Alienshogun is playing right now. Confirm the servers are good?
Mikasangelos said:Alienshogun is playing right now. Confirm the servers are good?
Genesis Knight said:As long as "everyone" means less than 4 players. I swear, Battlefield is the shittiest game of its type for groups playing together, even when it's working right.
Genesis Knight said:@Evolved1, so if you've got 8 people to play together, I guess you just form 2 squads and coordinate joining a fairly empty server? But you'll definitely get split up...
RoboPlato said:I'm OCD about finishing SP before multiplayer and it's killing me with this. I really want to jump into MP but I need to finish SP first. At least the campaign is actually pretty good. It's been a pleasant surprise. I'm almost done so I'll be on this afternoon/tonight.
Heres my official guide on how to join with 4+ in 1 game. (using PS3 Images)
-First have the "leader" or someone go to Multiplayer->Server browser
-Then Click in right stick to get to the Filter screen.
-Once in the Filter page only have selected; The game MODE you want, PRESET you want, and select all the US SERVERS.
-hit B or O to back out back to the Server Browser screen.
-Click Refresh, X or [] .
-now starting from the last page (move your stick to the left) and search for FULL CONNECTION servers with 0/24 players.
This is where is will differentiate between PS3 and XBOX.................
PS3 users remember the server # your going to be playing on. Thats the Number your friends can search for using the SEARCH function and join your game right away.
XBOX users can either use the same steps as the PS3 users or go ahead and Join that server you want to get into, once in send a INVITE PARTY TO GAME (assuming your in a party chat room, which you should be) and everyone will be on your team.
greenjerk said:Application sent to PS3 gaf platoon. BC2 vet and all...
Genesis Knight said:I'm going to try that Friday.
For <4 people, I assume just make a squad and go together? The way squads keep on getting split is just a bug?
Evolved1 said:Noisepurge is playing atm so it might be a while. I'm waiting too.
Hurry up I wanna see stats! haha
Genesis Knight said:He needs to try it with a squad of GAFfers.
Mikasangelos said:Alienshogun is playing right now. Confirm the servers are good?
Evolved1 said:Now the game is locking up my console... smh.
edit: this has happened now 3x. i'm starting to get worried.
It happened to me once when I moved too fast into a checkpoint before it had time to stream in data properly. It's been fine since then.Evolved1 said:Now the game is locking up my console... smh.
edit: this has happened now 3x. i'm starting to get worried.
MuseManMike said:That input lag. It's killing me.
Seriously guys. I can't say this enough. Always be in a vehicle.
olimpia84 said:I've been saying that since the beginning, jets are the most useless addition to the MP. I much rather have people down in the ground helping cap flags and go for the objective than flying in circles and chasing other planes. They should have just left the jets for SP.
computers putin' said:spent a good amount of time with the jets so far, and they're not that helpful. Better off being on the ground in this game.
Atruvius said:Have the voice chat issues from the beta fixed in the PS3 version. Voice Chat didn't work for me and my friends in the beta. We could talk in main menu but in match we couldn't, even if we were in the same squad.
Agree with this. I fucking hate having to cap flags by myself because everyone is flying around doing nothing or sitting at the spawn waiting for the jets to spawn.olimpia84 said:I've been saying that since the beginning, jets are the most useless addition to the MP. I much rather have people down in the ground helping cap flags and go for the objective than flying in circles and chasing other planes. They should have just left the jets for SP.
Fersis said:Is Battlelog available only for those who own the game? Cus i cant log in.
1 - 2 more weeks
Fersis said:Is Battlelog available only for those who own the game? Cus i cant log in.
1 - 2 more weeks
i believe it's set up that way by design. it's a PC game ported to Console and PC gamers apparently like that 'feature'...Alienshogun said:I don't know why they haven't fixed this.
