Hmm ok I'll look into disabling it.SapientWolf said:That's probably the post process AA (FXAA).
Hmm ok I'll look into disabling it.SapientWolf said:That's probably the post process AA (FXAA).
Desaan said:Does everyone just play fucking engineers lol?
Get in a tank - BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
Get in a jet - BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
Get in a chopper- BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
You where killed by - RandomEngineerDude
Doesn't help when the jet starts with only the main gun unlocked. (wtf?)
Darklord said:Why does the timer between rounds have to be so long. And you can't even change loadout or anything while it counts down.
A little, but a multiplayer shooter isn't much fun when you can't see your targets.kitch9 said:Hyperbole much?
SapientWolf said:Enjoy it while it lasts. That's gotta be getting nerfed sometime in the near future.
@BHMW Can you tell me what kind of change the mortar is going to get in this balance patch? thanks
@Demize99 None currently. Annoying? Sure, to some. OP? Nah, not according to stats. Short range, and very vulnerable to counter mortars.
The Type 88 was good to me but I'm doing better with the M249, not sure if it's because I'm just making modest gains up the skill curve though.TCRS said:I love the Type 88I hate the american MG and don't particularly like the M249. The RPK is ok. Until I unlock the PKP Pecheneg I'll use the Type 88.
They might wait and see how it shakes out as more people unlock the equipment, but I expect the spam to get worse, not better. demize99 is also known to troll a little bit.bluerei said:Don't count on it.
SapientWolf said:They might wait and see how it shakes out as more people unlock the equipment, but I expect the spam to get worse, not better. demize99 is also known to troll a little bit.
kitch9 said:Hyperbole much?
Desaan said:Does everyone just play fucking engineers lol?
Get in a tank - BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
Get in a jet - BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
Get in a chopper- BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
You where killed by - RandomEngineerDude
Doesn't help when the jet starts with only the main gun unlocked. (wtf?)
Cobra84 said:A little, but a multiplayer shooter isn't much fun when you can't see your targets.
vidal said:Just unlocked Extinguisher for the jet and boy did I have to do a lot for so little. Shot down several jets and disabled a few in a one round. I spent all of that round, just for the Extinguisher.
The worst thing that could happen in this game is a stats/unlock reset for whatever reason. I still stand by my claim that this game has worst unlock system of any FPS I've played.
Relaxed Muscle said:vehicles - Rocket that shit!
infatry - Rocket that shit!
It's a win-win siuation going with engineer.
Meus Renaissance said:I put the Campaign disc in for the first time but there seems to be a problem. The game loads, shows a cinematic scene with the bridge..I hear sirens..I then see the title ELECTRONIC arts, and then it just cuts out and goes back to the Mission loading screen again. It just repeats this non stop.
360 here
Darklord said:Why does the timer between rounds have to be so long. And you can't even change loadout or anything while it counts down.
I'm still unable to adequately destroy ground vehicles? Like in this game's predecessor? Battlefield 2?kitch9 said:You still have your other unlocks? Just equip the ones you like?
Is that too easy?
AppleMIX said:What is you origin ID? Or BF3 solder name (however it works)
AndyD said:Now you actually can get hurt by small chips of stuff flying around.
Deadly Cyclone said:I feel utterly useless in a jet because all it has is the chaingun and I can't kill anyone with it. Not sure how i'll ever level it up.
CozMick said:Controls are tighter (although some are seeing the differences as a negative)
I'm with TheSeks on this. There's no way the controls are tighter. Beta controls were tight. The final game's controls? Bad, pretty bad. It's fine that CozMick is cool with the controls but for a lot of people (from what I've read of other forums) they're a problem.TheSeks said:To quote Demize99: You are on crack. Killzone 2 level of deadzone + acceleration = BAD. I don't care if you like it. It's terrible and needs to go back to BC2 level of controls.
Deadly Cyclone said:I feel utterly useless in a jet because all it has is the chaingun and I can't kill anyone with it. Not sure how i'll ever level it up.
vidal said:I'm still unable to adequately destroy ground vehicles? Like in this game's predecessor? Battlefield 2?
The main turret (unless it's the A-10 or Frogfoot) isn't that effective against tanks. The rocket pods are the biggest joke in the game right now. I just want the flares, the heatseekers and a ground bomb or something that's actually capable of disabling a vehicle in one-hit. I just want to fly a jet like I did in BF2. But hey, DICE has to keep those carrots on the stick, so I'll keep flying if that means I'll have some adequate air-to-ground weapons.
Desaan said:Does everyone just play fucking engineers lol?
Get in a tank - BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
Get in a jet - BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
Get in a chopper- BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
You where killed by - RandomEngineerDude
Doesn't help when the jet starts with only the main gun unlocked. (wtf?)
Enco said:Is it just me or is the game a bit blurry?
I have it maxed out with my single 580 and it runs brilliantly. It seems a bit blurry though :/
Cheers.Rainy Dog said:The A4 is 3-round burst or single-fire only. A bit pointless considering the A3 is the same plus full-auto.
The Engineer M4 (not M4A1) is 2-round burst or single-shot only as well.
You can't disable a tank with one burst of the turret unless it's the A-10 or Frogfoot. Since I couldn't care less about Rush, that leaves me with the Hornet and the Flanker and I know that it takes a whole lot more than one burst to disable a tank.kitch9 said:It would be massively unbalanced to have the game setup as you say. You can disable a tank with one burst of the cannon, and a few more hits will destroy it.
Jets are supposedly getting a buff but it looks like they're primarily anti-air units in BF3. Choppers are better for anti-ground.vidal said:You can't disable a tank with one burst of the turret unless it's the A-10 or Frogfoot. Since I couldn't care less about Rush, that leaves me with the Hornet and the Flanker and I know that it takes a whole lot more than one burst to disable a tank.
It's a pain in the ass having to jump through so many hoops just to unlock air vehicle shit. I still have two more unlocks to go before I unlock the guided missile (which from I've seen is actually able to disable vehicles in one splash). The unlock system is awful and there's nothing satisfying about unlocking these air vehicle unlocks. It's a fucking grind.
Haha. Yesterday I had a low-flying jet flying overhead and it started getting out of control(think it got hit). I was laughing for a second, until it took an unexpected turn in my general direction. At first I was like, "shit", but then when I saw it was coming right for me, I was like "SHIIIIT!" and started freakin. Plane hit me pretty much dead on and killed me. Sucked, but it was a pretty cool moment regardless. And it made me think: is suicide bombing a legit strategy for jets considering how hard it is to be effective with them at low levels?kendrid said:I was killed by a plane wing that was flying through the air. I saw pieces of the plane coming toward me, thought "that looks cool", then I died.
Serious response: I had the exact same thing happen to me. It looked like I wasQuicksilver4648 said:Ending spoiler glitch