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Battlefield 3 |OT2| Mine! RendeZook! Wa Isl!

What's wrong with it? When my screen gets blurry, I just know to look for cover and start looking for someone aiming at me. It doesn't usually end in someone getting the drop on me unless they have a silencer. Normally they end up on my minimap and then I can try to get a bead on them.

Why do people insist on rushing at me when I'm suppression-shooting at them? You're in a freaking hallway, my bullets are going to hit you. Not only that, but there are usually 3 other guys clustered around me because you're making yourselves such delicious targets. When my screen goes blurry, I duck my ass down and try and go around. Honestly, it's pretty easy to kill the suppressing-shooter if you come at him from an angle.


Neo Member
more issues? let's not get carried away...

are you saying you honestly preferred the game pre-patch?

No, but the things they messed up are pretty big. Like jets being immune to AA missiles, you can't visually see the gunner popping flares, the M26 bla bla

And of course the things they didn't fix, getting blown out of the chopper by explosive rounds, possibility to evade javs with flares, chopper tilting/exploding when gunner fires tv missile.

Honestly I can't really notice any major difference to the gameplay because pre-patch also had its bugs and this version has its own which negates the feeling where the game goes from being glitchy -> a fixed game with fair gameplay.

Biggest difference would be that lesser people use the suppressor and that havoc/F35 are more manoeuvrable.


So what's the issue with the M26?

Also, jets are awesome regardless. It's like a ballet of death from the sky.

If you have an Assault Rifle equipped with the heavy barrel then the perks from the heavy barrel gets applied to the M26. That means higher bullet velocity, more accuracy, and less bullet drop. Apply those to Darts coming from the M26....lol


Everything is tsundere to me
If you have an Assault Rifle equipped with the heavy barrel then the perks from the heavy barrel gets applied to the M26. That means higher bullet velocity, more accuracy, and less bullet drop. Apply those to Darts coming from the M26....lol

Well, it's only ADS and half the ARs can't mount the thing anyway, so I fail to see the issue, at least right now. Sure, it's a bug, but it's not a game breaking one.


From what I've read it shoots whatever bullets the gun it's attached to shoot, so 12 x 34 dmg when attached to the G3 lol

It's hilarious but they need to hotfix this shit asap



Have to try this. Going to feel dirty like using UMP with rapidfire in MW3. Dice put in some nice easter eggs in this patch. let's see if the community finds more :)

Had a ridiculous round yesterday at caspian. 1500 tickets and the match ended with like 1100:0 for my team. almost every player from their team was a sniper besides the Heli/Jet and tank guys. Running a half open field was like D-Day Beach assault.
DonDivious joined me but almost raged at the snipers and quit 200 tickets before the end with us both at the top scoring spots.
In defense of the other team i have to say that one of our snipers put the soflam at really nasty points near their base so i was constantly shooting javelin's (took 3 helis down with it).
Still a really bad showing of BF3 "teamplay" from the other team. Most of the time we had all the caps.


Everything is tsundere to me
Video of various tests with the M26:

IRL shotguns have a longer range than you'd imagine than from playing video games. IMO, only game to do it RIGHT is Medal of Honor 2010

You can definitely mount it on most ARs.
You can mount the MASS on the M416, the AK74M, the G3A3, M16A3, and if you want to count it separately, the M16A4. That's five. ARs you cannot mount the weapon to are the KH2002, the L85A2, the AN94, the AEK971, the FAMAS, and the F2000. Six weapons. The latter four are arguably some of the most powerful guns in the game. That's more than half the weapons you can't mount the MASS to.


IRL shotguns have a longer range than you'd imagine than from playing video games. IMO, only game to do it RIGHT is Medal of Honor 2010

Jesus, I know how shotguns perform in real life, but I care more about game balance.

You can mount the MASS on the M416, the AK74M, the G3A3, M16A3, and if you want to count it separately, the M16A4. That's five. ARs you cannot mount the weapon to are the KH2002, the L85A2, the AN94, the AEK971, the FAMAS, and the F2000. Six weapons. The latter four are arguably some of the most powerful guns in the game. That's more than half the weapons you can't mount the MASS to.

