotating in B2K. Unless I'm mistaken, there are no unique map rotation servers available.
We could do that this weekend, if you're willing to wait.
Sure I'l play some then....but I wanna now.![]()
Yeah, well some of us have to do things on weekdays that are more than drink and play Battlefield, you silly Irishman!
Or you can play Rush and get it last set on Defense. They're literally two steps from the spawn point.
Complete Warrior eludes me because people bail from the disabled jets more than anything. It royally pisses me off.
So after about 50 deaths and about 10+ tries on Oman, I got it on Wake.
I dunno if I can ever fly the jets. I'm either going too fast or too slow to kill anything. :/ Anyway, I lucked out hitting a helicopter that only had one pilot. Bailed near C. Started to hump the edge of the island to get two assault rifle kills. Nearly die to the Cheesemobile at B. Team takes it and the tank out as I hit the out of bounds again.
Go toward A trying to find a tank. Two enemies are in them. SMH. Team's tank is taken out. I go to the edge of the island with two buggies. "SHIT NO TANK."
Go back to A teams taken it and bailed. Get in a tank. Head toward B which is taken by the enemy.
"Please, god, let me just get a kill otherwise I'm going to SMH DICE for this stupid shit--"
THERE! An enemy comes out of the hanger and is literally touching my tank by 3 feet.
TheSeks <T-90> TrophyDumbass
Such a stupid achievement. I dunno why they did it (oh, wait, yes I did. Hardly anyone but jet whores pilot jets and they want the rest of us that are fine on the ground to be in a jet. SMH) but I hope we don't have to do that shit ever again.