Xux said:I suck so bad at jets; I probably cost the US and Russia millions of dollars in jets so far. :lol
I'll probably get the jet medal before I get a kill. Just gotta keep grinding attack/defend order points 'til I get flares so I can drift around a few seconds longer like a doofus. :lol
i notice the difference in deadzone calibration and ramping up in aim acceleration, but it's nothing like Killzone!TheSeks said:I'm adjusting to the speed, but man. If you've spent 700 hours with BC2 you should be able to notice the heft/weight KZ2-ish controls. I can't seem to pin-point on enemies on a dime right now. My kills are extremely lucky so far. :/
And having to unlock the kits EVEN THOUGH I HAVE VET STATUS for the defib and shit is hilariously awful. God DICE, what possessed you to do that?
I still gotta slowly drag myself into the recon's first gadget unlock but it's TERRIBLE.
And I can't fly the helicopter or jets worth a damn to get their unlocks. *sigh*
did you play the game yet? that happens if you haven't. i dunno if offline counts...Tunavi said:Origin: "Your account is not allowed to login"
oh. I haven't. I was going to use battlelog to get invites from friends :/The Faceless Master said:did you play the game yet? that happens if you haven't. i dunno if offline counts...
It's down on 360 for me. Let me play this game EA, Dice DAMN YOU!A27 Tawpgun said:Servers down?
InsertNameHere said:Is the aiming really that bad on PS3? That might make me hold off until it's found out if this will be addressed or not...
Faceless said:>>Not KZ2<<
No_Style said:I know it's early, however jets are offering nothing, but nice explosive fireworks. Just like in BF2.
And I guess they're good for flying into helicopters. I believe Evolved1 was a victim of a kamikaze flyer.
Solid games with the GAF crew. I wish our Conquest games fared better tonight, but perhaps next time.
It's going to take time before folks get used to the maps. It's evident in the way team tactics shoots upwards whenever Operation Metro comes into play.
TheSeks said:Flashlights are so damn annoying. Yes, I know you're there. I can shoot in the middle of that blinding spot but NOPE not where you are. >:|
Evolved1 said:I have a thermal scope on the SCAR. It seriously feels like I'm cheating. lol.
Thought you were hidden in that bush? Nope. I spotted you from a half mile away and now my entire team knows where you are.
I think they should probably remove this from the game. It's way OP. As are the flashlights and lasers.
Daigoro said:lol what?!
The Faceless Master said:Noshahr Canals CQ
does the US team EVER win?
Dreamgazer said:[*]I can never tell when my parachute pops. I seem to fall at the same speed either way. Is it just me?
[*]Not a fan of "animated jumping"(?). My soldier can leap over a block half his height, but can't jump/climb out of a trench.
[[*]Point value wise, there is very little incentive to play recon. Both gadgets (radio beacon & T-UGS) rewards no point for either spawns or spotting. Which is a shame, cause I see most people not wanting to play recon - even though it is easily one of the most useful class in rush/team death match game modes. The class is relatively useless in conquest for anything other than sniping though.
[*]On the other hand, playing assault, support and engineer is still like a Christmas give away in terms of points. This is especially true for engineers, where repairs are much faster with little to no cooldown.
TheSeks said:I'd go father to say that the new "beacon"/spotting mine is crazy terrible. I tried to do it in that Evolved and Olimpia tank split game but you can't "throw it" and it's "plant in certain areas where we say you can." The TAR-G or whatever the fuck. The first gadget unlock besides the mobile spawn point. It's fucking terrible for attackers. I can probably see the value in defense Rush but since it only "makes a sound" apparently it's utterly USELESS to me. GG DICE.
I'd agree with this if the default RPG could kill tanks. Disabling tanks is so fucking stupid since people will bail. There's no reason to attempt to go for the kill (yes, yes, work as a team, but it still allows bailing before the killshot) when you can wait for the two to pop out and then track them down and kill them.
To make it more real?And DEAR GOD DICE: FIX THE FUCKING PS3 CONTROLS. GOD. You had it perfect in BC2, WTF DID YOU MESS WITH TO RUIN IT!?
Dreamgazer said:The beacon is useful, but yeah there are no clear rule as to where it can be placed.
The worst part to me is that you can't retract it or place another one to cancel your previous one out. Jerk players can easily just camp the beacon for some cheap kills.
The T-UGS is fine for rush, where at most you need to worry about 2 crates (that are usually relatively close to one another. It is fairly useless on conquest, where people can be running all over the place. I really hope Dice can give us a clear idea of its range
I'm okay with disabling tanks. However, I find it hilarious to see people walk out alive when I fire a rocket at a jeep.
To make it more real?
I liked the beta controls...
No_Style said:In my experience, having jets contribute to the overall game was a problem in BF2. Yes, they did help every once in awhile, but more often than not they're fighting their own little battle above the battlefield. The victor gets to wreak havoc on the ground troops until the rival jet respawns. Then it's rinse and repeat.
The only time I've ever seen jets turn the tide of battle was when the enemy jet was stolen then it's just domination at that point.
I'm hoping they play a more significant role in BF3.
Genesis Knight said:Hopefully someone can sympathize with this... (360 gamer)
Me and 1 other friend have been trying to play together all night - we constantly get dropped from games or put on opposite teams or one gets in and the other gets dumped to lobby. We tried and tried and had tons of problems, maybe had 2 or 3 full games together. So much broken stuff - like it "searching for a squad" forever and leaving you by yourself the whole game, or not being able to invite a friend (won't give you the option) even though there's space, or not being able to switch teams even though there's space.
It was a damn nightmare. Anyone else? I was going to try to convert some non-Battlefield people this Friday but if it was doing this with 2 people I'd say our odds of getting 8 people into a match together are fucking 0 percent.
olimpia84 said:Damn, first day and PS3 GAF is already steamrolling. We only lost one because it was a fluke but we didn't have many problems winning after that. I noticed some people sent me friend requests but I'm not sure if they're gaffers or not so I will compare their names to the list. To make things easier people should add BF3 GAF or something in the friend invite.
Dreamgazer said:Aiming is indeed heavier and floatier than the beta (and I liked the beta controls.)
Genesis Knight said:Me and 1 other friend have been trying to play together all night - we constantly get dropped from games or put on opposite teams or one gets in and the other gets dumped to lobby. We tried and tried and had tons of problems, maybe had 2 or 3 full games together. So much broken stuff - like it "searching for a squad" forever and leaving you by yourself the whole game, or not being able to invite a friend (won't give you the option) even though there's space, or not being able to switch teams even though there's space.
It was a damn nightmare. Anyone else? I was going to try to convert some non-Battlefield people this Friday but if it was doing this with 2 people I'd say our odds of getting 8 people into a match together are fucking 0 percent.
Alienshogun said:How has Noone created a BF3 NeoGAF 360 platoon?
I'll do it now.
Search for NeoGAF on battlelog and add me as a friend or try to join from there.
Alienshogun said:Anyone getting graphical glitching and sound cutting in and out every once in a while?
Daigoro said:its been done, check the 360 GT/Platoon thread here in the community section.
sound cutting in and out, yep. what kind of graphical glitches?
Alienshogun said:It didn't come up when I checked on battlelog. The only thing that came up was PS3 and PC.
Really bad pop in, and sometimes flickering.
Edit: Ah I see the platoon now. I didn't see that link originally in that thread.
Tunavi said:Origin: "Your account is not allowed to login"