JackFrags is uploading some Gulf of Oman footage now and apparently the levolution is a sandstorm
Looking forward to it.
that Battlefield 4 Unofficial Next Gen Trailer is pretty awesome:
JackFrags is uploading some Gulf of Oman footage now and apparently the levolution is a sandstorm
levelcap shows off the new Operation Metro on X1. Looks great
The media is motivated to continue the quid pro quo relationship with the publishers, that is why we only hear crickets.
They will likely have the same issues. PS4 should, theoretically, have the higher resoultion and framerate.
Don't they only work in shallow water?
Edit: I misread this, Nvm.The game's issues are not platform based IMO, it's the game itself. But damn the constant crashing and corrupting of saves is annoying.
That Second Assault map pack is going to be free, right? And is it going to be released in December along with China Rising?
That Second Assault map pack is going to be free, right? And is it going to be released in December along with China Rising?
Wow I give up on this PS4 version everytime the menu was coming up it was giving me an error and closing the game now when it tries to start up it says my data and saves are corrupted. Like wtf I should contact Sony and tell them to at least give me back my $10.00 upgrade fee and take this shit off my account.
IGN gave it an 8.5. How'd they even play the freakin' game?
PS4 version seems a lot more stable to me after they reset the servers. I can actually play Rush now.
Gulf of Oman best map bf2, bf3, bf4.
Wronng, Caspian was the best BF3 map
What's with all the Second Assault previews? Isn't China Rising coming out in two weeks?
The GOL Sniper Magnum is back
Gulf of Oman best map bf2, bf3, bf4.
Once again: NO.
X-box 720 gets Second Assault exclusive this coming week/on launch. We don't get that until after China Rising. CHINA RISING itself does not come out until December.
When there is so few good map to remaster from bf3, you take what you can.Why is Oman returning? I know it was popular in BF3 but it was already "remastered" for that. re-remastering it for BF4 is dumb. It should be just BF3 maps or one map from 4 different BFs.
Give me fucking Arica Harbor DICE
Anyone knows if unlocks carries over from the PS3 to the PS4?
Anyone knows if unlocks carries over from the PS3 to the PS4?
Still no conquest?
Yes. MP trophies carry over as well.
Yes. You do a one time transfer. All the stuff I earned carried over.
I hope the One's stability will be there from day one.
No kiddin. I just wanna playDon't hold your breath at this point.
Not sure what they did but the stuttering has ended for me and I can play just fine.
Just played 2 games.
One client crash.
One server crash, which I hadn't seen one for awhile.