Okay you got me, it's not most of the ARs, still more accurate than your earlier statement that no AR could mount it. I'd argue that the G3, AK and M16 are some of the most powerful guns in the game too, better than the FAMAS and F2k for sure.

Anyways, it's like the spread thing, what are you arguing about? That the M26 is fine being a 1 shot kill at 50 meters?


DonDivious joined me but almost raged at the snipers and quit 200 tickets before the end with us both at the top scoring spots.
I totally did rage, I had such an awful BF3 day..everything I tried failed miserably. I died soooo many times (not only in that game, but the games before it as well) in ways that really sucked. And yeah, their sniperteam was hilarious.


This game's gunplay gets stupider with every patch.

Now everyone's using that weapon

Doesn't matter, according to Dice 99% of the people love this patch with gameplay breaking bugs like 'Guided missiles can't kill jets' and 'M26 is stronger than a C4 pasted on your face'


Doesn't matter, according to Dice 99% of the people love this patch with gameplay breaking bugs like 'Guided missiles can't kill jets' and 'M26 is stronger than a C4 pasted on your face'


One question: These changes they make in the patches, such as gimping weapons, suppression and guided missiles... Are the changes based on what people discuss in forums or do they change those things just because?

I've never seen anyone complain about suppression or the repair tool being too good.

One question: These changes they make in the patches, such as gimping weapons, suppression and guided missiles... Are the changes based on what people discuss in forums or do they change those things just because?

I've never seen anyone complain about suppression or the repair tool being too good.

Suppression is less balanced
Tanks are borderline useless on map with attack choppers
Overpowered weapons replaced by new overpowered weapons

If I was dictator of DICE, I'd have had the UI changes, with the ability to change the size of icons with a slider so they're not so intrusive on the horizon. Also, I'd have the objective icon in the top-right, or middle-bottom of the screen, rather than the centre

Suppression effects would be heightened, but not to the extent that they are now. You'd need 3 suppression assists for a ribbon, rather than 5

Engineer rockets would do more damage against tanks, 2 to disable, 3 to destroy. Damage would stay the same from other vehicles and C4. Grenades thrown under the tracks/tank would do a little bit of damage, 10 points or so

Let people filter out unofficial servers

As it is, for me the patch is a case of one step forward and 1 and a half steps back

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
If I was dictator of DICE, I'd have had the UI changes, with the ability to change the size of icons with a slider so they're not so intrusive on the horizon. Also, I'd have the objective icon in the top-right, or middle-bottom of the screen, rather than the centre

How about an option to turn off the the floating icons all together and limit them to the mini-map?
The game needs better optional choices, I hate the location of the Radar, I rather it be in the top right corner, also would love to turn off the flag location crap on my screen don't need to see ABC on my screen, since i can literally stand in my own teams grenade and not die, it would be nice if I didn't have too see my teammate's Cyclop beam, and flashlight...

PS:When you fix Dart it would be nice if you added the nerf for Blur Vision...


Everything is tsundere to me
Okay you got me, it's not most of the ARs, still more accurate than your earlier statement that no AR could mount it. I'd argue that the G3, AK and M16 are some of the most powerful guns in the game too, better than the FAMAS and F2k for sure.

Anyways, it's like the spread thing, what are you arguing about? That the M26 is fine being a 1 shot kill at 50 meters?
Heh, sorry, typo. I meant to type "Not half the ARs". Oops. >___>

And I can see the argument for the G3, but the AK is too slow firing and the M16 is too midrange. They're great guns to be sure, but they're not the only good guns. To be able to actually kill at that range though, you need to hit ADS and hope you're not being suppressed. In 9 situations out of 10, you could have killed the guy more reliably just shooting at him with the AR. I've even started using the the thing, and I've been getting about the same success with standard buckshot. That's not to say that it isn't total troll, I'd just rather throw a laser sight and use it to tighten the spread from the hip.
Just about to end one of my best ever rounds, got about 1,000 poinrs with the transport chopper and 2,000 with the attack chopper, and the game crashes. Fucking DICE
Lulz at the M26, guess that'll get scrubbed when the suppression hotfix comes. Time to pad my stats on Metro before that happens.

