I always hate it when we squad up, and without fail, get split up again.![]()
Yeah, I was trying to switch but someone beat me to it (for an easy HURR DURR win I guess) so I left. Then I lost on Oman and just left to go play Peace Walker. Fuck that.
I still need to get 7 kills in a round for my last Sniper Ribbon for the Medal and then I'm done with the sniper rifles, though I've gotten good at sniping through doors. Easy way to get the 7 kills required pretty easy if you're decent at it. Too bad most teammates have to HURR DURR BLOCK THE DOOR and fuck my view.
Yeah, I was trying to switch but someone beat me to it (for an easy HURR DURR win I guess) so I left. Then I lost on Oman and just left to go play Peace Walker. Fuck that.
I still need to get 7 kills in a round for my last Sniper Ribbon for the Medal and then I'm done with the sniper rifles, though I've gotten good at sniping through doors. Easy way to get the 7 kills required pretty easy if you're decent at it. Too bad most teammates have to HURR DURR BLOCK THE DOOR and fuck my view.
just use the default rifles with no scope or a 1x-4x and run & gun.
Calion said:Seine
I didn't even choose that, I matchmade Rush/Any because you don't have the new maps so I was trying to have it find a non-B2K server and it always seems to pick that map. I dunno why!
What's up with all the low lvl. players joining the game lately?
Calion said:Eh, it's not that hard. Just go to Operation Firestorm or Kharg and enjoy the feast of Christmas children who think they're fucking awesome at sniping. You'll easily get it.
What's up with all the low lvl. players joining the game lately?
Played a couple games with faceless and dan that made me rage so hard! We only lost 1 game out of 6, 7 but our squad had to do everything.
On a Kharg game we had 4 engineers who wouldn't leave our base!!! They just stood there trying to hit enemy choppers with rockets! I hope they were at least using the igla/stinger but given their lvl...
Also on a Damavand game, we started good, but the enemy team had a player advantage and managed to hold all the flags for awhile. I spawned on Faceless on the helipad so we could fly over the mountain and grab A, but as soon as the little bird spawned some fucking noob grabbed it, and got killed by the enemy chopper 1 minute later! The enemy chopper wasn't even seeing us, he just went after us because the fucking noob tried to kill him! We could have sneaked and grabbed the A flag easily.
Fucking noobs were camping on the vehicle spawn, I couldn't get a fucking tank to save their worthless lives no matter what...
I'm sooo pissed!
This low level will kick your assWhat's up with all the low lvl. players joining the game lately?
Highlight of today: Tank of that Karg game that everyone joined: Faceless, Calion, JJD getting out of my tank to repair me as they spammed rockets at me. Sadly, IRV couldn't find them because of stupid stinger smoke/camo and so I went down. They were going to take me down eventually but I'm surprised I harassed them enough to have someone take A.
Hopefully you guys won that round, because they were the first team to actually put up a competent defense in this game so far.
We did. It fucking hilarious how we did too. Someone in our squad took the chopper on the very top roof of the building of the final set. There was 5+ people on there throwing out medic packs, supplies, killing everyone below (But they couldn't kill us since they couldn't reach us), trolling/harassing the defense. I loved it. What a good opponent though. They made us work for it.
Evolved said:The single player for this game is so bad... and incredibly frustrating. Fighting an entire army and they all are shooting just at me. Frigging laser aim while hip firing from a football field away. Meanwhile I can hardly hit shit using optics and barely survive a nine hour reload. Make it past the section. Stand up to move to next spot when prompted and get OHK'd for someone I don't even see. Awesome.
Have to play entire section over again. So fun!
AI is shooters is the worst shit. Especially these military shooters. They should be frigging embarrassed to release this crap.
yeah, i spawned in the chopper with the intent of just blowing up the penthouse walls and landing on the roof to lay down some pain below on A. it worked out well! the best part of that game was i kept their jet grounded for the entire 2nd and 3rd sets! i'm getting better!!!I couldn't believe how long that tank lasted. I was actually chuckling at it's life span. At one point I think it had 1HP left and we revived it (again), But it died in the end.
