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Battlefield 4 |OT| Prepare to Leave Beta... Nevermind

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I am so bad at this game. I just don't understand it.

First off, I'm playing on the PS3. I think the controller is terrible for an FPS, but I can't blame the controller when everyone kicking my ass is also using the controller, right?

I die CONSTANTLY. I will put 4 bullets into a guy, and he'll turn and kill me instantly. My aiming is terrible. I can get the jump on someone, point my gun at him, and shoot...and not hit. Suddenly I'm spraying bullets everywhere, not hitting anything.

It seems there's less emphasis on being pinpoint accurate in this game, though. Is that right? I have more success shooing in someone's general direction (relatively) than actually taking the time to aim.

I can't count the number of times I KNOW I'm hitting a guy, then he kills me, and it says his health is 100. What the hell is that?

I play Conquest mostly. There is no teamwork at all. People just do whatever. I have a mic on, no one is talking. No planning whatsoever. Just, jump in a helicopter and fly around. What is the point of people doing that?

For whatever reason (and I'm sure my shit play is some of it), I'm on the losing team all the time. As in, I literally lose 15 matches for every 1 I win. Why is that? My team is NEVER controlling the majority of the flags in Conquest. How is it possible that I am always on the losing team? It can't just be coincidence, can it? How is it that the team I'm on is never working together, while the opposing team always seems to be?

Side note, the progression system in this game is confusing and unintuitive. Unlocking stuff is confusing, the menus are confusing. Just damn it.

Feels good to rant.
Stealth Jet: cant make a full assessment until I unlock 30mm, but 20 and 25 are too weak against everything plus hud needs improvement. F35 needs a turning radius buff.

Attack Jet: 30mm gun can take out a tank or attack boat in one strafe. I have done it numerous times. Its definitely strong enough. Its secondaries need work over. They are all complete jokes except for laser guided. Pretty disappointing JDAM was not BF2 style bomb drop. Forcing 3rd person view for rockets, just wtf. TV missile in the weakened state, double wtf.

Scout Heli: Definitely strong enough, probably need a slight downgrade in max repair that can happen at any given time.

Attack Heli: Seems close to right. Needs a slight buff for defense counter. Its damage output is perfectly fine.

AA is a bit too strong against air. Its main cannon is ridiculously powerful in general. Active Radar AA missiles are completely OP against heli.

On the ground everything seems pretty well balanced, sure there could be a few tweaks but nothing urgent at the moment.

What are you using to control the jets and helis? I'm using a DS4 and it feels great but I am still having trouble lining up shots at times.


What are you using to control the jets and helis? I'm using a DS4 and it feels great but I am still having trouble lining up shots at times.

Keyboard and mouse. I could definitely see issues with lining up on a ds4. The small little movements for the air vehicles are a lot more fickle and sensitive to bf3. Possibly some weird movement acceleration.
Way too many people play Assault, my squad is full with Assault's.

Also i'd love to see the stats at the end of a round from BF2 coming back were you saw who was the best Medic, heli pilot, flag capture, which squad was the best and so on.
I'm willing to bet the class balance in BC2 was a lot more even. I know I played every class in that game. Probably recon the most because the VSS was so sick and motion detectors you could just throw were insanely useful, but I still enjoyed each class.

In Battlefield 3\4, I don't really like Support\Recon so I only play engi\assault.


Just finished my first game of Rush and we barely won after I was able to deactivate the final bomb with a couple second left on the timer. Managed to defend it for a good 10 minutes before the round was over.

By the time it finished the building was basically destroyed. The destruction in this game is amazing.
I'm willing to bet the class balance in BC2 was a lot more even. I know I played every class in that game. Probably recon the most because the VSS was so sick and motion detectors you could just throw were insanely useful, but I still enjoyed each class.

In Battlefield 34, I don't really like SupportRecon so I only play engiassault.


bc2 had the worst class balance since bf vietnam m60/law. Each class relied on something broken and imbalanced to be able to have any success.



Holy shit that's awesome.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
No doubt when you are abusing the CG or the noobtube, but against you it was painful and annoying.

Medic trains and mortar mortar was fun as well, don't lie dude: BC2 was fun. But it was broken in so many ways, yeah.

(Plus the PC controls suck. 2 primary. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.)


Than BF3 was almost perfect. Each class was 25% +- 1%.

No doubt when you are abusing the CG or the noobtube, but against you it was painful and annoying.
Oh god, i forgot how annoying the Gustav was. But my favorite part of BC2 was the M136 AT4, sniping helicopter never got old.
I play domination mostly and can confirm you get alot of xp in those matches. They run about 10-15 minutes each and you'll almost be guaranteed multiple flag captures. The way the maps are laid out you're almost always fighting and getting points as most maps have two choke points that are usually good for fast firefights.

you only get 25 points a capture though and sometimes even less


Medic trains and mortar mortar was fun as well, don't lie dude: BC2 was fun. But it was broken in so many ways, yeah.

(Plus the PC controls suck. 2 primary. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.)

Of course it was fun, but also too ez.

Oh god, i forgot how annoying the Gustav was. But my favorite part of BC2 was the M136 AT4, sniping helicopter never got old.

And DICE was reluctant and took forever to nerf it. Still was incredibly strong even after being nerfed. Funniest was any vehicle including the heli would be locked onto instantly with the tracer dart that had speed of light velocity.