I went ahead and tested it last night, it's OVER fucking POWERED, so OP I went back to using my regular gun, in Metro, downstairs at the second set of stairs had about 10 guys I went in there and clean them out, I even had 2 players die from 1 shot lol, they were crying BULLSHIT, I was lol at how OP this shit was, even added a rifle scope and did some long distance sniping with it i tested every scope i had for the M416.....DICE needs to nerf this shit today....
The G36C has always been a solid gun. I remember some talk about people moving to it from the A-91 since it felt more controllable or something. As for the MG36, the flash suppressor really brings down the recoil quite a bit. I'm pretty sure they took away the extended mags anyway, so rock that 50 round Beta C and fire into peeps.

Cheers for the MG36 tip, much easier for me to handle now, even if I still think they've gone a bit overboard with the needless nerf

edit - Oops, double-post


ok, I tried M26+dart. I have no idea what's so special about that gun. it's slower and weaker than any other shotgun.
maybe I'm playing it wrong.
ok, I tried M26+dart. I have no idea what's so special about that gun. it's slower and weaker than any other shotgun.
maybe I'm playing it wrong.

It's gotta be AR+Heavy Barrel+Dart....

If you are just using the M26 weapon itself it's pretty much trash...it has to be used as an attachment...


Heh, sorry, typo. I meant to type "Not half the ARs". Oops. >___>

And I can see the argument for the G3, but the AK is too slow firing and the M16 is too midrange. They're great guns to be sure, but they're not the only good guns. To be able to actually kill at that range though, you need to hit ADS and hope you're not being suppressed. In 9 situations out of 10, you could have killed the guy more reliably just shooting at him with the AR. I've even started using the the thing, and I've been getting about the same success with standard buckshot. That's not to say that it isn't total troll, I'd just rather throw a laser sight and use it to tighten the spread from the hip.

I see what you mean, but right now the M26 is so broken that it instantly kills anything below ~30 meters, rendering any close range AR useless. Midrange rifles are the best choice in my opinion.

Have you tried attaching it to the G3? each pellets(12 total) will do between 34 to 22 damage depending on the range. If that's not broken I don't know what is :p


Lulz at the M26, guess that'll get scrubbed when the suppression hotfix comes. Time to pad my stats on Metro before that happens.

Hotfix? Dude we are in 2012. JET and M26 fixes will be paid DLC in 2013 (which are already in the code and only need to get unlocked *shyamalan.jpg*)
Yeah, I checked and my points are all there, luckily. Do the ribbons save as well? Shame I missed out on my MVP ribbon either way.

How does that work btw? Does it save after every point you get?

Nah, it's all stored server side and is logged when the round ends (Battlelog report), I think? So if the server crashes, you lose it, but if just YOU crash, you're clear.
Just found a wayto get into that semi destroyed building in gulf of Oman. Between city point and construction.
such a fantastic, safe camping and radio beacon spot.
So good..


AR+HB+Dart is definitely broken. I was always a flag capper, not a super killer. Most one on one battles end up with me dying but taking the other guy with me, but this dart thing, I'm top kills and highest score. I feel sort of guilty using it, actually.


360 version and had two total freezes of the game and console tonight. I was playing big ticket metro conquest and about 2/3 through on each game it froze. Anyone else have this happen? I lost probably 20k points if not more. Does the PC version have freezing issues?
360 version and had two total freezes of the game and console tonight. I was playing big ticket metro conquest and about 2/3 through on each game it froze. Anyone else have this happen? I lost probably 20k points if not more. Does the PC version have freezing issues?

Sounds like you got a case of the Frostbite Freeze.
Frostbite has been freezing since 1943 or BC1 whatever.
Bottom line, it has happened to all of us.
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