We did. It fucking hilarious how we did too. Someone in our squad took the chopper on the very top roof of the building of the final set. There was 5+ people on there throwing out medic packs, supplies, killing everyone below (But they couldn't kill us since they couldn't reach us), trolling/harassing the defense. I loved it. What a good opponent though. They made us work for it.
Bungie.You're dead on about the AI in FPS single player games, no one spends anytime on it.
This low level will kick your ass
Yeah good games tonight! Only got a chance to play 3 rounds but they were fun!
Leggwork did a good job for their team protecting the m-coms...he got me a few times
Got a little bit past the jet mission on PC and had enough fun
You're dead on about the AI in FPS single player games, no one spends anytime on it.
Hey DICE how the fuck is it possible that we play a round of Rush for 44 fucking minutes and nobody joins the damn server?? 44 minutes, 7 people total...SMH
I refuse to believe nobody was trying to join a Rush game via quick match at that point...
Yeah, that was pretty ridiculous.
It's been a while since I played squad rush![]()
Went to bed? =3
At the moment, I can't tell which game you have linked(useing wii to post). If I know the time I can say why.
Hey DICE how the fuck is it possible that we play a round of Rush for 44 fucking minutes and nobody joins the damn server?? 44 minutes, 7 people total...SMH
I refuse to believe nobody was trying to join a Rush game via quick match at that point...
Which map? I wouldn't mind playing a 44 minute match on sharqi or that other map that you have to play for 2 hours to unlock that shotgun assignment! I hope you guys won!
It was Grand Bazaar. The first round we were the attackers and it was 5 of us against 8 of them. Despite the disadvantage we managed to take out the first set. Then it was 5 against 6 on the second set and they held off pretty well and they won...the other two randoms in our team were not very good and I don't think they ever attacked any of the MCOMs.
The second round we were the defenders, they took out first set easily, the on the second set we held them off to 11 tickets but they got it...Third set faceless stole the heavy tank from them so they were pretty much screwed. At that point most of the got pissed and quit so it was 4 of us against 3 of them. Thankfully they didn't quit but man it took forever to finish off all their tickets. =/
If they did quit would you guys get a loss on Battlelog? It's strange, I believe I had a few games were the opposing team all rage quit and I would get a victory ribbon before the restart, but then on the Battlelog that round would count as a loss...
Also, how's the Saiga? I see you're using it a lot lately!
Yay unlocked the surveillance dog tag, now everyone can see how many MAV kills I have muhaaa.
Yay unlocked the surveillance dog tag, now everyone can see how many MAV kills I have muhaaa.
MAV spots, actually. Not kills. Because there is no way I have 3000+ MAV Kills.
Regarding the Saiga...it sucks really bad when compared to the USAS12, main problem being the much slower rate of fire. The only reason I'm using it every now and then is because I'll attempt to unlock all the weapons dogtags (500 kills).
Alright, it has been at least a month since I have played this game. I heard Back to Karkand is out, and I wanted to d/l. I have the limited edition, and I was told I can d/l it for free. How do I do this? Is this the 2 GB MP update?
Should clarify, I'm on the 360
EDIT:: Nevermind, I figured it out. Sorry!
I got this game for Christmas and trying to play with my friends is the most frustrating thing ever. We squad up in the multiplayer menu and every time we go to quick match it says "fail to join server" or it just freezes and I have to restart my 360. Is this due to not all of us having the new maps, or EA Online being fucking terrible? I just want to play this game with my buddies but EA is making it impossible to do so.
Is there any reason to use the Saiga over the DOA-12? I've mostly been using the DOA these days but recently unlocked the Saiga, was one of my favorite guns in BC2, so I'm wondering if I should switch or not is reloading faster on the Saiga?
I haven't used the DAO in a long time but I believe it has a slighter faster rate of fire than the Saiga but a slower reload time.
Lol, Minht. I saw you shoot that RPG on Seine and promptly walk into your own destruction. I was dying.
It's getting to the point where I very rarely see anyone winning a Metro rush game. Fuck that map on Rush. What was DICE thinking. SMH
Guys where can I find a good analysis of the DLC weapons? Damage rate, accuracy, recoil etc?