I think attack choppers should be stronger against other helicopters. It should be on the top of the helicopter food chain. Right now a transport chopper with an engineer and a gunner can take down an attack chopper.


Uhh has anyone looked at the symthic stats for carbines? They are better than their AR counterparts by like... a lot. Assault gets shafted.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Operation Locker is going to end up like Operation Metro. Aka the map that people here bitch and moan about because they refuse to believe there's people out there who like the meat grinder.


And DICE was reluctant and took forever to nerf it. Still was incredibly strong even after being nerfed. Funniest was any vehicle including the heli would be locked onto instantly with the tracer dart that had speed of light velocity.

M134 wasn't the problem. The problem was stationary AA. HAHAHAHA YOU SPAWNED IN YOUR BASE BEHIND COVER?? STILL IN RANGE OF MY AA!


PRO-TIP: If you have two extra buttons on your mouse, bind them to up and down in air vehicles. Did this in Planetside 2 and BF4, both make it pitifully easy to control.

Also, worst luck streak ever for me. Last week of nothing but terrible luck in spawns or teams or even just me unloading into a guy and him turning around and magically killing me with a single hit (from what I see on my end at least). Every time I do well, SERVER CRASH.
Locker is fine on 32 player. Particularly on Obliteration.

I hate that DICE always treat Rush like shit. They do the bare minimum to edit the maps into decent sections, and the balancing is always all over the shop.


Uhh has anyone looked at the symthic stats for carbines? They are better than their AR counterparts by like... a lot. Assault gets shafted.

hmm what? No they are not. All the assault weapons are more accurate and have less damage drop off. Carbines are easier to handle and better hipfire.

Wait, you start in jets in mid-air? You can't land jets? What?

They start in mid-air, stops base rape. You can land jets, although no real reason to do such unless of course you are in the f35. Than its more practical to hover over points and cap than do anything else.


Locker is fine on 32 player. Particularly on Obliteration.

I hate that DICE always treat Rush like shit. They do the bare minimum to edit the maps into decent sections, and the balancing is always all over the shop.

Yeah, of what I played, rush is terrible. Rush was all I played in BC2, now conquest is vastly superior.


Yay, another disconnect in the middle of a great match at Dawnbreaker. This time on a UnitedNoobs server. Was top 5, had unlocked a bunch of stuff. This is so ridiculous. Feel like coming back at Christmas when (if) this crap is stable.

On the good side, first time playing Dawnbreaker map and I like it alot. Although DICE for the love of good please improve the damage engineers do to tanks. It should not take me 4-5 shots to kill a tank. By that time everyone on the map knows where I am and I am as good as dead. Are engineers supposed to sacrifice themselves to kill a tank?


So dumb question: if your game crashes does all of your progress (toward unlocks) poof into the Dice netherealm?

If you rejoin the server you crashed out of does that progress get overwritten?

Or does the progress only get lost if the server crashes (no battlereport)?


As a first time BF player, the parachute drop spawns are pissing me off. I'm dead or tagged before I hit the ground. Can someone tell me how I can avoid that? Its infuriating to say the least!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
As a first time BF player, the parachute drop spawns are pissing me off. I'm dead or tagged before I hit the ground. Can someone tell me how I can avoid that? Its infuriating to say the least!

Time your drop, then open the shute and press S (or back on stick) to slow your fall right before you hit the ground. It takes timing and practice. But if you do it right you'll land with no fall damage and no death from the parachute fast descent.

Frankly, it's the most fun part of the game for me at times. Base jumping from something and having to guess if I'll live or die from the fall damage/parachute drop.
So dumb question: if your game crashes does all of your progress (toward unlocks) poof into the Dice netherealm?

If you rejoin the server you crashed out of does that progress get overwritten?

Or does the progress only get lost if the server crashes (no battlereport)?

If your game crashes, not the server, then your progress is saved on the server ONLY IF you don't rejoin the server. If you rejoin, I believe your previous stats are wiped.

If your game crashes and you don't rejoin, as soon as the match on the server is over, you will hear the blip sound on the battelog, telling you that the match has ended, and your stats will be in the report.

At least, that's what I've seen.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
If "BananaSodomy" is from here, send me a PM. Otherwise denied until I know you're from here.


In 2011 when BF3 came out how long did it take until the servers were stable and multiplayer solid?

It seems DICE is letting you guys continue to beta test this game after final release which is not cool at all.


god damn this game crashes alot.

Windows has encountered an error... twice in a row. Guess I'm not playing tonight.


In 2011 when BF3 came out how long did it take until the servers were stable and multiplayer solid?

It seems DICE is letting you guys continue to beta test this game after final release which is not cool at all.


But after the Armored Kill update in BF3 the game more or less broke for some of people (myself being one of those unfortunates). Basically you get punkbuster packet errors, updating/re-installing punkbuster does nothing, repairing/reinstalling BF3 does nothing, allowing every single tiny aspect of punkbuster through the firewall/virus sweep does nothing, even reformatting your HDD and starting over from scratch does not fix the punkbuster errors. (I've done all of these more times than I care to admit).

I gave up on BF3 like a year ago. If I can play, it's only for a few minutes before it's broken again.


It seems DICE is letting you guys continue to beta test this game after final release which is not cool at all.

The hilarious part is that there was a beta and during the beta the game ran better and was more stable on my rig.
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