quick question, if i pre order from GMG, do i still get the china rising expansion pack?
you will surely get the chinarising
quick question, if i pre order from GMG, do i still get the china rising expansion pack?
You are so wrong.
Half of my jet kills (30.000+) were on infantry and tanks.
you will surely get the chinarising
You are so wrong.
Half of my jet kills (30.000+) were on infantry and tanks.
I noticed China Rising is actually the 2nd DLC, while Second Assault is the 1st. A clever ploy to get more people to buy premium and to come back to the game if they leave.
I disagree. The only thing you can't do in a jet is cap flags.Sure, being strafed is a minor inconvenience, but you can't put in the work someone on the ground can.
You're not going to kill any tank in one pass reliably, unless you really get some range and get a reload halfway through, but then you'll waste too much time gaining range.You are not going to kill a competent tank driver @100% in one pass reliably. Just not going to happen.
If a team can't even get half of the flags, with the help of a good pilot, they don't deserve to win.Plenty of times a good pilot will also cause the other team to give up on the air vehicles, resulting in your team being run over on the ground. The attack jets can reliably kill tanks, so that's a little different, but it's still nowhere near as powerful as BF2. Lots of new goodies in 4, so I'm sure you will have fun.
Jets had no meaningful way of impacting the ground game other than simply denying airspace to the other team. BF2 was much better in this regard. Now we've got JDAMs/dumb bombs again, it will be different. I got real good at switching from the pilot seat to the bomber seat and back again in BF2.
I'm not even sick of Shanghai and it says I put 104 hours into the beta.
Pre-ordered just a few minutes ago. I'm not even sick of Shanghai and it says I put 104 hours into the beta. I'm looking forward to playing that map just as much as the others.
A good jet player can provide excellent support for the team. Issue is jets seem to have the steepest learning curve of any vehicle, and so having a good jet player is a rarity. Most of the time they piss around the sky shooting at each other while everybody on the ground does the actual work.
On the other hand, even an average jet player can prove useful in pressuring helis. And since helis are a bit easier to work out and ruthless against infantry, that can be valuable.
Also anyone have any idea when you are supposed to get your BF4 keys with Greenmangaming?
you still need the disk
I can't judge BF3 rush since i never did any rush game on it except on metro alpha. And I might misunderstand but aren't we agreeing ? I do think rush is mostly intended for infantry, and dense fight on choke point; and it became even more true from bc1 to bc2 ( which is probably why bc1 had better/more open conquest maps ). Metro was just the next step.
My problem is that not only there already is game modes which focus on infantry/dense battle over choke point ( which is fine, diversity and all ), but also more than half of the conquest map are heavily done with that in mind... yet they still make it happen in the very few 'big map' in conquest too.
Between that and the licence loosing in 'scale' when it come to playable vehicule ( compared to bf1942 <3 ), I'm quite disapointed in the way things are handled ( I will avoid speaking about their position on modding, I would end up swearing far too much ).
EatChildren said:A good jet player can provide excellent support for the team. Issue is jets seem to have the steepest learning curve of any vehicle, and so having a good jet player is a rarity. Most of the time they piss around the sky shooting at each other while everybody on the ground does the actual work.
On the other hand, even an average jet player can prove useful in pressuring helis. And since helis are a bit easier to work out and ruthless against infantry, that can be valuable.
I played a few hours of Black Ops II MP tonight, for some reason. It was kind of fun.been playing bf3 to cure the itch for bf4, but its not the same at all.
um, I purchase this day one digital on ps3 and plan on upgrading for ps4, no disc required.
so did i, but i also managed to read and also comprehend the post i was replying to. the poster was asking for the upgrade code that comes in the PS3 disk version.
the PS3 digital version has no such code, it just automatically allows you to buy the PS4 digital version for $9.99 if your PSN account has purchased the PS3 version.
The problem is, they've thrown Rush's flanking routes out the window.
So, I've played a ton of shooters but never Battlefield. I'm usually a terrifically average player. And I'm finally going to jump into Battlefield - any tips/hints/insights to make the first few days less painful?
no need to be a dick, I can comprehend too.... I was thinking about PS3 game sharing, but whatever.
Rush is supposed to play in a linear fashion, with a defined frontline where you can expect combat. That's the entire appeal. Too many flanking routes, too many vehicles etc... makes for poor map balance. The Strike at Karkand maps, for example, are essentially roped off areas of the map on rush mode. Metro, on the other hand, was designed from the start to be a rush map and it plays brilliantly. Same for Damavand. Bazaar and Seine play great on rush despite being a little more conquest oriented. Caspian and Firestorm are god awful rush maps, because they are conquest maps at heart.
LevelCap says the maps are better balanced this time around for specific modes. I sure hope so.
