I can always tell console footage due to the jaggies, lower res textures, lower FOV, and generally blurriness of the image.
And, of course, the general slow reaction times associated with the controller. Always looks like everyone is moving in molasses.
Looks to be the same this generation, though if you told me KZ: Shadowfall was running on a PC I would probably believe you.
That XO footage is fairly stereotypical of the things you would look for.
Honestly I'm getting kind of sick of DICE reusing maps for map packs. Last year it was ok, since it had been years since BF2 came out and Wake Island is a classic 1942 map, but BF3 maps being remade already doesn't do too much for me. Who wanted Firestorm back? I didn't think it was great in BF3.
EA loves that cheap and quick development turnaround.
To play devil's advocate here, your fans are pining for content quickly. You are in a Bioshock Infinite situation where you need to churn out something as quick as possible even though it will likely be garbage.
I don't necessarily like it, but I can see why they are doing it and I don't really have a problem with it. Now, the maps they chose I do have a problem with.
Operation Firestorm? More like Operation Bland.
Operation Metro? We already have Lockers for your typical lowest common denominator corridor fest for those that don't want to think.
Both Caspian Border and Oman are good maps I guess, I just don't tend to like vehicle maps due to my infantry-combat tastes. Weren't there better maps in the Karkand rotation?