Marvie_3 said:Agree with this. I fucking hate having to cap flags by myself because everyone is flying around doing nothing or sitting at the spawn waiting for the jets to spawn.
i mean, BC2 wasn't perfect, but it was leagues ahead of this. it only auto-balanced lone wolves and didn't split up squads or shift squads over.Evolved1 said:You should find that interview where the DICE guy explains their thought process for the system... I kind of just sat there with a blank stare on my face. Followed soon after by an overwhelming rush of "What!?"
I get why they keep four man squads... I think it makes sense for game balancing. But you should be able to link the squads into one party. Keeps everyone together and maintains the game balancing (as it relates to spawning). But DICE will never do this. Listen to that interview, they appear completely clueless.
The Faceless Master said:i believe it's set up that way by design. it's a PC game ported to Console and PC gamers apparently like that 'feature'...
Mikasangelos said:This is why i play rush.
Alienshogun said:You say that, but ATG bombs will mess up tanks and all other ground vehicles.
computers putin' said:but the jets aren't an option against infantry at all, and that's what matters most.
friends?Alienshogun said:They like NOT being on the same team with their friends? Wat?
I prefer CQ, but I love domination type game types. I actually find teamwork WORSE in Rush and snipers piss me off more.
***steals post like a freshly abandoned tank... and also sees if there's people available to try it...***Mikasangelos said:I sent this PM to Dreamgazer to add to the OP for us........................
the 2nd MVP eluded me for a few games... i kept getting 1st or 3rd.TheSeks said:Why are you using Matchmaking, seriously?
I've been using the server browser from the start and have had no issues getting what I want out of it. "OMG SERVER FULL"/back out. "OMG JOINING SERVER."
Simple. And the way online should be.
Also Noise: That Metro game was hilariously awful. I play the motion mine drop in choke points and BING BING BING BING BING everyone up while trying to plug holes. What happens? EVERYONE COMES TO PLUG THE HOLE INSTEAD OF HAVING AN EVEN DISTRIBUTION OF PEOPLE ON THE MAP.
So I run to the other hole and NOPE.avi enemy is already there and arming the crate. SMH.
And SMH at going to the last set and having to face three people because everyone else is on the otherside of the map.
As is asking for ammo and health while fighting a meatgrinding area. NOPE.AVI I CAN'T GIVE YOU THAT!
WTF I smash select begging randoms for ammo and health and they're all "DERP WHATS THAT!?" ignoring. SMH.
And I still can't get 3rd in MVP. I keep getting 2nd or 1st or 4th. Never third. :lol
And I need to REALLY start to get the helicopter and jet unlocks but I can't fly the helicopter worth shit since they've changed the BC2 controls.
The Faceless Master said:friends?
they like auto-balance because it keeps the teams of strangers even.
Alienshogun said:No, but they are dominant over all other air, and then with bombs they are dominant against tanks. The things jets dominate dominate infantry. It's all about filling a roll.
So ultimately, jets are there to protect infantry from other vehicles.
Oh thanks bud!Mikasangelos said:For those who have logged in a multiplayer game.
Hangestuzan!! I mean thanks for the info!surefire1982 said:Yeah, i was only able to access it once I booted up my PS3 copy.
Alienshogun said:I like autobalance, that's fine, squads with friends shouldn't be split up.
computers putin' said:Infantry can protect itself from vehicles.
I'm just saying you give up more than you gain by getting in a jet. You certainly take out armor quicker in a jet, and being able to kill off decent pilots is a plus. But giving up the option to engage infantry or capture objective is giving up too much imo. I dunno, maybe seeing someone who's great in a jet will change my mind.
Yep, you knifed someone from DICE.TheSeks said:Hahaha.
"DICE Dev Team Dog Tag
The wearer of this tag contributed to making of this game.
Times taken from enemies: 1
Last taken from SAYSUTN 8 minutes ago"
WTF. Did I just knife a DICE employee or did they give this out to the public at events or EA people?
RoboPlato said:Yep, you knifed someone from DICE.
TheSeks said:Why are you using Matchmaking, seriously?
Also Noise: That Metro game was hilariously awful.