Full disclaimer: I have never been into the 'wander around from flag to flag' style gameplay that large conquest maps encourage. Those maps tend to have far too many vehicles, forcing half of the team to play engineer. Rush is where it's at if you are good in a gunfight. If you like vehicles, play conquest. Obliteration, so far, has the focus of rush combined with the openness of conquest. Looks like a smart addition to bridge the gap.
wait, what? i'd say you were being the inconsiderate one by leading off with "um, ..." as if you were correcting a grievous error in my post.
So, I've played a ton of shooters but never Battlefield. I'm usually a terrifically average player. And I'm finally going to jump into Battlefield - any tips/hints/insights to make the first few days less painful?
So, I've played a ton of shooters but never Battlefield. I'm usually a terrifically average player. And I'm finally going to jump into Battlefield - any tips/hints/insights to make the first few days less painful?
So is this a glitch or is it unlocking for me a day later?
Rush is supposed to play in a linear fashion, with a defined frontline where you can expect combat. That's the entire appeal. Too many flanking routes, too many vehicles etc... makes for poor map balance. The Strike at Karkand maps, for example, are essentially roped off areas of the map on rush mode. Metro, on the other hand, was designed from the start to be a rush map and it plays brilliantly. Same for Damavand. Bazaar and Seine play great on rush despite being a little more conquest oriented. Caspian and Firestorm are god awful rush maps, because they are conquest maps at heart.
LevelCap says the maps are better balanced this time around for specific modes. I sure hope so.
Full disclaimer: I have never been into the 'wander around from flag to flag' style gameplay that large conquest maps encourage. Those maps tend to have far too many vehicles, forcing half of the team to play engineer. Rush is where it's at if you are good in a gunfight. If you like vehicles, play conquest. Obliteration, so far, has the focus of rush combined with the openness of conquest. Looks like a smart addition to bridge the gap.
oh, haha, it just seemed like it with that leadoff!my bad, wasn't gunning for a negative spin.
Yeah, okay, I can't take your opinion seriously.
BC1's maps shit all over the "flanking choke-point for actionZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz crowd" map design BC2 started and BF3 used more of.
But if you want two-lane checking, hey... DICE is at least catering to you while I weep for the mode being "dumbed down."
BF3 then "streamlined" this to the point of killing the entire mode
People are going to be people and play the "easy mode" class
But "traveling from flag to flag" has nothing to do with Rush.
And no, Obliteration, while fun, is not what Rush is supposed to be.
just to be clear... are you claiming that Metro is a better Rush map than Karkand?
people play it for the XP. it's a well made map if your objective as a player is to grind XP.Absolutely. I'm not alone, seeing as how Metro is one of (if not the #1) most played maps, and will be back with us in Second Assault. It's really not for everyone and is pretty bad on 64 players but it's a well made map.
Cool, thank you. What does it mean to throw health and ammo packs?Similar advice to people who play Team Fortress 2 for the first time: for most of a round, you are not a one many army. Value your place in a team, and what your team can do for you. If an encounter seems too daunting or dangerous, retreat a little and let better team members with more appropriate equipment handle it. Know your role, and what support you can provide to your group. Throw health and ammo packs. Don't be afraid to be behind the squad providing support in other areas than run-and-gun shootbang. You'll usually be assigned to a squad automatically, and if the squad leader is competent he/she will be giving you objectives to attack. Doesn't hurt to follow these orders to better your squad's bonus score and stats.
people play it for the XP. it's a well made map if your objective as a player is to grind XP.
Cool, thank you. What does it mean to throw health and ammo packs?
Cool, thank you. What does it mean to throw health and ammo packs?
yes, DOM or TDM would be more efficient SPM generators but that doesn't make them more popular.On conquest, maybe. Those 64 player clusterfucks with explosives give the map a bad name. Best way to grind XP is on domination or TDM.
If I want to play BF4 on both PC and PS4, do I need to buy premium for both?
yes, DOM or TDM would be more efficient SPM generators but that doesn't make them more popular.
Where is the cheapest place to buy pc ver?
Try and find a decent rush server right now or late at night for BF3. Now try and find a 24/7 TDM Canals server. Tons of those. Really no secret that TDM is pretty popular (possibly the most popular mode by player count) despite it being antithetical to what Battlefield stands for.
Mexico eh do they ban if you VPN buy ?Try and find a decent rush server right now or late at night for BF3. Now try and find a 24/7 TDM Canals server. Tons of those. Really no secret that TDM is pretty popular (possibly the most popular mode by player count) despite it being antithetical to what Battlefield stands for.
GMG or Origin Mexico ($75 for base game and premium after tax)
Mexico eh do they ban if you VPN buy ?