I could take everything in regular BF3 and just keep the reduced health. That's the best part. The kill times are a pain in the ass in Normal BF3
Have you played BC2? Players were like Superman with the amount of damage they could take.
When I started playing BF3 I missed the BC2 health, and thought players dropped to fast. Now I'm used to it.
The weapon recoil, damage, hit detection is all wonky. Feels like it takes half a clip to kill someone, and if they are like 30 yards or further then you just tickle them. Hardcore makes it perfect.
Weapon recoil is fine IMO, it's almost the same as all other FPS games out there. If you want a weapon with a more realistic recoil try the Pecheng without a tripod! ;-)
Can't say that I've really encountered hit detection problems, I think lag is more of a issue, especially if there's not a server close to where you live (that's my case!).
As far as killing someone from mid to long range, I fell like Dice wanted to resolve the issue with weapons being too accurate at distance in BC2. You could take someone down from half a map away with the Uzi or a shotgun with slugs on that game. The AN-94 was almost an assault sniper rifle, and a full auto gun at close range, they even had to nerd it. How realistic is all that? Those are just some examples.
I got no problems taking targets at mid distance, specially if they're static. If they're moving away or towards me, they're easy too, if they're perpendicular I will just align myself.
Shooting guys at really long distances with rifles, submachine guns and specially carbines and PDW should be difficult IMO.
I don't know you're playstyle , but I like to be aggressive either capping or protecting flags, so usually I'm in the frontlines, I think this might be the reason I'm not experiencing the issues you're reporting!
Also, on hardcore spawn isn't restricted to the squad leader?